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this is : AELIS WORLD

welcome to the
warped side of life.



i am AELIS

and the CELLO!

i love STCBAND!
many instruments, one sound. many sections, one family!

i love the HORNS & TRUMPETS!

i am currently in sec 4 ATOMIC!
watch out, we'll blow you away!

i was born on ohfive onetwo ninefour.
presents are always welcome(:

i am taking part in CHINGAY 2010!
look out for me!



the COOLEST place in the universe.


other stops in the universe.


the AWESOMEST people ever in the history of awesome people.



Sam Tsui!
AJ Rafael!
Gabe Bondoc!



listen up
pls do not remove the creditszx!
Designer:yik thong
Others:x o x o o
Thursday, April 26, 2007 @2:56:00 AM
aelispeaks:MY PHONE

MY PHONE GOT CONFISCATED!!! BY THE EFFING **** ********l. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...but i got it back today. oh well. i'm NEVER EVER EVER EVER gonna sms in class again. EVER. i almost died without my phone. haha. oh well. then today in the middle of class i felt vibration. then i was like 'crap. no. must have self control. must have self control. must have self control!!!!!!!' haha. but now i gotta work hard and do well for science! lols. oh well. on to finish page 12. i gotta do that, then finish page 17 and whatever more there are. then i'm gonna give it to parveen as a pressie. 1st draft of 'ILLOGICAL.' good pressie eh? :D i rock. haha. TTYL!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007 @3:41:00 AM
aelispeaks:page 12. which also went through the wash but is still legible thank God.

i just saw my blog in explorer...not firefox and it looked so weird. like the fonts were all screwed up and everything and the X es were so big it looked horrendous. jeez. oh well. i'll check with bessy. :D right. page 12. here goes.

eh...wereami? *blink blink* this isn't my hotel room. but it's definitely the same hotel. fancy thick gold curtains? check. big big BIG bed with fluffy pillows? check. flat-screen tv in some big old wooden cupboard thingo at the end of the bed? check. freezing cold tiles in the loo? omigoshit'scold. check. yep. same hotel. but which room? and whose? someone must have carried me here from the floor yesterday...oops. i can't believe i fell asleep on the floor. oh well. but still. whose room is thissss?????? OMIGOSH. the door's opening and it's...it's it's ZAC??? NO WAY!!!! WHAT'S HE DOING HERE?? HE SHOULD BE IN CALIFORNIA OR WHERE EVER!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! "gooooooodddd morning. :D i came to check out the movie with the newest upcoming star in the making...PARVEEN GUPTA! haha. who also happens to be a lazy bum who sleeps in 'till about 12. haha but you're soo much thinner then when i last saw you! has Channing and Wentworth been bullying you? haha. let's go get a meal ok? brunch for you, lunch for everyone else. haha...' and while he's saying all this i'm staring at him like some bodohead and thinking 'OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. I AM IN HIS ROOM, IN HIS BED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD HE'S JUST STANDING THERE TALKING ABOUT FATTENING ME UP!!!! THIS IS SO UNBELIEVEABLE!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WADDA I DO WADDA I DO WADDAIDOOOOOOOO??? ASK HIM?? ok i'll ask him. 'er Zac? where did you sleep last night?' OMG. now he's staring at me like i'm retarded (i am for even ASKING HIM THAT!!!) omg...why did i have to open my BIG FAT MOUTH?????????? *slaps mouth slaps mouth* OMIGOSH. he's grinning...?? and now he's shaking... "OMG. Parveen you are HILLARIOUS!!!!!! omg. of course i slept on the couch...LOL. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" and now he's rofl. oooooookayeee....LOL. his laugh is contagious. now i'm laughing too! it was SUCH a lame question. lols. now i see how retarded i am for thinking Zac would do something like that. LOL.
I just had a laff-a-thon with Zac over my retardedness. haha. now i'm grinning like an idiot. haha. and we're going out to lunch...to fatten me up so he says. haha. and we're going to see if Wentworth and Channing can come. yaye! haha.
oh well. Wentworth is coming but Channing is out but he says he'll meet us in the restaurant 'cos he likes that restaurant. :D haha.


Thursday, April 19, 2007 @4:14:00 AM
aelispeaks:page 11 which went through the wash and is being typed now in case it disintergrates or whatever.

OMG. this WHOLE paper just went through the wash. and now i just unfolded it. and its all stuck together. and wet. and one whole BIG chunk of it is gone. so I'm typing it now (19th April 2007, same as page 2) in case it disintegrates or whatever. sooo...yeah. PAGE 11.

omigosh. i just got tickled for 5 minutes straight and now i can't stop laughing. *sigh* i'm so tired from laughing too much. haha. but i guess all 'hormonal crushes' are gone. they're just brothers or something. really really cute brothers tho. :) back to filming i go! before the director gets mad and starts yelling again. the guys love watching him go mad...actually me too. haha. we're not mean...it's seriously funny. first his face turns red then purple, then he waves his flabby arms in the air runs in circles yelling at people. honestly, its HILARIOUS. i should put it on youtube but that would be so MEAN. lols. i am SO holistic. NOT. lols. gotta goooo!
this is the bit in the movie where i meet Wentworth (Wallace in the movie) and he yells at me for wrecking his science set so he failed his test and for being so uppity and stuck up and thinking i'm so great etc. then i'm 'shocked' cos he - lowly, poor, grubby, ex offender - actually dared to talk to rich, high class, cleaned moi! then i realize how cute he is and i try to act cool and scoff then be all sarcastic and comment on him. like how lowly and grubby etc he is. then he steps closer and yells more then i be sarcastic again and step closer again then halfway through i realize we're like touching, almost, and we stare into each other's eyes. omg...its gonna be sooo hard not not laugh. haha. even thinking about it is making me laugh. i guess i'm gonna have to pretend that i hate him and keep thinking 'ihateyouihateyouihateyou...' on and on and on. but it'll still be hard. :D but i know i really don't. :) so. back to staring. staring staring staring staring then i lean up abit (cos obviously he'll be taller than me even in the movie) and flirt abit like i think we're gonna snog or something then all of a sudden he'll turn and storm off and i'll be like leaning over and i almost fall in shock when he leaves. cos like no guy has EVER done it to me. (me as in me in the movie. der.) and i stare after him all the way and when my friends come over i'm like all dazed and confused and in 7th heaven or something. then all my friends are shocked cos he's so...low! haha. but i really <3 style="font-weight: bold;">PAID
FOR DOING ALL THIS???? well actually to tell the truth being with the 3 cutest guys in the world is payment enough but i'm gonna have to have cash to get into school after i flunk all my exams right? :D but hopefully i wont. hopefully. there's alot of hope there. oh well. IM IN LURVE! :D
we've been filming for like 6 hours straight. i'm hoarse. and exhausted. and starving. and loving all the guys. and talking crap. and has just collapsed on the floor. i never ever ever ever ever ever EVER EVER EVER EVER wanna get up again. *sigh* so tired...and fallin...falling asleeeee.....................................................................................


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 @2:37:00 AM
aelispeaks:muh story. page 1 and god knows what.

ariki takuka. thats my jap name. cool huh. :) ooh...i like this font. haha. ok. fixed. the story will be in Trebuchet font. :) oh right. the story. almost forgot. haha. ok. lets start. :)

I'm walking home from school and guess who i see????????? No, not the stupid stalker guy who's been following me around. ZAC EFRONNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE ISSS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oops. anyway, he's with his manager (frumpy middle aged man in suits all the time) and he's looking for a non-American girl who's 13 to star as his little sister in his upcoming musical movie thingo, "My sister, My brother. WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE?" He'd been auditioning all day long the poor (cute) guy. So far only 2 girls had made an impression but they were twins and already were starring in 3 shows! He wanted someone new. fresh. Never EVER would i dream it would be me...........

so. back to 'i was walking home from school blahblahblah' when Zac saw me he was like 'OMG. Who is she?? she's PERFECT!' and his frumpy manager was like 'But sir, Mr Efron sir, we've still got one day of auditions and there are the twins and er...you...you don't even know who she is or if she can act or sing or anything yet....sir.' 'i don't care!! she's perfect! i don't care if she's MUTE. and me? i was standing there gawping like an idiot cos zac efon was sooooooooooooooooooo near me!!!!!!!!!! like if i took 2 steps i would be able to touch him. then i realized i could touch ZAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok. calm down calmmmm...dowwwnnnn...calm..OMG. HE IS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!*sigh* then he spoke. *faints* not. haha. 'Hey. I'm Zac but you probably know that. haha. do you mind singing something for me er...right now?' O.O omigosh. omigosh. omigosh. i opened my mouth but all that came out was this little weird squeaky sound. sooo great, parveen.so after like forever i sung 'when there was me and you' from high school musical. then, i puked. all over his shoes. NOT. i barely missed tho. thank god. he looks soooo stunned. i probably sang so horridly then now i puked he probably thinks I'm a freak or something. crappy hell. i meet the guy of my dreams and i PUKE on him. SOOOOOOOOO SMART RIGHT???????? 'omg. are you ok??? eh...i still don't know your name. haha' 'er...Parveen? yup. i think i'll go home now. right. see ya...' omg...sooo embarrassing. OMG. HE'S PUTTING HIS ARMS (oh his beeeutiful muscly arms...) AROUND MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg...i could sooo faint!!! i love you Zac...............'Parveen! no! your singing was great! everyone gets nervous...you were great! better than Vanessa even! pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease be my little sister in my musical movie!!!' OMG. ZAC EFRON, 1 OF 3 CUTEST GUYS IN THE WORLD IS BEGGING MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! AFTER I ALMOST PUKED ON HIM!!! *squeals* and now even his manager is asking (not begging. frumpy old managers in suits never beg.) me to do it!!! I ROCK!!!!!!!! oh yeah, oh yeah, i rock, i rock, oh yeah, oh yeah. WHO-HOOOO!!!!!! LOLS. OMG. IS THAT....CHANNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE'S SOOOO CUTE TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'you HAVE to star in my movie. you're great!! i heard you like 2 blocks down! oh. hi Zac. PLEASE?' OMG. CHANNING AND ZAC BEGGING ME??? THIS IS SOOOO COOL!!!! OMG. WHICH ONE DO I CHOOSE??? THEY'RE BOTH SOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!! What do i do??? Zac? Channing? Zac or Channing? Z or C? Musical or Movie? hottie or hottie? (that sounds wrong but it's true.) which one???????????? argh!!!!!!!!

*end of PAGE 1*

@1:59:00 AM
aelispeaks:doneby: MOI.

like i said on the 18th of april 2007, there'll be something interesting on my blog for once. :D i sound so corny. haha. oh well. anyway...the interesting thing is this story that i wrote (ALL BY MYSELF...but sue ann did write a couple of sentences and gave some inspiration and Parveen wrote a few lines too but its mainly ME.) about one of my new classmates who i called Parveen and she is CRAZY over 1. Zac Efron 2. Channing (from step up the movie) 3. Wentworth Miller (Prison Break. HE IS CUTE.) haha. and she also loves the washisname wrestler. and benji and his bro. and lots of other ppl. guys. haha. so from now on, all my posts will be this story. BTW. this story is called 'ILLOGICAL' and the musical in the story is called 'My sister. My brother. Whats the diff?' lame but the only thing i could think of at that time. and the movie is called '*dom' its actually star-dom like yeah. i mean the * is a star. cos it was written out so we could always draw the star out. so keep in mind, *dom (stardom) is the movie in the story. right. ON WITH THE STORY. lols.

Sunday, April 15, 2007 @6:24:00 PM
aelispeaks:IT CLASS!

i am blogging in school. in IT class. SO COOLL!!!!!!!!!!!!1 but there's like only 6 mins left. grrrs. so quick apology if i have tonnes of spelling mistakes. so...right. thank god i finally have something to blog about. :D I HATE ALISSA LIM AND ALL HER RETARDED MONKEYFACES BUCKTOOTHY WHATEVERS CRAPPY SHITTE. so...yeah. and THANKS MR CHEN FOR LETTING US USE BLOGGER IN YR CLASS. i swear, this school has SO many internet restricitions we need to be profesional hackers to get anywhere. the only things they allow are google yahoo the usual seach engines and hotmail. and apparently some ppl can get to fan fiction. oh well. even jps was WAY better. if the teacher was a TOTAL bodohead who didn't care what you did, then you can sign in to msn or play games or go radioblogclub.com. but youtube took too long ARGH! BYEEEEEEEEEEE