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this is : AELIS WORLD

welcome to the
warped side of life.



i am AELIS

and the CELLO!

i love STCBAND!
many instruments, one sound. many sections, one family!

i love the HORNS & TRUMPETS!

i am currently in sec 4 ATOMIC!
watch out, we'll blow you away!

i was born on ohfive onetwo ninefour.
presents are always welcome(:

i am taking part in CHINGAY 2010!
look out for me!



the COOLEST place in the universe.


other stops in the universe.


the AWESOMEST people ever in the history of awesome people.



Sam Tsui!
AJ Rafael!
Gabe Bondoc!



listen up
pls do not remove the creditszx!
Designer:yik thong
Others:x o x o o
Wednesday, May 30, 2007 @1:27:00 AM
aelispeaks:hahahahaha. not.

yo. once again i have not updated my blog for what feels like forever. oh well. not like bessy can nag me about it on my taggy since there is no taggy. =] haha. that smiley is so cute. =]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=]=] haha ok i'm being lame. oh well. anyway. it's the 3rd day of the holidays. i have 2 projects to finish and i have no idea how to contact my members. oh well. and on top of that i have a really hectic schedule. here's an example.band from 6-8 on the 1st, 4th 5th 21st 22nd and more that i can't rmb. not saying that i don't enjoy it. i love band! XD haha.

yesterday we had to stand in a line from tall to tallest. which means short to tall but since there are no 'short' people in band, it's tal to tallest. haha. then its was chao funny. hui min was on my left, which meant she was shorter than me. caszella was on my right tho i think we were same height. haha. then we originally had to shout out our name and a message for the band like 'band rocks' or something. 1st was claire. she yelled 'i love band. WHOOOO!' then everyone laughed like mad tho we were supposed to be in drill formation or whatever you call it. then cos miss tan was the one choosing the ppl then she saw me trying not to laugh then she chose me. then i yelled 'band rocks!' like 3 times before they said ok. then ling yi shouted and it was damm cute cos she's so small. haha. then sam and i think her name is jamie were standing on the balcony thingo looking at us then sam saw the 3 of us standing right next to each other then she laughed. then she pointed with 3 fingers so it was obviously us. i was trying to hard not to laugh. but then they gave up with the name and message thing then they started with the tallest and we had to shout the message only. almost everyone shouted band rocks. or i love band. chao funny. then caszella was like 'i love band like i love my family!' then everyone laughed like mad cos it was so luo suo. i wanted to shout 'band is my family' but that would sound like copying caszella. so i just did the band rocks. haha. then after that the seniors and juniors had a drill competition then miss tan kept saying that the seniors were sam's work and we were serena's work. but actually i think our volume was almost the same as the seniors. which was quite good...? oh well. then after that we went in and played the game. chao funny. we had to jump up to answer the question then there was once rachel jumped up and fell down. then she was like 'ahh!' in a really high pitched voice and it sounded really weird. haha. band rocks like mad lor. =D

that was a really long paragraph. haha. oh well. i'm bored. lalala. i swear...this is becoming like a band blog or something...everything i talk about band. haha. oh well. i guess band really is family. =] =] =] =] haha. oh well. i'm going to do....the imposible quiz? might as well. haha. ttfn!

loving band-ly yours,

Sunday, May 27, 2007 @3:42:00 AM

i'm bored. so i blog. haha. anything happened? nope. but at least there's band tmr...but my whole holiday is soo packed! with band prac, and tuition on thursdays and xue er you holiday for two weeks only...ARGH. it's meant to be a holiday for crying out loud...and dad almost wanted to bring the rest of season 2 of Prison Break to dagugu's house just cos siian and sijay are having Os and As. soo unfair. my PSLE was last year...and now i have to study too cos i'm in sec 1??? O_O no connection lor. and my mid year average mark was B3. haha. it's not that bad. bad but not that bad. haha. sam is so funny. i added her on msn but she's never online so i smsed her and asked her 'hey...why you never online der? haha.'
then she replied 'Err...dunno? haha. erm..my Os are like tmr..'
then i replied 'Oooh. poor thing. ok then. you coming to band prac tmr? =)'
then she said 'i have o levels! bleah.. -.-'' ' she's always diao-ing me...i have no idea why... i very good to diao meh??
then i replied 'After the paper lar..we'll be there from 8-6 eh...its so long i'll probably fall asleep half way through. haha.'
then she said 'fall aslp. -.-'' (again!) first time i hear someone saying that in band. wun fall alsp one can? (her english very der hard to understand...haha) -.-'' (again and again!!) unless u all never do ur own hw la. u'll get what i mean next time. =)'
then me said 'er...ok...haha. i'm not a morning person. i go there at 8am i'll be like a zombie. haha. but still...cna't you come after the paper? pleaseee? =)'
then she replied ' Orh...if i were still drum major you are so dead. i'll drill you till you wake up. haha i cant lar..not tt i dont wanna go. xuanya will be there. i have to go Acs.'
then i asked 'haha then i'm glad you're not drum major anymore. and why ACS? should be ACJC right?'
she replied ' haha.. tsk tsk...nope...acs..independent. =)'
then i asked 'go for what? and you tsk tsk me for whatt??'
and she hasn't replied yet. haha. but she's so cute lar. and she always diaos me. which is not so cute. haha. oh well. i'll come back and edit post if she replies. now i'll go play...club penguin! but i gotta go for dinner. haha. =) ttfn!

dinnering-ly yours,

Wednesday, May 23, 2007 @7:10:00 AM
aelispeaks:omigosh i'm sorry.

i'm falling back into my old bad bad habit of not blogginggggg. argh. sorry. haha. anyway...lots have happened. i'll do a list and elaborate below the point.

2. i am now hanging out with amelia who is not a bitch...as i used to think. but i still have recess with Zoey and Ying Mei and Vivian. but amirah doesn't like me so i only sit with melia during chinese. personally i don't really like amirah either.

4. omg rod is so sweet. or at least i think he is. haha. cos my msn nic is 'argh!!!! i hate all populars!! grrr' with many more exclamation marks.haha. and his nic is 'popularity is nothing compared to quality' which is soo true. cos those bitches do NOT have quality. melia and i do. =D

5. hmm..oh yeah. for all those ppl who worried like mad when i said i cut my self...pai seh. i didn't really slash slash...i just like kinda drrraaaaaggggggggeeeddddd the scissors over my wrist. no blood tho. yeah. haha.

6. and i FINALLY managed to maintain high C on the horn for 6 1/2 counts. so proud. LOL. for those who think i'm being lame i'm not. the french horn is the hardest instrument in the whole band to play. especially with such a small mouthpiece. and i managed it oh yeah. oh yeah. LOL. ok sorry. but now i have to play the higher parts in like everything. we were asked to do some 135 thing then xuan ya told me to play high C then caz and hui min play A and she and serene play F. NOT FAIR LOR. i play all aloneee. i with sam had come. then she play with me. but in the end we didn't do it. haha. thank God. =D oh yeah. and sam was like so cute that day lar. she came to help me and caz since hui min was helping serene. then we both had kiss marks then she said 'aiyo...you both got kiss marks! you know the french horn likes frenching? cannot do any wrong things hor! (ROFL) you know it's a french horn...it's very horny.' or something like that. i was almost roflmao. if i wasn't holding the horn ad was sitting on the floor i would. haha.

7. hmmm...let me think. aiya can't be bothered. but yeah. HOLIDAYS COMING UPPPPP. haha. i'll try my best to blog more tmr. =D

8. p.s point 1 and 3 are now deleted cos they are vulgar and wrong. yup. and i'll go change alissa's one too.


sleepily yours,
siLEAAA. (its supposed to be a yawn. haha) night!

Saturday, May 19, 2007 @9:20:00 PM

i cut my wrist again...i was like mega depressed last night...like going into depression or something...i wish. at least if i was in depression i wouldn't have to go to school. i think. but then i would have to go see a shrink. which would totally suck. i think. but whatever. i'm blogging not cos i've got something to say but its cos i've got nothing to say. hmmm...sounds weird. whatever. lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala (p.s i'm going to be spamming from now onwards so if you have something better to do you'd better go do it and not waste your time here...)lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalaLALALALALALALALALALALALALA

Friday, May 18, 2007 @1:01:00 AM
aelispeaks:so dead.

on thursday, i went out on the most fabulous date ever. then i came back to hell and am trapped here for 2 months or more. right...here's the full story.

i planned to go out with rodson to watch a 4 plus movie after he let out of school. since only stc had a one day holiday, i couldn't go out with Bessy or anyone before that. so when i woke up for the fourth time that morning...1st time was sian waking me up to go to school then i was dozing off then mom came in and checked with me then she sent him off and i went back to sleep. then when they were gone and i just fell asleep i felt a vibration and it was my phone. so then i replied and stayed awake for like 20 mins then he didn't reply so i fell asleep again. then mom came back and woke me up saying she was going to work. then i fell asleep and got woken again by my phone. then after that i stayed awake and watched a movie. i smsed Parveen and asked her if she wanted to go out and it just so happened that she wanted to go to the library at jp which was where we were going to watch the movie. so i asked her to meet me at the 7-11. then i bathed in a flash and quickly pulled on the denim skirt and my tank top and threw a couple of stuff into my bag and tied my jacket around me. then i called mom and said i was going out now so i would be going to her office to get cash. then its like i wasted 15 mins in there explaining to her why i was going to jp instead of jec. then i said i was going out with Bessy to the movie but i was meeting Parveen (which was true tho the Bessy part wasn't) first then after that wait for Bessy to come. she grudgingly handed over the cash but said i had to return back to her office by 2 pm with Bessy.

so i dashed all the way to jp and met Parveen there. then we walked in circles around the mall looking for the library then we saw her sister and asked her but we didn't understand her directions so we got lost again and we bought Anderson's ice cream and then we saw her sis again and asked her again. then we were walking all over the place with the melting ice cream (and i was melting too) until we FINALLY found the library. so then we threw away the now liquid ice cream and went in. then we got books, and sat down to read. then after like 45 mins or so he smsed and i asked him to come jp. then after that me and Parveen went to Pizza Hut for lunch. she had baked pasta and i had a salad. then we talked about all the irritating people in our class and all the people who disliked us. haha. :D but we weren't bitching...we were kind of comparing. haha. but yeah. then suddenly this 2 guys and 2 girls from i dunno what school came in and sat at the table next to us. then she was like 'omg i know that guy. and he is not cute.' grr. i never even saw him and i doubt i would have said he was cute anyway. haha. then after that we paid up sand i discovered that Parveen Gupta does not know how to read a Pizza Hut receipt. haha. then we went to Toys-R-Us and hung out in there for about 1 hr i think talking about all the dolls. haha. then we played with the hoola hoops and she was HOPELESS at them. then i tried to do 2 at one go then she took 2 small pink ones and when i was getting the hang of it she waved them around and jumped up and down and said (or laughed) 'GO SILEA GO!' then it was so damm funny that both of us fell on the floor laughing. haha. the Toys-R-Us bit was MEGA fun. then when we stepped out i saw toilet bowl and da bian and on girl who looked like she was flirting with them. she was fat. ok i know i'm not very skinny either but she was seriously fat. haha. then we went to the loo and Parveen called him and he said he was outside Courts and she thought he said Crotch (the disgusting girl) and had a laughing fit. so i grabbed the phone and told him to wait in toys r us. then when we got there he walked out and i was like 'omg.' no he did not transform into some mega hunky cute guy nor did he bring some american blue eye-ed guy for Parveen but yeah. haha. then we had to walk Parveen all the way to the bus terminal and back in. haha. then she brought us 2 whole rounds of the mall before she got there. she is hopeless. haha. :D

then...i wanted to buy popcorn and drinks but we only had a total of 4.50 so he bought a drink with his 2.50 and i just waited. haha. i know it makes him sound mean but he's not. so we went in and watched blades of glory. his laugh is really nice. and really loud too. LOL. now i'm evil. then after that he sent me home tho i think he wanted to stay at the arcade. :D see he's so good. haha. then after that he got an sms from his mom who wanted to meet him for dinner so he didn't send me all the way back. then the hell started.

i got back then i was like 'sorry mom i sms-ed you...the movie ended at 6.30. sorry' then i came in and then she said some stuff that i forgot then suddenly she said 'you've been lying through your teeth right? i bet you didn't go out with Bessy...you went out with who? roddyyyy.' seriously she said his name like that...i kinda felt like slapping her. then i insisted that i was with bess and she said ok i'll call her and check. then i was like oh crap oh crap oh crap. then i sms-ed bess and said 'my mom's gonna call tell her i was with you and we watched blades of glory at jp' then i called. then while it was ringing i realized she wouldn't have time to read the sms. so when she picked up i was like 'hello bess? i was with you today right? my mom doesn't believe me. so...yeah. you gotta tell her i watched the movie with you just now.' and i was PRAYING that she would catch on and tell my mom i was with her. but i guess she wanted to be truthful and BESS IN CASE YOU R READING THIS I'M NOT PISSED OR ANYTHING AND WE'RE STILL BFF. and she didn't say anything. so then my mom got her 'excuse' to totally murder me. then i was like damm pissed cos it was just a movie and if i had told her about him in the first place she would totally ground me for life. which would be even worse. then so i stormed into my room and stoned. then she called me out and talked and talked and talked and i guess we came to a kind of agreement that i would be truthful and she wouldn't poke in. but I'm still grounded and phone-less for 2 months or so...depending on her. so yeah. then when she was talking my soles started to hurt cos i was standing for so long then i kept shifting left and right. damm pain. but then she stared going on about not being so self-obsessed and that the world doesn't go around me. then i was thinking 'of course i don't think the world revolves around me..then i would be the sun. der.' and this kind of lame thoughts. then its like she started going on about me not having friends in school bla bla bla. i HATE it whenever she talks about that. i told her cos i needed advice and someone to tell. you know. and now EVERY STINKING time i get scolded or talked to she'll bring it up. YES MOM I KNOW I'M A SOCIAL REJECT. I DON'T NEED YOU TO TELL ME THAT. grrrrr. then she called him and i was like oh thats so crap. then she was like 'you do know that she is only 12 years old right? and since you are sec 3, you are the older of the two of you and should have more responsibility. if you really care for her as a friend you should help her to do what is best for her.' and lots of other crap. then i was like oh yeah thanks TONNES mom. you OFFICIALLY RUINED BOTH MY FIRST AND SECOND RELATIONSHIPS. I MIGHT AS WELL BECOME A NUN. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. and now he is sooo never going to talk or see me again. then she hung up and crapped and crapped on and on. then finally she stopped and i went to my room. then she started cooking dinner and i cried like mad. then i fell asleep with my pillow over my face. then sijay came in and tried to get me to go to dinner but i pretended to be asleep. then he gave up and i fell asleep. i woke up at 3am but that doesn't really matter. what matters is that my life is so ruined.

oh yeah. i gotta say sorry to Bessy for putting her on the spot and all when my mom called her. but i don't blame you bessy...really i don't. BFF. :D oh well. i gotta go now so yeah...and i stole my phone back. muhahaha. whatever. bye.

grounded-ly yours,

Wednesday, May 16, 2007 @5:33:00 AM
aelispeaks:i can't believe it...

ahhh. i'm so rushed i can't even be bothered to go copy bessy's font! i was talking to my godbro just now and he said he's anti Christ. when i asked him why he said he was pissed cos one Christian said that if he didn't go to church he would go to hell. if that person is reading this, or if you think that way too, it's NOT true. really, it's not.

Church is just one way to get to know God...to worship God with other people. there are people who believe in God but they don't go to church. but they do try to go, and they still pray and read the Bible and do quiet time, which is time when you talk to God. like me actually. i don't go to church except for occasionally but that doesn't mean i don't worship or believe in God and that doesn't mean that I'll go to hell either. i pray like before meals, or when i go to school, especially when i have things like tests and stuff. you know i just feel good knowing God is helping me and even if i find the test hard i'll still try my best and all. i'm not saying that every one of you reading this has to pray or anything. haha. but still. i hope all those people who thought that if you don't go to church or pray you'll go to hell re-think it over. the Bible never ever said anything like that. i'm in a catholic school and sometimes at assembly the choir sings some hymns after prayer and there's this one song called the table of plenty. and there's one line that goes something like 'all the sinners and saints will sit together at the table of plenty.' but i'm not saying that if you aren't a Christian you're a sinner but yeah. you won't go to hell cos you're still God's child and He loves you even if you don't believe in him or any other god for that matter.

oh well. enough preaching for now. and please please please don't go around telling people that they'll go to hell if they don't go to church. cos then you make people misunderstand Christianity and think that Christians think they have the right to condone people to hell. we don't. only God has that power cos he created us. night everyone. :D

preaching-ly (O_O haha. i'm not a preacher tho) yours,

@1:42:00 AM
aelispeaks:new haircut! :D

i got a new haircut i got a new haircut. :D actually it's a new hairstyle...but i still prefer it tied up like usual cos lots of ppl have that hairstyle and i don't wanna be called a copycat. haha. but now my ponytail is sooo long and thin that it really kinda looks like a pony's tail. rofl. anyway, Saturday's mandy's birthday and we're going out again! haha. happy birthday mandeeeeeee! haha. but my mom is like SO unsympathetic. i begged her to let me skip xue er you cos of the stupid dancing thing and what happened?? i got scolded. sooooooo great. and she was going on and on about how this is like some little step and how i'll get scolded when i grow up BLABLABLA. grrrr. then today on the mrt sue ann was like 'silea come off the train with me come off the train with me...' on and on. then i was like 'ok. if saturday xue er you you make sure that i don't dance and i will go with you.' then she said 'like that then nevermind.' which so OBVIOUSLY means she's gonna open her big fat mouth and totally tell everyone to make me dance cos im the new girl. and cos everyone either is retarded or can't be bothered to object (99.99999 with a dot on top of them are retarded btw.) arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. and this is actually bessy's msn font i stole it from the message log. muhahahahahahahaha. im evillll. haha. but one really good thing is that i look alot better with my hair down now cos its not so thick and the hairstylist cut some side fringe for me so yeah. haha. oh well. i'm going to watch jap anime now. ttfn and pleasepleaseplease tag!! :D

anime-ing-ly yours,

Tuesday, May 15, 2007 @3:47:00 AM

i poked Bessy's eye out.


youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu diddddddddnnnnnnnnn'ttttttt seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee aaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy tttttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiinnnnnggggggg.

rofl. read the message log.

*pokes Bessy's eye out*
*quickly grabs Bessy's eye and tries to stuff it in*
*eye not going in so i just step on it and go EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW*
you are so darn sadistic.

LOL. btw the blue one is moi and the grey on is her. haha. ooh i like her font. haha <3 style="font-style: italic;">mysterious
new art teacher who we all hope will be better. the whole school is glad, i bet. haha. i know it sounds evil but it's true. but actually she isn't soo bad. its just that every time she's in a bad mood she takes it out on us so we get pissed at her too cos it's just a small mistake and no one will die or anything... and we were already the fastest class. hey, we may be book-wise the smartest but i can tell you my class is SO not street smart. put them on the streets of Singapore to do a small thing like ask TOURISTS questions and they go 'omg you ask you ask you ask!! i don't dare!!' i mean come on. it's not like they're some kind of undercover police or undercover criminals who will take you hostage right? actually we were so despo we actually asked the police...people? cos there were guys and one lady so yeah. anyway...we asked them and they were like 'oh sorry we're on duty.' YEAH RIGHT. i saw them with my own eyes doing an interview with that stupid bitch alissa. grrrr. oh well. i'm really going to do the impossible quiz now...i didn't do it just now cos siian chased me off. ): oh well. ttfn people. :D

quizzically yours,

@12:59:00 AM

HI PEOPLE. 3 posts in one night last night. i must be going mad. but i think i already said that. haha. :D I LURVE BLOGGINGGGGGGG. haha. oh well. today i wore my green jacket to school and i found out that i actually looked good with it zipped up over my uni. :D i looked kewl man. ROFL. ok I'm being lame. but i seriously did look nice. and i was SO falling asleep in class so i got a mocha for break. then i had my science exam. turns out i really needed that mocha. i finished writing at 12.16 EXACTLY and my paper ended at 12.46. so i had half a hour and i needed to pee. LOL. but seriously i did. and the teacher was so weird that i didn't want to ask him. haha. so i shake leg then almost died. haha. so i watched the clock. then i was counting elephants in my head..you know. like how your mom taught you to estimate i min...one elephant = i second so its like one elephant two elephants 3 eles and on and on and on. either i cant count fast or the clock is weird but i only got up to 26 elephants then the hand moved. so i started counting in laelas. i think it's spelt that way. its a band thing. haha. 3 counts per beat. or something like that. haha. Sam would kill me if she saw that. but i bet she doesn't even know i have a blog. haha. she's damm cute lar. its like yesterday when i was going up from my break i saw her walking out then she saw me too then she came over and i was like 'omgomgomg whats she doing??' then she pat my shoulder and said 'sileaaa...i am going home to watch tv..and sleep. are you jealous??' ROFL. OF COURSE. then i was laffing like mad. then after the paper (which i had no idea how to do) i sms-ed her and said 'oi just now you keep patting my shoulder give me bad luck eh...' then she replied 'no what...my luck always very good der.' LOL so cute arh.

i just realized what a big paragraph that was. haha. anyway...today's paper wasn't that hard...except for all the density questions. WHO CARES IF SUBSTANCE X AND Y HAVE THE SAME VOLUME BUT DIFFERENT MASSES??? grrr. haha. but it was still ok lar. i think i'll pass. :D i can't believe sam is taking TRIPLE science. if i ever need a science teacher i know who to call. lols. that sounded corny. oh well. i am working with a : bung, total retard/social reject and a dummy for my IT project. bet you can guess who's who. :D p.s read my previous previous...previous (i think) post. haha. anyway. i wrote this poem/song thingo. its not really a song cos there's no tune and although it rhymes it rhymes all over the place. but I'm still gonna put it up here. if anyone can think of a tune to go with it then please tag at my tagboard (the 3rd little x) :D

Why is it that whenever i want it to rain
to wash away my pains
into the drain,
it never does?

And when i stop wishing
'cos there's no use hoping
for rain, that little something,
it pours down on me like a curse?

Why do we let ourselves be critiqued by others,
by all those fuddy dudders
who hide behind their fake smiles.
it's like they're keeping a 'you' file
everything bad is talked about for days,
but anything good is simply brushed away.

Have they all been cursed
to see only the worst
in everyone but themselves?
they all think they're so great
and have the rights to rate
and make people's lives into hells.

I do all i can for my friends,
they deposit all their problems into my hands.
but when i can't help
they throw me aside like i never felt
hurt when they said 'why don't you go on home'
and meant 'just leave us alone'

Are these the people whom i call friends?
'cos sometimes they treat me like a fiend.
they make me wanna say to the world, bye.
i think I'll just go die.

nice huh? :D haha. but it's kinda corny...the 1st 2 stanzas. but it's true. haha. it happened to me. =X haha. I'm gonna give the 1st draft to Bessy, my BFF. (best friend forever, FYI) haha. oh well. i'm gonna do the IMPOSSIBLE QUIZ (which is obviously possible otherwise i wouldn't have gotten to question 79.) :D i rock. haha. TTFN people! :D (and for those who don't know...TTFN is ta-ta for now!)

lovingly yours,

Sunday, May 13, 2007 @8:05:00 AM
aelispeaks:know thy enemyyyyy

know thy enemy. that should be one of the 10 commandments if it isn't already. heh heh heh...I'm a Christian and i dont know the 10 commandments. oopsie. anyway...thy enemy = alissa lim and i was just reading her blog...and i found this.

Friday, March 23, 2007

anyway i don't know what's up with the weird weird girl in the class...she is er.....pointing fingers practically at me just because er....... she was sucking up to PEOPLE. not to us only literally, to PEOPLE. i don't know why she is doing that. i honestly don't know. it's just 'accusing'. but i don't know. oh, and now she is sucking up to my good friend. and i still don't want what she wants from us. any suggestions why she is sucking up to every one? i'm really bored these days. but i don't know what's up with studying! i prefer a group study. i want to start a group study...... i really want to. i think i'll start studying after this. must FOCUS. must FOCUS. must FOCUS must FOCUS must FOCUS.
i don't know why, but every body, not only me thinks she is a bitch. oh-so sad.

uh huh. she is lammeeeee. anyway. like i said, the only reason im reading her blog is cos of that. KNOW THY ENEMEEEEEEEEE. lols. anyway, i'll go back to reading THY ENEMEEEEEEEE'S blog and i'll let you know if i find anything else. :D

anyway a bitch in my class is ................................................
TRANSFERRING OUT! yay!!!!!!!!! i have been waiting for this day for a looooong time.
hope your appeal goes well! yoohoo!

yep. she said that. i actually posted about that before but i've got nothing else to do... and i suddenly wanna blog as much as i can. :D haha. oh well. back to reading!

i showed amanda mousey's photo's. i miss mousey. i had no idea why he left me. he is the greatest pet. animal haters and abuser should just drink their urine. im serious. i know i have been unfair to mousey. i'm sorry mousey and i would do anything to have you back again. i never thought you would just leave me without any warning. i swear i'll never for get you mousey. i'll really do anything to have you back. i'll just cry my sorrows out infront of everyone. i really want you back. you know me best. better than any one. i'll never ever forget you.i really don't understand why must god take you away from me like that.untill now i do not know how and why you left me. crying right now, i pray for you, i'll think of you, and i'll miss you.it's unfair.no other animals or friends could ever replace you. rest in peace, my best friend.

ooooo-er. weirdo. totally. mousey? PER-LEASE. he/she (it actually, just like it's owner) is a living thing. living things live then they DIE. FACE UP TO IT. and someday you'll die too alissa lim and the world will be a better place. :D

I GOT A............ TAN! yoohoo.

can i say, TOTAL SIAN DIAO. that is so lame. i bet she hates me cos i've got a nice tan. muhahahahahahaha. i'm evil.

went to art museum today. the art pieces were like ()_()
damned nice LAH?!

er HELLOOOOOO??? have you been living under a rock for the 13 year duration of your sad sad life? if the art works weren't nice do you even THINK they would be IN THE MUSEUM? like if YOU did a painting do you think they would EVER put it up in an art museum? no. they wouldn't. and i can bitch about you as much as i like cos you will never ever ever come to my blog. sooo.... since im so bored...:

THE LINE THAT WAS HERE IS NOW CENSORED. lols. i'm being lame. oh well. there's nothing else. oh well. good night everyone! :D

happily yours,

{siLEA in love}

@7:18:00 AM

okok im sorry. i was a total brat just now. i hate being a teenager. grrr. and im sorry to whoever read that previous post but i seriously just needed to scream it all out. oh crap. sorry. totally zoned out.
thinking about why my life sucks so bad that when i want it to pour down on me it doesn't and when i give up wishing it drizzles. seriously. and i cant even play ONE game of game of life in a house with 3 other people in it who aren't working like mad for either exams or for their jobs. i finally get ONE person to sit down and play but shes so reluctant and absorbed in that retarded 'Deal or No Deal' and then after that the news. seriously. then during commercial breaks when i ask her to do something like help me to spread the cards so i can get a freaking job or salary or house she's suddenly SOOOOOO tired she can't even be bothered. my life rocks huh? sometimes i just wish i was born DEFORMED or something so i could have something to pity myself for. but now if i pity myself i get yelled at. for being such a spoilt brat. and just like one or two days ago i told him that the good thing about having a boyfriend is that he'll always make you feel better. NOT TRUE. i make up a story about me scraping both knees and an elbow and what does he say?? 'i got scratched and i bet it bled more than you.' WOW. GREAT LOGIC. i wish his brains had been scratched out cos it really seemed like they had. and it was SO obvious i wanted sympathy and all he could care about was his cousins and the train and something about some lady on the train or something. great huh? sorry im being bratty and probably bitchy again. oh well. night everyone and sorry again.

sorry-ly yours,

@6:39:00 AM


i swear...it's not as if sue ann telling the whole WORLD that i have a boyfriend (which is SUCH a small thing PER-LEASE.) is bad enough, im a TOTAL social reject and i tell my godbro and WHAT DOES HE SAY? change your attitude. yeah maybe it IS my attitude but IM SORRY WORLD, THIS IS ME. honestly. i miss bess so much and when i see her what does she say? 'omg why are you so dressed up??' then i totally waste 3 hours or so being TORTURED. hey you were the one who said we were like just going to your house to play basketball and badminton. well im sorry i was late and probably held up everyone but after a whole year of best friendship you should at least know that im NOT a morning person and to me on a saturday, 8 am is MORNING. well im sorry if im a big fat lazy pig who loves to sleep but its me ok? and if you're EXPECTING like a whole group of at least 4 you should at LEAST dig up some kind of food. its not like we planned this for weeks and you reminded us thousand and one times to bring cash cos you wouldnt have food. that time the whole group of like 7 people came and at least me and my mom could dig up bread and ham and fruits and juice. and i made it OBVIOUS that i was hungry so you cant say you didnt know. i said 'im hungry' at least three times. and when you all bought bubble tea and food at 7-11 and at the kopitiam i almost felt like getting on my knees and BEGGING for food? then again you'd probably laugh and say no way its not my fault you didn't bring cash. right? and if i made a mistake then TELL ME. ok? its like only leyi and ben were the nice ones. and mag but not as nice. ok i know im sounding mean but yeah. and i know the stuff about my hair is SO true but I DON'T CARE. ok? i was feeling hot and sweaty, i hadn't tied up my hair in the first place cos it was still kind of damp and hard to tie cos its so thick. and i didn't know i would get that sweaty. ok? but whatever. and personally i think it looks good when its down. its not as if you would even come and read this post. and thats my fault for not updating. to tell the truth, i haven't visited anyone's blog in ages. maybe its cos i don't want to know how much fun you are having in your new schools. you all moved on WITH OLD FRIENDS. i'm in a FREAKING CONVENT ALONE. i know you'll probably say yeah its your fault for not studying harder. so what if it is? i'm still alone. ok i know i'm crapping so i apologies to all those innocent ppl who happen to read this. and whats more at xue er you (my chinese tuition center) next saturday my group is gonna lose SO BAD and i'm gonna have to dance to some freaky indian music. why? cos im the new girl and of sue ann's FREAKING BIG MOUTH. i mean yeah i dance in the shower sometimes but thats to no. 1, pop music like welcome to the black parade or something. no. 2, NOT INDIAN MUSIC and no. 3, not in front of the whole freaking class and the teacher ALONE. i mean if the guys were doing it too then i could like hide behind them or something but nnooooooooooooooo. only one person is going up and its the winner's choice. which would be me, the new girl. and PER-LEASE SUE ANN, JUST COS YOU HAVEN'T GROWN UP YET AND WORN SLIGHTLY LOWER NECK TOPS DOESN'T MEAN PEOPLE WHO DO ARE FREAKS OK? grrr.

pissed-ly yours,

Saturday, May 12, 2007 @2:34:00 AM
aelispeaks:what happened.

ok people. im sorry. i swear i have more tags than posts. lols. anywayyyy. i got TONNES of news.

1. im not single and im still unavailable. LOL. (p.s for those who didnt know i used to be single but unavailable.)


3. hmmm...must think first. haha.=X OH YEAH. he said ilvu 7 times to date. not all in a row...so sad. LOL. jk.

4. I HATE R.RAGNI FROM 1 SAINT DEIRDRE 2007. she is a TOTAL bimbo. but shes not even pretty. so shes a total retard. yup. she need a new hairstyle. and PER-LEASE what is with that MEGA high tiny weeny bag?? and that HORRIBLE yellow folder thing. gross. that amount of yellow could kill. serious. i know my file's yellow but it's not THAT obvious AND it's see through so its not so bad. and i think I've gotta change it soon. it's bursting. seriously. and can you believe no1. she does not have english newspapers or even WATCH english news. what is she, a hermit? like if you don't have the english newspaper you must at least listen in to the english news OCCASIONALLY. but with her, nooooo. and all she can drag up is Disney movie titles (for our IT project). as if shes so retarded that she doesn't know Disney is ALWAYS copyrighted. grrrrrr. and her excuse for being late is 'i didn't get to use the compooter yesterday.' we gave you 2 days helloooooo. and then she comes with what???? agent cody banks, spy kids, and something else thats equally hopeless. but because we HAVE to use one of her movies or she'll probably want to do something else so we chose the last one. i think. so now our movies are : Freedom Writers (MOI contribution), Tomb Raider (shruti) and the god knows what one by her. and since we only have to do 3 movies theres no movie contribution from sankari. which i dont really mind. she doesn't either. i think. but at least sankari's a good worker and she'll make sure she finishes the job. so...yeah. pray for us. to even start on the thing. amen.

5. hmmm...oh yeah. mid years are here. and...i think i flunked home econs and maths. i hate index notation whatever that is. grrr....

6. ok i know i said i had tonnes but i'm seriously stumped here. can i get an i.o.u?

oh well. and i love the song high school never ends. :D

faithfully yours,
{siLEA in love}