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this is : AELIS WORLD

welcome to the
warped side of life.



i am AELIS

and the CELLO!

i love STCBAND!
many instruments, one sound. many sections, one family!

i love the HORNS & TRUMPETS!

i am currently in sec 4 ATOMIC!
watch out, we'll blow you away!

i was born on ohfive onetwo ninefour.
presents are always welcome(:

i am taking part in CHINGAY 2010!
look out for me!



the COOLEST place in the universe.


other stops in the universe.


the AWESOMEST people ever in the history of awesome people.



Sam Tsui!
AJ Rafael!
Gabe Bondoc!



listen up
pls do not remove the creditszx!
Designer:yik thong
Others:x o x o o
Monday, July 30, 2007 @6:23:00 AM
aelispeaks:so near yet so far...

haha. the title is so true for 2 things currently. maybe more but i only can think of these 2 right now. well. the first one is today (Monday) on the super packed like sardines train, i saw leyi! haha. unfortunately she got on thru a different door. BUT. we were in the same carriage and i could even see her throught the people. i wanted to call her but it will be super gan ga and what would happen if it WASN'T her??? that would be like...jump out of the train and die. X.X hahaha.

the second one would be...well actually you people don't need to know this. butt. i know no one bothers to come but my good friends....so for my good good good friends, i will sacrifice and let you read it. hahaha.

my secret!

oh well. i didnt get a chance to finish it cos i was so rudely chased off. anyway. there are ALOT of things that happened. another thing is...the iconslashmascotslashthing that is going to be on my class tee is....................
WELL DONE 1D! the very thing SBC hates and i have to wear it. COME ON. it's basically a yellow ribena with a pink bow on its head. how BLEAH is that? i mean bessy's angel in our IJ blue is WAY nicer. unfortunately, i was to bothered to show Mrs Teo my totally cute drawing. oh well. i will never wear my class tee until i'm sec 3 and we get a new class tee. oh well. i keep oh-well-ing. drap. that's a mix of crap and drab. lols. i just invented it. =) i rock. haha. lets see....i'm not hanging out with san anymore...she's with ym and v. neither am i hanging out with parveen and siyi and amelia anymore. i guess i'm kinda loner-ing. oh well. <3ing band ppl. haha. don't xiang wai pls. lols. i'm serious. haha. oh well....what else. oh yeah. We had a small party for Jasmin today but she wasn't there but it was seriously LOW. haha. no offense mrs teo. then...something horridly bad that can only happen to girls happened to me. total embarrassment. but i still went for band although my stomach was hurting so much i thought i'd faint. tho i've never really fainted before. i've collapsed into sleep...but never fainted. i actually managed to party memorize Honour Glory. it's a song btw. but serena said we were still really soft. i guess it's cos we weren't really sure since most of us couldn't remember it. haha. i need to re-memorize it. and i need to borrow the horn to practice.

I HATE PROJECTS. i know that's like so random since i was talking about my horn but yeah. i mean almost all our projects are group, and in my current situation, that's not a good thing at all. grr. i hate cliques. honestly. i have to BEG and PLEAD to be in someone's group, and i'm never really comfortable with the group since i don't usually hang out with them. thank God amirah is ok with me. or i'd really really die. and all these projects are going to our SA or whatever. so we can't crap at it. i mean can't they give us either all projects or all exams?? i mean once a test is over we have to scramble to finish a project then once that's done we have another 2 tests coming up and another project coming soon. i mean...we're only sec 1...i know the year is way past the half mark but its like...come on...cut us some slack! we are only sec 1. i'm collapsing. and i need help. grr. the only time i feel relaxed is in band...but then even then i go under stress when i can't play the higher notes or in the current case, remember what and how to play Honour Glory! -i'm trying not to say oh well. haha- *sigh* i don't think there's anything else i've got to talk about. oh yeah. people, my number is working again. it's the same as the old one...9113......so on and so forth. so...in case you need to call me or anything, ya. haha. ok then. i'm going to eat dinner tho it's like 8.30 already and you shouldn't eat past 8. haha. ok i'm crapping. but it's true. oh well. bye peoples.

crappingly yours,

Saturday, July 21, 2007 @2:02:00 AM
aelispeaks:JPS alumni night

bleahs. the alumni night was a total flip off. its like we went there...sat down. then the teacher talk to us...blablabla. apparently theres a family day thing on the 25...then she asked us to help. but its like...she's asking us for help and the way they treat us arh...when they said those who come here for friends only please leave now i really felt like going. but bess ben chia ben lee jx ash were all there so i stayed. anyway, me bess ash and ben chia are helping with the treasure hunt. hopefully it'll be fun. then after the meeting was like chao high. we went out then like fell in. (thats to go into drill formation btw.) then someone gave the command i was like HUH??? cos it was different from ours. so i just copy them. haha. then he yelled basurai (or however you spell.) so i said 'turn 234 bang 234 1 2 3.... i was supposed to yell STC BAND but they yelled FUHUA so i was like falling on the floor laughing. wrong school!! haha. but then its like theirs was '234...234.....FUHUA' or was it turn....bang...123. aiya i cant rmb lar. all i remember was that it was different. oh ya. in case you noticed...this font is bigger. but it's still Arial Narrow. yup. i'm doing it cos it is kinda hard to read my posts...especially the long ones. haha. so ya. i am so kind. =))

no new songs yet...no inspiration. haha. but i made a bear. its damm cute. guess what i named it?
kyla aelis band bear. LOL. kyla was by my mom...aelis is by me. then its like...when (and if) our band gets our band tee i'm gonna draw it out on kyla's white tee. my mom is gonna help me make clothes for it...the old JPS uniform and a STC uniform...the pinafore is similar so it shouldn't be hard. haha. then i'll make some more...hair accessories? haha. she's covered in hair. haha. they had clothes but we didn't buy cos they were like 20 bucks for a dress. so we decided to make clothes. way more fun. hahahahaha. oh well. i'm too bored. oh yeah. WHATEVER YOU DO....DO NOT GO TO THIS WEBSITE. http://www.winterrowd.com/illusions/ its not from some retarded chain mail thing....i went there myself...and i almost had a heart attack. but if you have a overwhelming sense of curiosity....TURN DOWN YOUR SPEAKERS. trust me...it'll help. oh well. i really have to go. bye peoples!

heart attacking-ly yours,
{siLEA} and {kylaAELIS}

Wednesday, July 18, 2007 @6:09:00 AM
aelispeaks:tres tired. or whatever.

-snores- actually i don't snore. too bad. haha. but i am seriously tired. and i don't really like history. note, i didn't say i really don't like history. i said i don't really like history. theres a difference people. argh. i'm so tired i can't even spell difference. then i was playing love me tender (its a part of sock hop tonight...ok i'm a romantic. so what?) then sam chua walked past and she suddelny like tapped my shoulder. i got a shock lar. like whats she doing? lols. then she said 'why so tense?' then i was wondering...tense meh??? haha. oh well. maybe cos i was resting it on my lap...so i looked tense. maybe i was tense? oh well. nvm. but hui min was chao funny lar...we were oiling the horns, then she tried to play without mouthpiece. then she was like bleah. so she picked up the polishing cloth to wipe her mouth. obviously she didn't know it was the polishing cloth. then she wiped. THEN she realized what she was holding. LOL. so she rushed to the toilet to rinse her mouth. hahaha. p.s, the polishing cloth was the one we just used to polish like 3 horns...and it was super dirty. hahahaha. ok i know it's mean to laugh at her but seriously it was funny.

argh. today was so sian. we played truth or dare for like 1 round then we went out and stopped. so sad. then i got chosen by cass, then sam asked me if a) i ever wanted to be one of the top 3 or a sl, and b) if yes which one? then she asked a. i said yes. i mean like hopefully lar. then she asked b. i SERIOUSLY did not know. i mean with all that's happened to me so far...if i do i'll be like super happy already lar. haha. but in the end i said sl. then serena was like why not top 3??? hahaha. oh well. i'm too tired to blog properly. i've been tired the past week or so. grr. oh well. night peoples.

zzzingly yours,

Tuesday, July 17, 2007 @5:09:00 AM

i've realized something. when i'm tired or depressed, i write more songs. lols. i wrote...1 today? and the beginning of another. argh. okok i'll put it here for my adoring fans. I WISH. hahaha. nah. i'll put it here for anyone who's interested or whatever. i am so kind. =]]]

i never really felt anything for you
i just wanted it so bad i told myself i do.
but now it's over,
and you're free to go to her.
i guess all i was was an excuse,
just something you used
to show off how popular you were
with her, her and her.

i was so in love that i didn't notice
all i wanted was that first kiss.
instead or coming right out,
you lead me about
on a stupid idiotic dance
without giving me a chance
to see what a jerk you were.
were and are.

you said you weren't sad,
thinking it might make me feel bad.
well, it didn't.
never would nor couldn't.
i realized something
that once you know, you'll feel like a king.
now that we're no longer...
you know, together,
you're free to date,
without me turning you into shark bait,
i guess i've made you happy,
instead of feeling crappy.

oh well,
you can go burn in hell
for all i care, honestly.
but i still don't know why i was so silly
to fall for you,
of all people, you!

hahaha. the shark bait thing is funny, and so are the last two lines. btw...in case you like writing songs too and somehow decide to use some of my lines, pls put a credit. =] i spent half of history and science writing it. haha. and about the same for the other songs. oh well. i think i'll go bathe. todays drills plus the 8 rounds at PE are killing my thighs! well, calves actually. calves is the one below right? oh whatever. MY LEG HURTS. simple enough? =] oh well. bye people. enjoy...whatever. hahaha.

hurtingly yours,

Sunday, July 15, 2007 @3:40:00 AM
aelispeaks:-at peace- with nothing.

blathers. i'm bored. oh yeah. i've written a new song. see if you can guess who it's about. actually it can be used in 2 ways. for friends and guys. or girls. either way. oh well. here it is.

i wanna slap you more than her
i wondered if we were friends you said DUH.
but what's happening now?
its almost like we had a row.
you're completely leaving me
'tho you know i just can't be
alone for long.
i'll start to shut down, to go wrong
my breath comes fast,
i'm in a frenzy to find you, rush rush rush.
then when i finally do
you act like every thing's cool
then you suddenly talk to the nerd
she's so soft she's barely heard.
it's not that i mind her,
it's just that...oh grrr.
a month ago you were ignoring her,
when you saw her you went ee-yer.

and what now?
you've got a new pet.
it's like she's your little rat.
who was there for you
when there was nothing you could do?
who was it,
ask yourself, think for a bit.
use your brain for once.
and stop this stupid childish dance
between friends and fiends,
who shared your losses who shared your wins?
i wanna slap you both,
but first i'll swear an oath,
to slap you more than her.
you more than her.

well, that's it. really depressing ain't it? oh well. there's another one. this one is at least more cheerful. kinda. haha.

i wish i could fly,
to all my troubles i'd say bye.
all those i cared about,
and all those who pushed me out
i'd leave them for a place
and live alone for all my days.
no cliques, no populars,
no bitching, no losers.
all i'll have is the sky,
and me, myself and i.

no more perfect little child.
no more caring about styles.
no more running
no more hiding
i'll scream jump run
until the day is done.
i'll do what i wanna do
and stop when i want to.
i'll feast all day and night.
do what i think is right.

i know that's just dreamland,
but i'll do what i can.
i'm already part way there,
so there's not much left to bear.
even at home
i'm alone.
i'm worse than a maid,
they wish i was dead.
and sometimes i do too...
but i gotta keep living, keep staying strong,
cos i know taking a life is just wrong.
it's written in the bible,
i gotta keep up for my own survival
i gotta stay strong,
and move along.
i gotta tell myself,
going to dreamland won't help.
i gotta save myself,
but for now i ain't gonna say nothing else.

this is like a kinda face-up-to-it,it's-all-you-have kinda song. haha. the last 4 lines, and the 'it's written in the bible' was composed by parveen. the rest was original thankyewverymuch. this post has like the fewest spelling and grammar mistakes ever. not including the thankyewverymuch cos i added it to my dictionary. haha. but still. oh well. i've gotta go. maybe i'll post another time. but it's wont' be soon cos mom has some legal translations to do on the com so ya. oh well. ttfn people. (p.s ttfn is ta ta for now)

twistingly yours,

p.s.s the twist is meant to be the peace sign. yup. bye!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007 @3:29:00 AM
aelispeaks:can you believe it???

this is so freakyyyy!!!!! i was bored so i just typed in www.stcband.com to see if it actually existed. and...I GOT SOME FREAKY ROCK BAND CALLED SUBJECT OF CHANGE. whatttttt??? thats like copying lar. i mean stc = saint theresa's convent, band means our school band. THE TERM STC BAND IS OURSSSSSSSSSSS. COPYRIGHTED. can we make them pay money to use stcband.com??? i mean...what if people hear of stc band. then someday we may have a website. then they will type in www.stcband.com. THEN THAT GROSS THING WILL APPEAR. WHAT WILL PEOPLE THINK OF US??? this so sucks. grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. -punches subject of change-

anyway....today was so sian. i felt dead. i almost was. grrr. art sucks even more now. at least last time we had aircon and tiled floors. now we have a hot gross room with horrible tables. and a totally sucky young teacher who thinks she knows it all. she's really damm irritating. i have maths hw so i won't make this a long post. but at least band was fun. hui min took us out for breathing exercises. i think my stomach shrunk. i can't last past 16 counts. or maybe it's my throat. oh well. but casz could do 20 +. go caszella! haha. then we kept laughing like mad. then i can't remember what happened but hui min said she loved ants after flicking 2 away from her and half shrieking. haha. then casz kept saying 'oh look! your friend!' then pointing at an ant. haha. but it was SI so she wasn't so serious and all. hui min is a bit like sher wei. when they laugh really hard they look like they're crying. haha. or going to cry. anyway...then...we were supposed to close up at 4.30 but we stayed until almost 5. then sam told Serena to tell everyone to leave so we did. then hui min said to revise everything we learnt and she would test us. (die.) but then she told me to remind serene (which i will do once i finish this.) and said 'YOU'RE IN CHARGE.' whattt??? she's the sl lor. but oh well. i shall be a nice junior and do it. haha. I SO GUAI RIGHT?? hahahahaha. okok. enough crapping. then hui min gave me Serene's house number. then she said she wanted to give me her hp no. then she went to the toilet. DIAO. then so me and casz followed her in and kept bugging her. haha. then casz left and i was still bugging her. and i learnt a new thing about hui min. she opens the door then flushes the toilet. hahaha. then she kept crapping and saying Serene's number was 9......9......9.......then she'd laugh like mad. i have a crazy sl. then we walked around the water cooler corner then Amanda and yi jun and phoebe were there then i told them 'HUI MIN'S BULLYING MEEEE.' then i told them what she was doing then that mean Amanda said 'too bad.' or something like that. i cant remember. haha. then so hui min did the 999 again before she told me. then she told me the wrong number. so in the end my hand had 3 numbers on it. the one on the left is hui mins. also the messiest. the middle one was Serene's house no and the last one was half of her hp no. haha. then hui min said she was taking a taxi so i begged her to send me home but she just told me to go to hell. so i told her 'you vandalize my hand then you tell me to go to hell????' then she walked off laughing. evillllll. oh well. gotta go call Serene now. ttfn!

calling-ly yours,

Sunday, July 08, 2007 @10:03:00 PM

yayyy! i am blogginggggg. in schoollllll.hahahahahaha. the blur teacher unlocked the internet block without realizing it. LOL. and he's supposed to be the teacher. hahahahahaha. at least i can get into mlg. but it's not good cos then i have no excuse to not do my work. aw. haha. i am so boreddd. hahaha. amanda's wikiing mcr. haha. i can see the black parade. but actually wiki isn't so good. not all the time. i prefer google. haha. WHAT THE TOOOOTOTT?? WE HAVE TO DO A COMPO ON MICROSOFT WORD??? HOW THE TOOT DO YOU WRITE A COMPO ON MICROSOFT WORD???? WHAT IS THERE TO TALK ABOUT IN MICROSOFT WORD??? AIYOOO...i hate him lor. so lame. and so louzy. hahaha. oh well. i'm soo bored. laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllaaaaaa.

aye bee cee dee eeee phh gee, eigh eye jay kay elle emme enne oo peee. kew are ass tee you vee. doubleyou axe why zee. LOL. ok i know i'm crapping. lalalalalalalala. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. SUEANN CANNOT GO BLOGGER. MUHAHAHAHAHAHA. I ROCK. lols. she is crapping big time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aiyooo. that was sankari. grrrr. SCRAM. not you amanda. =] lols. i bet only jasmin and ragni are listening to him. lalalalalalalalalala. ok i shall not say anymore. oh yeah...like go read bessy's point of view on the great syf night. haha. its under my links...the first one. yup. i wanted to post this in school but the teacher finally realized and cut me off. grrr. but i went on msn anyway. haha. then i talked to yx and was being lame.

since i already started this...might as well say what happened. well...nothing much really. just that after recess i spent the rest of the day in aircon rooms. 1st chinese in the com lab, then IT in the com lab (DER) then band in the band room. oh yeah...minus lunch and drills. haha. but english was actually kinda fun. we had to write a story with all those walking words that we got before. then it made me remember the lame simile story me and bess made up last year. lets see...ah ha! found it. it's seriously damm lame so get ready to either rofl or totally diao me. haha.
the fantastic story:
oh damm i cant find it. LOL. but i kinda remember it and it goes something like this.

one day little Johnny got a cat. everyday, he let it out. but at night he couldn't see so he had to call out 'here little kitty little kitty. here kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty
kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty. (well the idea was to write a full 150 words with 'kitty's and 'here's but i changed my mind) then one day he went out to the balcony and called for his cat. then, his cat jumped out and he stuffed it into a bag and threw the bag into the room. his neighbor was a cat-lover and saw him torture that cat so she threw a huge roll of blue cheese at Johnny. it hit him on the head, so he thought the moon was made of blue cheese! and had fallen out of the sky! (CHICKEN LITTLE!) but he told himself he couldn't be bothered so he just went to sleep. the next day, he got up and went out to play. he took along his slingshot. in the forest, he saw two birds sitting directly in front of each other. so he quietly picked up a stone and killed two birds with one stone. then he brought them back and put them aside for his cat later. then that night, he was supposed to have a special prayer on that day but he didn't do it cos he couldn't be bothered. so, God was really angry, and decided to punish him, not only for not saying the prayer but killing birds and keeping the cat in a bag. so he let the cat out of the bag and revived the two birds. one of the birds picked up a fake apple and flew over Johnny's head with it. then his cat and the other bird jumped on him and scratched and pecked him. then since his eyes were open the bird with the apple quickly stuffed it into his eye. then the cat pushed it in further so it would stay there forever. (sounds like happy tree friends right? hahahaha) and guess what this story is called? the apple of his eye. THE END.

ROFLMAO. ok i know it's sadistic but the original was seriously nicer. once i find it i'll put it up. haha. anyway, there's a moral to it too:
don't get a cat. if you do have one don't put it into a bag or if you have don't let it out. also don't kill birds with stones and convince yourself that the moon is never ever ever made of blue cheese. also, say your prayers every night and don't leave apples lying around.

ok the moral is lamer than the story itself. haha. oh well i have to go do my work now. so sad. hahaha. oh well. good night people. i may post again if i somehow manage to finish my work. somehow.

somehowing-ly yours,

Saturday, July 07, 2007 @9:29:00 AM

I JUST SAW BESSY BLOG AND THERE WAS A IQ TEST AND SHE GOT 132 SO I WENT TO DO IT AND I GOT 122. JUST 10 LESS THAN HER. NO FAIRRRRRR. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. THIS SO SUCKS. at least i'm a mastermind. LISTEN TO MEEEEEEE. HAHAHAHA. okok. fine. i'm sweating like mad and it is 12.27am. i am going to sleep. GOOD NIGHT.

IQ Test Score

sweating-ly yours,

Friday, July 06, 2007 @10:30:00 PM
aelispeaks:SYF NIGHT!!!

omigosh it was so coollll!!!!! like seriously. except for the ELDDS part cos the mikes were totally messed up until the end of the end. poor things. but the band was soooo nice!!!! like really. during glacier the 4 horns and the 4 saxophones came to the front of the band then did a solo. then half way the sax bowed and went back to their seats. then it was like the 4 horns left!!! SO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then i was like watching hui min especially cos i knew she would be super nervous so i was praying and praying that she would be able to play the whole thing nicely. and she did!!! 3 CHEERS FOR HUI MIN!!! hahahahaha. then the solo was over then they 4 like stone for 5 seconds then look at each other then they curtsied and went back. i almost burst out laughing. i mean the sax bowed but they curtsied like super girly girls or something. haha. then i was anklong. they were really nice too. and i actually managed to see Prescilla. haha. the audience was kinda swaying to the music so that meant it was really good. i mean like in school functions like thins you wanna look cool or whatever so you don't sway. but there were people swaying so that showed how good they were. haha. then it was guitar. they were good but about the end of the middle part one of them was out of tune or something. but it wasn't so bad. then i was the malay dance. nothing bad happened. but they had purple fans. GAY FANS. haha. but it was nice all the same. then it was chinese dance. we couldn't see all the bits on the floor since we were at the back. so sad. good thing i watched it all before. haha. then it was the interval. (lol i typed interview just now instead of interval.)

during the interval i dragged ben and nicole down to the band room. nicole dragged rachel. haha. then we went down and were like 'can we go in? can we??' then miss tan and mr wong were outside. miss tan was eating fries. with chilli. i think. haha. then i asked her if we could go in then she said 'band members only.' which kinda made me wanna laugh cos she didn't say 'stc band members only.' and ben was a band member. so were jian xing and mag. haha. which actually meant they could go in too. haha. but they didn't. then i took the photocopied Jericho score then i went in. i saw hui min and bernadette but i didn't see xuan ya or sam. then i went over to hui min and passed the score to her then she asked about their performance. i said 'nice lar' LIKE DER. haha. but it was really nice. then i told her she was like really stiff. then she said of course what...so nervous. haha. i have like the best sl in the world. hahahaha. then i think sam came in and hui min saw her so she asked me to go pass it to her myself. so i did. then sam score read on the spot but didn't play which was what ben wanted to hear. haha. poor ben. but then its like all the senors started being lame and snapping pictures. nicole and rachel went to get water and didn't come back. haha. then like they kept standing in a circle and taking pictures from inside the circle so i was like kinda extra... haha. then sam got her camera then they took even more. haha. then hui min said she wanted a pic with me but it was kinda awkward cos i was the only sec 1 there and all. so i like moved away. haha. then i forgot who said 'aiya act shy only lar...' haha. which was kinda true. oh well. then they were jumping up and down and being super high and i was laughing alot. i was thinking...people say to their seniors 'when i grow up i wanna be just like you.' if this is what they're like now....i don't think i wanna be just like them. LOL. but then they were zhi lian-ing then miss tan opened the door then said to me 'oi silea. your friend is outside waiting for you eh.' the i asked which one...cos there was ben bess jian xing kelila mag. haha. then she said the guy. i said which guy? then she opened the door wider and said that one. then i saw ben jian xing and the 3 girls zhi lian-ing. haha. then i told her 'aiya nevermind lar. he said he doesn't mind waiting. haha.' which was true cos that's what ben said. then she was like ok lor then closed the door. then inside the seniors were like 'aiya go lar go lar.' IN CASE ANY OF MY SENIORS ARE READING THIS BEN IS NOT MY BF. seriously. haha. ben is too good a friend to be a bf. haha. then the other 4 went up and ben was still waiting outside. so i finally went out and we went up tho i really really really really wanted to like stay in the band room then when they went up for the finale i'd go back to my seat since i'd already watched the whole thing. but in the end i went up with ben.

then...after the interval was ELDDS. english language drama something society. haha. it was about the red hill story...the one with all the swordfish. but the mikes were all screwed up so it was a real pity. then...it was modern dance i think. oh. it was choir. oops. haha. but yeah. it was choir. kelila said it sucked. i thought it was ok. then bess mag and kel wanted to leave for mac cos they said that they couldn't be bothered blablabla. i soo wanted to stay...then like after the concert i would like go to the band room and laugh like mad. but since they were so persistent i like kept begging them and all. then....bess saw the modern dance and so fell in love. haha. thank you modern dance people. haha. then in the end she stayed for the whole thing...i loved the thank you for the music 1 cos seniors were playing 2 cos i could like see most of my band seniors on stage. haha. then we got the glow stick things. then...once they sang the last note we just chionged out. haha. then we went down and made weird things with out sticks. then ben's broke so he had to rush to go wash it off cos it was like poisonous or something. i can't remember. then so while he was in the toilet washing the band was going back to the band room. then just as he came out xuan ya and sam walked past so then sam was like 'hi. what's your name?' then i was like 'omg diao. he is not my bf!!!!! GRRRRRRRRR!' then ben was nice enough to say. then we walked away. LOL. then....oh ya. hui min ran past with caszella and told me to go help with the instruments. i wanted to tell them but they were too far so i just went up. i was kinda extra... didn't really carry anything. haha. i wanted to carry the chime bar thingo but they were taken. haha. then i got murdered by them when i went down.

we went out quickly and wasted another like 20 mins waiting for the bus. grrrrrr. i probably missed out on some band cheer thing. like 3 cheers for stc band or something which is corny but i still love it. haha. SO UNFAIR. but we finally got on...then went to long johns. and the 3 of them kept being lame and sticking me with ben. like helloooo i have someone? lols. but it was still fun. then we went to go buy bubble tea. the place smelled of chlorine. ew. and i will never buy mocha blended again. i almost puked. bleah. then mom came and sent us all home. the end. lols. oh well. i actually typed this this morning but i couldn't finish it. so sad. haha. oh well. i've gotta go for dinner now. in case they did do like 3 cheers for band or something.....
leader:HIP HIP....
leader: HIP HIP............

LOL. ok ok good night people.

hooraying-ly yours,

Monday, July 02, 2007 @6:52:00 AM

i am finally going to flood my blog. poor thing. i've kept it dry for so long only to open the floodgates now. hahahaha. that sounded weird. oh well. flooding timeeee. =]

What You Really Think Of Your Friends

Mag is your soulmate.

You truly love Kelli.

You consider Bessy your true friend.

You know that Parveenoid! is always thinking of you.

You'll remember Mandy for the rest of your life.

You secretly think ME! is creative, charming, and a bit too dramatic at times.

You secretly think that Yian is colorful, impulsive, and a total risk taker.

You secretly think that Sijay is loyal and trustworthy to you. And that Sijay changes lovers faster than underwear.

You secretly think Whassat? is shy and nonconfrontational. And that Whassat? has a hidden internet romance.

LOL. the whassat one was the cracker thingo. hahaha. it makes me and parveen sound lesbo. ew.

Your Relationship is Still Building Strength

You're relationship is fairly strong, but you're still working on making things solid.
Make sure you're both treating each other with kindness and respect, even when things aren't going well.

oh -whew-. honestly i was praying for good results. and this is...kinda good. not that he'll ever see it but yeah.

You Are a Golden Retriever Puppy

Tolerant, fun-loving, and patient.
You are eager to please - and attached to your frisbee.

OH YAYE. they're sooo cute! hahaha.

You Are Vixen

Sexy and sultry, you're the one all the other reindeer dream about.

Why You're Naughty: That fur pulling spat you got into with Dancer over Santa.

Why You're Nice: Because even when you're nice, you're still delightfully naughty!

is that good? i mean a reindeer called vixen? hmmmmm....

Popular Kid

In high school, everyone knew your name - even if you didn't know theirs.

In fact, your still skating by on your looks and charm. Nothing wrong with that!

i wish man...haha. but i guess it's kinda ok in school now. =] on with the quizzes.

You Are 73% Passionate, 27% Compassionate

You are very passionate, especially when it comes to love.
In fact, it's sometimes difficult for you to tell between love and lust.
You jump in head first, and figure things out later... usually when it's all over!

hmmm....is it a good thing? what's superficial anyway?

You Need Some Orange in Your Life

Orange will make you feel open, lively, and artistic.
And with a little orange, you will project an aura of friendliness.
If you want bolder experiences, you've got to get a little orange in your life!

For extra punch: Combine orange with red or yellow

The downside of orange: It's too powerful and unusual for some people to deal with

The consequences of more orange in your life:

You will become more creative in almost every aspect of your life
You will find humor in the most serious and dismal situations
You will feel like life is exciting, even when you're doing ordinary things

oh wow. and to think orange is my 2nd fav color. hahaha

Your Eyes Should Be Brown

Your eyes reflect: Depth and wisdom

What's hidden behind your eyes: A tender heart

lols. my eyes are brown. so i will never get colored contacts. if i get contacts.

You Are Not Prissy

You're the furthest thing from a princess - and you probably stay far away from any princess types you know.
You have an easygoing approach to living. It doesn't take a lot to make you happy.
And when life requires it, you're ready to get your hand a little dirty.
There's no problem you're too prissy to tackle!

oh yayeeeee. hahahaha.

You Are A Fun Friend

You're the one who keeps your group laughing
And you've always got an idea for something fun to do
The party's not complete without you
And you wouldn't miss it for the world

woots~ haha. i'm sooo glad.

You Are a Centaur

In general, you are a very cautious and reserved person.
However, you are also warm hearted, and you enjoy helping others in practical ways.
You are a great teacher, and you are really good at helping people get their lives in order.
You are very intuitive, and you go with your gut. You make good decisions easily.


You Are Banana Pocky

Your attitude: fun and lighthearted
Unique and unforgettable
You are cutie everyone falls for

ewwww. banana???

You Are Rock

Powerful and overbearing, you intimidate people with your presence.
People know they can't push you around, and they respect that.
Deep down, you are calm, confident, and unmovable.
You take everything pretty seriously, and you think deeply about all aspects of your life.

You tend to feel smothered by paper people.

You don't mind crushing the spirit of a scissors person.

When you fight, you: Use all of your strength

If someone makes you mad: You're likely to throw something at them

wooohh! same as bessy! hahaha.

Your Personality is Somewhat Rare (ESFP)

Your personality type is playful, charming, open minded, and energetic.

Only about 7% of all people have your personality, including 9% of all women and 5% of all men
You are Extroverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving.


Your Personality Is

Idealist (NF)

You are a passionate, caring, and unique person.
You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals.

You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily.
Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings.

You seek out other empathetic people to befriend.
Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships.

In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily.

At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career.

With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone.

As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style.

On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours.

oh cool. haha. i'll just do 2 more then i'll go. =]

Your Mood Ring is Blue-Green

Inner emotions charged
Yet, somewhat relaxed

hmm...i was kinda hoping for blue but oh well. haha. this is nice too.

Your Love is Represented by a White Rose

While you may or may not be totally naive, you do approach love with an eternal innocence.
You love like you've never been hurt. And you put all your faith in your partner.
Your philosophy on love is: be honest and be yourself.

never been hurt? i wish. oh well.

i've gotta go now. there's school tomorrow. so unfair. oh well. wish me luck! =] night everyone.

dreadingly yours,