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this is : AELIS WORLD

welcome to the
warped side of life.



i am AELIS

and the CELLO!

i love STCBAND!
many instruments, one sound. many sections, one family!

i love the HORNS & TRUMPETS!

i am currently in sec 4 ATOMIC!
watch out, we'll blow you away!

i was born on ohfive onetwo ninefour.
presents are always welcome(:

i am taking part in CHINGAY 2010!
look out for me!



the COOLEST place in the universe.


other stops in the universe.


the AWESOMEST people ever in the history of awesome people.



Sam Tsui!
AJ Rafael!
Gabe Bondoc!



listen up
pls do not remove the creditszx!
Designer:yik thong
Others:x o x o o
Wednesday, June 27, 2007 @4:35:00 AM
aelispeaks:OMIGOSH SO FREAKY!!!

omigosh this is so freaky!!! after band prac...i got onto the 195 bus. the doors were closed and we were about to leave when this lady and her friend ran up to the front door then said in chinese that some guy pushed her off the bus without saying sorry and she was bleeding a little on her arm. She said the guy was standing near the back door so she asked the bus driver to open the back door to let her on so she could demand her apology. so she got on and we left. i was near the front so im not too sure what happened but they were arguing really really loudly in chinese. apparently the guy did say sorry but he said "sorry lah." with a lot of attitude. so she got even more pissed and kept nagging and scolding him. then after a bit i heard her yell (in chinese of course) 'you pushed people down and didn't say sorry then now you're calling me to go and die????' so i guess he must have muttered it or maybe even said it out loud. then they argued for like 10 seconds then suddenly she said 'if you dare, come and hit me! come on! hit me!' which was seriously asking for it. then the guy pushed her down, then went mad and yelled 'YYYYAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' and hit the lady on her head with his fists like really really really fast almost like doing a drumroll just that on someone's head and really hard. the lady said it really hurt and said she thought it was bleeding. then this guy wearing a cap (cap guy) quickly restrained the mad guy. the bus driver called headquarters or whatever then told them what happened. then he rushed all the way to tiong. i think he was given instructions to stop at tiong cos there were guards or something i guess. then finally at tiong we RAN off the bus. a whole circle of people was crowding around the back door then i could see through and the mad guy had arm-locked the cap guy. i was like OOOMIGOSH then i quickly ran off. then on the train we kept talking and talking and talking about it. i'm still kinda freaked out about it. should i walk to tiong form now on? LOL. i wish. i'd collapse. oh well. time for dinner. mom's nagging. after dinner i gotta do hw. then i can use the com again. which is usually 11 plus. oh well hopefully i'll finish fast. ttfn!

dinner-ly yours,

Tuesday, June 26, 2007 @7:46:00 AM

some people may notice that one of my posts has been changed. but if you didn't, don't blame yourself. you can't see it unless you scroll down anyway and you won't need to scroll down unless you haven't come in a longlonglonglonglongggg time. which i hope no one has been doing. haha. i bet you didn't understand that. =] i rock. anyway...it was changed on request of someone i know. (like DER.) haha. ok i'm being lame. i have to go sleep soon...it's 10.44. and i must remember to charge my phone! my batt died today cos i didn't charge it for like 2 days. but thanks to the retarded Ruth (from church, not school.), my phone rang in the middle of band prac and i didn't set it to silent cos i forgot. and it was SUPER LOUD. then i was like OH CRAP. haha. and whats more the whole band was quiet at that time. THANK GOD the top 3 weren't there or i would sooo have died. haha. but i thankfully managed to shut it up and set it to silent mode. haha. hmm...nothing much happened. oh yeah...a speder landed on my desk in history and me and Parveen were like ooomigosh get it off get it offff! no...actually that was all me. haha. in the end i got it on a piece of paper and flung it behind. the spider dropped onto the floor so i just forgot about it. haha. i don't think history is a sleep class as much as i thought it would be. (does that sentence even make sense??) haha. anyway...in case benjamin is reading this i did find Jericho on the internet. haha. you do not know the art of looking for things. haha. oh well. in case you're interested, this is what Jericho sounds like. http://www.nordicsounds.com/media1903089.mp3?ID=1903089.mp3&Function=Play . then this is the score if you want to have a look at how hard it is. haha. http://www.nordicsounds.com/media1783148.pdf?ID=1783148.pdf&Function=Sheet . or you can go to http://www.nordicsounds.com/grouplist.html?group=03-00-00&name=1532752&title=&type=contributor&OF=0&lang=en and scroll down for all of Bert Appermont's songs. Jericho is right at the bottom btw. yup. oh well. i'd better go sleep now. good night people. =]

blank-ly yours,

Saturday, June 23, 2007 @9:23:00 AM
aelispeaks:sick sick and sicker.

oh rawr. and if Bessy is reading this don't laugh. i seriously feel like roaring. kinda. i know it's late but i'm just coughing so bad i can't sleep at all. every 2 minutes i sit up whocking away like a mad person. whocking is coughing for a really long time btw...i invented it. haha. i didn't tell him i was sick. i guess i didn't want to worry him. should i have told him? the last time i had a fever (i don't have one now thank God) when it was over i told him and he said he felt something was wrong. i wonder if he feels anything now. i sms-ed him goodnight and something...he usually replies it back but tonight he just said goodnight and rest well. he did add a smiley face tho. i wonder what he thinks sometimes. like tho we rarely talk or meet up does he think of me? i did a 'how happy are you being single' quiz...but i'm not telling you what i got because the results of that quiz totally ruined a friend's love life. when i got back from camp i told him about the skit thing...i acted as a newlywed with this idiot guy. then i joked with him and asked 'are you jealous?' i was kinda hoping for a joking answer back but he said no. you know sometimes i talk to him...then suddenly there's nothing left to say. and half the time he'll just say brb gaming. which is actually ok with me cos then i won't feel bad cos the window is open but i'm not talking to him at all. when we were just friends i could just talk with him for ages and ages. but now we hardly talk. i don't sms him all the time...i tell myself it's a way to save my exploding phone bill but i know that's not really true. i mean i talk to parveen all the time...we chat often and i don't really care about my phone bill. why?? i just don't get it. oh well. i've gotten a new inspiration for a story...bits and pieces from all over. one bit's from Lost (the tv show), one bit's from the DVC. and the rest i'm still working it out. so yeah. maybe i'll go write it now. yeah. hopefully i'll feel tired and somehow manage to sleep. i think i whocked a million times just typing this. ouch.

whocking-ly yours,

Friday, June 22, 2007 @3:18:00 AM

lalalas. i'm bored. haha. and mom just said we're having spaghetti for dinner. and btw i've got the flu. T.T right now it's only sore throat and cough but yesterday it was muscle aches and blocked nose. oh well. hopefully i'll get better soon. yup. one more thing. he's back from malaysia! haha. and now i shall talk about today's band practice. haha.

lalala. i woke up at 9...mom said good bye then i went back to sleep. sijay woke me up at 10 and i read angels and demons until about 10.30. then Caszella called me and asked to meet me and tiong at 12. so i quickly bathed changed and left the house. then i went there...stoned for 5 mins then she came. we went to buy my file which cost 5 bucks can you believe it? then we went to school...stoned some more. haha. i did score study. SO GUAI RIGHT??? haha. =D then...finally the keys arrived. haha. then...we went in...set up some chairs then practiced scales and abit of mumbo jumbo and polar. then...aiyo. i don't wanna say what happened next. yeah. but it's not a good thing at all. yeah...OH YEAH. sam changed her hairstyle. haha. actually she just wore a hairband. and she looks like Bernadette. haha. and she doesn't look so guy-ish. which is a good thing. haha. anyway. i have no idea why she doesn't reply sms-es. hmm... oh well. haha. anyway....after -the thing- (haha) we just randomly practiced. then all the seniors were playing old songs which was nice but kinda awkward since we couldn't practice cos we would like disrupt them and it would sound weird and we couldn't play the songs. i told caszella it was like a free concert and we laughed. then...after that it was time to go but i didn't want to go cos it was so nice...especially with the aircon and all. haha. but i left anyway, of course. then...i walked out with yi jun pheobe amanda sam hui min and someone else i think. then i was carrying the popular bag cos i bought my file from popular then sam was like that is not the way to carry a bag! then she took it and slung it over her shoulder and acted gay again. haha. then i was laughing like mad and said oh you help me to carry thanks very much. then she quickly gave it back. haha. then we walked out the gate then at the overhead bridge they all went the other side so i was alone. T.T haha. then i went home. yup. haha. and that retarded parveen is bugging me to post so i will. haha.

cursing parveen-ly yours,

Wednesday, June 06, 2007 @5:49:00 AM

i was looking through some icons on photobucket...some are really cute. some i think are really good. e.g:
fake is the new trend. i guess everyone's in style.
i'd rather be hated for who i am, than be loved for who i am not.
6 billion people in the world. 6 billion souls. but sometimes all you need is one.
people are going to disappoint you. i get that. i kind of expect that.
sometimes i'm clueless. sometimes i'm clumsy. but i've got friends that love me.
life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. it's about learning to dance in the rain.
i don't suffer from insanity. i enjoy every single minute of it.
we can only stay mad for 59 seconds cos we would never last a minute without each other.
yeah we talk to strangers, we ignore anyone who tries to talk to us and put on crazy ass hats in public but that's not because we're mentally challenged. it's because we've been best friends for what, like our whole lives? heck, yes. :]
did you just call me a bitch? well, a bitch is a dog. dogs bark. bark is on trees. and trees are a part of nature. nature is beautiful. so yeah. thanks for the compliment.
love is being stupid together
all i need is one guy to show me they're not all the same.
you're an idiot. but i love you
HAHAHA. wait. what??
should i smile because we are friends or cry because that's all we'll ever be.
you know you've got the greatest friends when the only time they make you cry is when you laugh too hard.
i live for the nights i'll never remember with the friends i'll never forget.
rumor has it that i'm awesome.

and the rest are all repeats. haha. oh well. i'll go now. night. =]

icon-ly yours,

@5:12:00 AM

kor is so cute. haha. not my real bro...my god bro. i call him kor. anyway. tmr ben lee, ben chia, mag, jian xing and bess are coming to my house. ben chia and me have our horns and maggie is bringing her clarinet. haha. then i was talking to kor online then i asked him if he would be at home tmr. he said no. i told him 'good for you. i got a few friends coming over. then one bringing horn and one bringing clarinet. haha.' then he replied 'hahahahahahahahahaha. you want me lend you electric?' (he laugh very long hor? =X) oh yeah for those of you who are scratching their heads wondering 'electric? electric what?' it's his electric guitar. its red and white if i remember correctly. i only saw it once and it wasn't recently. yup. anyway. he's chao funny.

anyway. my house has become a trap-slash-spy-zone-torture-chamber. yeah...-ahemahem- sent me something last night but i was asleep and didn't read it. unfortunately my mom did. and just now when i heard my phone ring i went to get it and i walked past her. she asked me 'who sent -censored- last night?' then i was like oh crap. i die. so i just pretended i didn't hear her and ran into the room. it was parveen in case you're wondering. anyway. that's the spy and trap part. now the torture part. i have to read a book that is fact: 200 pages long, and fact: in Chinese, and further fact: i hate chinese, and even further fact: i have to read it in one day. or i can't go for church camp which is next week. (read my previous post) so to sum all the facts up, i have to read a 200 page long chinese book in one day or i can't go for church camp which i go for every year but i so totally hate chinese. yup. i've gotten up to page 40 something but i only understand half of it. and my mom is soooo irritating! i was typing all the facts when she asked 'you had the whole day to use the com right?' OH YEAHHHHH AS IF I WASN'T READING MY POOR BRAIN TO DEATH TRYING TO UNDERSTAND THAT RETARDED BOOK. so thats what i told her...but not so 'crude'. i said 'no i was reading the book.' i hope she has enough brain cells to realize which book i was talking about. oh well. i'm getting a headache all thanks to that retarded book. i'll ttyl. hopefully.

reading-ly yours,

Sunday, June 03, 2007 @1:42:00 AM

i so just realized something. something not good. but not really that urgent. yet. i will be going to church camp from the 11th to the 15th. five glorious days of worshiping God. =] but then...the total downside...no com. handphone but i'll have to so remember to bring my charger...and hardly any msn...and the worst...no blog. ARGH! but at least i'll be staying in a nice hotel...with ruth and reena. =] yeah! haha. i think i'll just keep a diary then type it all in when i get back...yeah. haha. i can be so lame sometimes. oh well. now i'm going to do something so lame that you don't have to know what it is. muhahahahahahaha. i'm evullllll. haha. ttfn!

laming-ly yours,
smileyfacinglamer. (LOL. aka moi.)

Saturday, June 02, 2007 @6:33:00 AM

i'm bored. and i just watched school of rock for the millionth time. haha. jack black is sooo hilarious! and i so totally love the songs. now is agent cody banks... he's not cute. a bit. occasionally. but on the whole, ho isn't cute. but teenage super-spys are. cb just isn't. haha. and i did the no. 1 shrek fan in the lifestyle magazine and guess what? i'm like his no. 1 fan. haha. but seriously...anyone who has ever watched shrek will know all the answers. it's funny how many things you pick up during films without even noticing it. like there was a question that asked 'what is the name of the pub in Far Far Away Land?' then straight away i was like 'leaky cauldron.' then i realized that was from harry potter. LOL. then the next thing that came to mind was 'apple something.'. then since shrek is almost totally based on fairytales only sleeping beauty has a poisoned apple so i was like 'oh yeahhhh. poison apple!' haha. but the leaky cauldron bit was seriously funny.

oh yeah. i learned (learnt?) how to play bridge! in school yesterday, with poker cards and seniors but bridge nonetheless. i just realized nonetheless is none+the+less. but it's not pronounced the same if you say those three words fast. but whatever. it was seriously funny. let me start from the time i woke up...
i woke up at 8. although i was supposed to be waken by sian at NINE. but then i lazed in bed until about 8.30. then i got up and walked out. i saw mom sitting on the couch reading news. so i went into her room and collapsed onto her bed. thankfully (and amazingly) i woke up at 9. the time i was supposed to wake up. i said bye to mom and went to sms people. i think. i can't really rmb lar. haha. but somehow or another i arranged to meet Caszella (for those of you who don't know she's another sec 1 in my section. aka horns.) at tiong's mac to go buy her black file before band, wrote my reflection thingo, bathed, changed and left at 11. i was supposed to leave at 11.30 but since i was meeting Casz (sounds like Taz from the totally cute baby loony toons thing.haha.) so i left earlier. then...oh yeah. i reached Mac and walked in to the left. then i sat down at a 5-seater. 5 seconds later, Cassandra, Lin Yi and Qin Hui rushed like mad into the seats next to me. i was like totally lost. haha. they were like 'OMG SAMANTHA IS OVER THERE!!!!!!!' so cute. haha. then i turned around and saw sam laughing. i started laughing too. i have no idea why they find her scary. ok during drills she is scary but that's cos she had to be serious. oh yeah. i told her she is 'a rare mixture of spunky, guai kia, fun and spooky.' LOL and it was so obvious that i was crapping and she was like 'what spooky?! righhttttt..and what do you mean spunky?' she so believed me. haha =] then i was lmao when i told her. but that was later on in the night. back to sam and me and cass and lin yi and qin hui in macs. haha.
so ya then they were talking about how scary she was...then she came over. then all 3 were like OMG. then quickly turned away from her...so rude. LOL. then i was laughing like mad. then cos before that i sms her and told her that they all scared of her. she said hi. then they never reply. i was almost rofl. they never respond then she said so rude then Cassandra said hi...then quickly look away again. then she was like 'silea i'm not scary right??' then i was laughing like mad and said no. then she walked away and said 'silea this is all your fault!!' and i was like whatttT???? haha. seriously funny. but then later on when we got to school we dumped our bags in the canteen on the bench. then later when we wanted to move our bags to outside the band room sam, jamie and Bernadette were sitting there playing bridge. then they were like 'omg they're there!! how?? i go with you arh i go with you arh...' then i was laughing like mad then i said 'aiyo i just go lar.' then i just walked out to get my bag then they come behind. haha. then they quickly grabbed their bags and CHIONG to the band room. haha. then i mouthed to sam 'i wanna play!!' then she was like ok lor then you come and play lar! haha. then i said i go put my bag first. then i run there and back. then i was thinking 'okkk...that's jamie. who's that???' cos i didn't know Bernadette. haha. then i sat down next to sam. then she was like 'do you know how to play bridge?' i was like 'er...no? haha.' then she told me to go sit next to jamie then i sat down. then she introed me to Bernadette. then she taught me and i wasn't really sure but i remembered something like that that ruth and reena taught me during youth camp last year so i was like ok lor i play. haha. then after that i was sam's partner then i keep putting small cards tho i had really good cards. haha. then sam was like 'SILEA YOU MUST HELP ME WINNN!!!' i almost fell onto the floor laughing. then after that i keep checking with her like which card which card which card. haha. chao funny. but we won...then she was like hi-5! then we hi fived. haha. then suddenly sam said 'oi yi jun is falling the band in!' then i quickly put down the cards and chiong like mad to the netball court and fell in. then i realized that the seniors had to fall in too but i left them to keep the cards. oops.heh heh heh.
so we fell in then out then we went in to start practice. it was so fun. haha. we had to do the stupid retarded X'mas tree all the way up. i was dying by G. which is the 3rd note only. which is not good. yup. must practice! haha. i'm bringing my horn back on tuesday...ben and bess (b and b!) are coming on thursday to help me practice. haha. yay! =] haha. then after that xuan ying took the sec 1s to the rifle range to practice. i was dying behind -someone- and i accidentally pissed Casz off cos i knocked her twice and she had ulcer. sorry... but yeah. then the REALLY funny part. we tried to play mumbo jumbo. by the time we reached bar 12, where horns and trumpets are the melody we died. haha. 1st, we couldn't reach the notes so it was way flat. then after that we started laughing so our tempo went off too. then it sounded like some animals dying. elephant plus pig plus anything that squeals off tune. haha. then we kept laughing like mad. then we went back up again and did rhythm exercises. then we got to exercise 7. then casz got it but miss tan was like nononononono i don't want caszella! sl choose someone! (sl is actually my initials...SiLea. haha.) then hui min said 'hmmmmmm...i want silea.' i was like WTH??? NOOOOO!!!!! then i stood up whimpering like mad. then sam was on my right and she was like i tap your leg you just clap ok? 1 2 3 4...then i was like noooooooo waittttttttttttttttttt. then i practiced for like 2 seconds. the beat was chao fast lar. then i was like ok. breathe in out in out. 'one two three four. clap clap clap...EH??? WAITTTTT!!!!' lols. i was seriously stressed lar. it was odd beats. meaning the beat was 1n2n3n4n1n2n3n4n. i had to clap: nnnn nnnn1234 1234. if you understand ok...if you don't nevermind. just remember that it's chao hard. yup. then i tried it like 3 times then miss tan was like 'sit down lar!' i was like aiyoooooooooooooo...i die lar.......... haha. but then it was really fun. after that when i was going home i was sms-ing sam again (haha) then she was supposed to pass me a book that i asked for then she said 'you ask me to bring the book then never get it from me...' oooopps. haha i so forgot. then i said something like 'not my fault it's also yours for not reminding me to take it from you!' then i got scolded...aiyoooooooooooooo. -sighs- i always get diao-ed and scolded by her. haha. but she's bringing it again on monday. must remember. =] i know! set alarm. i'm so smart. LOL. oh well. this post is like SUPER LONGGG. haha. i'm going to slack off now. eat something cold...i'm sweating like mad. oh well. night! =]

sweating-ly yours,