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this is : AELIS WORLD

welcome to the
warped side of life.



i am AELIS

and the CELLO!

i love STCBAND!
many instruments, one sound. many sections, one family!

i love the HORNS & TRUMPETS!

i am currently in sec 4 ATOMIC!
watch out, we'll blow you away!

i was born on ohfive onetwo ninefour.
presents are always welcome(:

i am taking part in CHINGAY 2010!
look out for me!



the COOLEST place in the universe.


other stops in the universe.


the AWESOMEST people ever in the history of awesome people.



Sam Tsui!
AJ Rafael!
Gabe Bondoc!



listen up
pls do not remove the creditszx!
Designer:yik thong
Others:x o x o o
Friday, November 23, 2007 @5:50:00 AM

OMG THIS IS SO COOL. i was like totally bored and all so i googled my name. and guess what turned up?


can you believe i was in a movie?? lols. but i was like totally tiny then. like...3-5? LOL. but still. like how many kids my age have even been in a movie? well actually it was just a short film BUT STILL. lols. i like so totally forgot about it ages ago...thats why when i saw it on google i was like HUH?? why does that person have the same name as me?? lols.

still so cool. haha.

tmr's the coast guard d & d and my lips are swollen and full of blisters. at least it isn't as bad as sam. her tooth came out. no seriously. lols.

we had sushi for lunch again today!! lols. so fun.

then when we were playing my heart will go on (titanic theme song) and it was phoebe's solo...miss tan wanted someone to sing with the sax solo. then it got thrown all around...from jia rui to jamie to rachel to sam to xuan ya to hui min. then when the role was being thrown about the horn section seniors i was sitting there laughing my head off and thinking 'HELLOOOO?? LIKE I CAN'T SING LIDDAT?????' lols. in the end it ended up with hui min. which was totally cool.

then during the lunch break i went to ask miss tan if i could switch with hui min...so i sing and she plays high F# for like...20 counts. :)))))))) LOL. but then miss tan said no...no one will sing and if i can't play high F# then just don't. but i still tried. haha.

but still. its so sad the ppl think i can't sing. LOL. ok ok jkjk. i shall stop going on and on before someone gets offended. hahahahaha.

oh well. i shall go rest my sore lips - don't get the wrong idea READ ON TOP!! like up ^ (there) - and go sleep now so i don't faint or anything tmr. LOL. nightt!!!!!!!


Thursday, November 22, 2007 @8:08:00 AM

Running. It’s what I live for. Almost. Ow. Another rock? The detention kids are so not doing their job. Or maybe I just need a new pair of sneakers. Since mother and uncle Roberts…left, Daddy hasn’t really cared about anything but work. I doubt he’ll even remember my birthday in December if this goes on.

But back to shoes…this old pair has been running with me for 2 years now. It is way out of fashion. But then again, it is a really good pair and now all the shoes are made for style, not comfort. Oh well. Ah. The ol’ ACJC school crest. This is the tenth time I’m running past it. And I’m proud to say that I’m one of the best school runners in ACJC. Actually I’m second best. But I should be the best. And what really pisses me off is that the ‘acknowledged’ best runner is a guy. A popular and cute guy, but still a guy nonetheless.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not anti-guys or anything, I’m just anti-him. And I’m only a few seconds slower than him. He is older so it’s way unfair. And another thing is he’s a long distance runner, but I’m a short distance sprinter! I can win him by half a minute if it’s a short distance. But he wins me by 20 seconds if it’s long distance. Which actually means I’m better than him by 10 seconds.

And my academics are way better. I found that out when I saw the track coach yelling at him for failing. Haha. He deserves it. But just because he’s a guy and a senior he’s the poster boy. Grrr. I mean come on; it’s the 21st century for crying out loud! But noooo, they’re still sexist. Wasn’t that supposed to be over AGES ago?

But whatever. I’m finally on my last round. It’s almost six! Wonder why I’ve been so slow lately. Usually I’m done by 5.30 latest. Maybe it’s because I don’t have a pacer, or because I’ve been working out like mad for the whole weekend. Last five steps. Five…four…three …two…one and COLLAPSE. Whoooo~

The collapsing is a kind of ritual I do after every run. I’ll lie on the track staring at the sky…once I fell asleep and it rained at like eight and woke me up. Then I was drenched and Daddy thought I got kidnapped. Haha. Mother told him not to worry but he still did. But that was before mother…oh well. I’d better get up and go for a shower.

Good thing there’s no rush hour anymore…not with all those free tele-portal things. But I still have to take public transport cos the tele-portals can’t connect that far and I’d probably end up stuck in tele-world or whatever forever. At least it’s an excuse to stay away from daddy’s depressing hovering mood. That shower is going to feel so good.

I need sugar…but daddy darling forgot to give me extra cash. Must remember to ask for it next time. Mother never forgot. But tomorrow I think I’ll just ask Joseph to come. He worries too much about me taking public transport; he’d feel better knowing I was safe in the back of the limo. I wish Joe were my dad. He’d make a way better one than the one I have now…

That dummy WuZun stayed back too. He probably went to the gym. And let’s see…one two three…ah. Five girls today only? Surprising. Usually the whole fan club of fifty plus is following him all over the place. I almost pity him. Almost. And he lives two houses down so they keep pestering me about what he did the night before…what time his light went off stuff like that. As if I care. But they do give me stuff that daddy refuses to give me cash for so I just try to look out for these kinds of things. And ‘cos he’s almost as rich as me he bought food. And he’s sitting opposite me on the train. And munching on his food. Why oh why did I have to get the same carriage as him??

Good thing there’s a table between us or his fan club will be pestering me for weeks about how it was like to sit so close to him without anything in between. And because our class seating is according to CCA’s, he sits directly in front of me. He does have a big head, now that I think of it. I can never see Mr. Tencredi when he sits at his desk, which is almost the whole lesson.

Then again, who would want to look at Mr. Tencredi? WuZun is so obviously making it look seriously enjoyable just to spite me. I feel like slapping him left right up down inside outside inside out! Eight more stops, then a walking distance of 15 minutes until we reach my house, and then he walks for another 5 minutes before he reaches his house. I think I’ll call Joe and ask him to pick me up at the station so I won’t have to suffer for that 15 minutes. I am going to lie down on the table and sleep. I don’t care what he thinks or does. I’ll call Joe in a bit…night.

Eh…I smell food. *Blink blink* NACHOS! I WANT SOME!!!

‘No way man. Just cos I woke you up at our stop doesn’t mean I’m gonna give you anything. Now stop acting like a starving beggar and get off. And please stop drooling and embarrassing me and the school.’

Yeah as if I drooled. And I noticed he didn’t say embarrass myself. Grrrrrrrrr. *smoke comes out from both ears* argh! And now Joe won’t be here in time even if I call him now. Great. Just great. And I’m still starving. And I will be for the next fifteen to twenty minutes. The down side of having a school so far that I need to take the train. Hatehatehatehatehatehatehate. But at least it’s a good school. With a good track team. Oh crap. I almost bumped into him. Must clear my mind and concentrate on walking in a straight line or I’ll be arrested or something. Haha.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… finally I’m home. And I don’t have to stare at his obnoxious face for one second longer. But…Joe’s out and so is daddy. And since Maryanne our maid only comes in the mornings there’s no one home. Oh well. I’ll just call Mac delivery and though it’ll take forever for the guy to get through the six guard posts. I’d better run a bath…by the time he reaches I’d have just finished. I’d better remember to give him a big tip. I love hot water.

I told ya they’d take forever. At least the delivery guy is finally at the last guard post. Good thing daddy allowed me to put that auto-answer thing on the phone. It’s a recording of me saying ‘Hello? Yes I called McDonalds delivery because I’m hungry. Now let him in.’ haha. I know it sounds evil but really I’m not. Sometimes being rich is such a bummer. Oh well. I’d better get out before I turn wrinkly! Haha.

Now I’ll have to go write that essay on…on what was it again? Oh yeah. Celebs vs. Political characters. How boring. At least this is only a basic script since we’re going to be doing a debate on it. Can you believe that dumbass Rabbit (Mr. Burrows) put me under Political Characters?? How boring can that get? Oh well. At least his brother Mr. Scofield is cute. Haha. And his name is Michael. How cute can that get? Michael Scofield. Hmm……

Oops. The delivery guy is here. How much???? £20 for a measly delivery? Oh well. 20 pounds…I guess daddy won’t mind if I give him a £10 tip…after all; daddy did just invent the £30 note. Daddy darling deserves to have to pay for it. For not giving me money and for not calling Joe to come pick me up. Haven’t I done him proud? All those rusty old medals hanging up there you think I really care? No. It was all for him. Him, him and always him. Never for myself. Except for that time I actually had a crush on one of the track seniors (NOT WUZUN THAT FAT ASS IDIOT) and I did it to prove I was better. But that was just that once. Oh well.

Time to tuck in! I’m starving. I love fast food! I don’t care how bad it is for my health, I’ll just burn it off running. Yums. And for the first time they actually delivered the ice cream barely melted. I’ve always had to leave it in the freezer but then it tastes horrible. Now I can just put it in the fridge. Oh well. I’m going to savor this for as long as I can before I have to go do the debate script and pointers whatever. Bleah. Oh well. I love extra salty fries!

Why political characters are better then celebrities? Honestly…THEY ARE??? They don’t get caught doing wrong things as often? Maybe it’s because they have the power to keep it off the news. They make important decisions? So do celebs…they have to choose what to wear to the Grammy’s. But I bet celebs would be able to make those decisions as well as any frumpy old politician and look good doing it. I mean, why do people in Singapore make fun of their PM’s speech? Because it’s so boring that they can’t be bothered to notice the important stuff in his speech. I bet if someone hot like JT was making the speech people all over would be listening and paying attention. And his jokes wouldn’t be so cold. I mean that’s what entertainers are trained to do right? Entertain. That’s where their name comes from. Der.

Oh fuddy dudders. I want to be on the celebs side!!! I hate Rabbit. You know rabbits are supposed to but cute and cuddly? This old Rabbit is well, old, fat and always sweaty. Ew. I have no idea how he could have such a cute younger brother! Michael Scofield. How cute is that?! Oh well. I still have to finish this script thingo so I need to concentrate. Like orange juice. Hmm… I wonder if there’s any juice left. NO. CONCENTRATE. Oh man…

“hey Val! Who what when? …… party at Jason’s house, 8 to whenever. Hmm. Ok I’ll see you there babe!’

hmm… Jason is soo lucky. His parents don’t bother him at all, and gives him all the cash he wants. Also, their house is as good as a pub. Better, in fact! I mean it has extra rooms, a pool, a jaccusi, a dance floor, disco lights, a bar, EVERYTHING. Like seriously. I had a party once and daddy called the cops cos he thought people had broken in. And I did tell him before hand so don’t blame me. Oh well. Thank God I got that totally cute black and green mini dress made yesterday…hmm…I think I’ll match it with my hairband, maryjanes……OH NO. I don’t have a date! Oh well. I’ll just go with Valencia, my best friend since like, forever? She’s single too. But I’d better call her before she go gets a date! Good thing I’d already bathed, it’s almost 7.30! Ahhh!! Arrangements, arrangements!

It’s almost 8 and I’m stoning outside Val’s house. Since I don’t have my learners permit yet, she has to drive. And because she’s sneaking out (again) I can’t go in to wait. So instead I’m leaning against her totally cute peach convertible waiting for her to climb down the ivy. Literally. Her dad went mad once and decided to make their home like some fortress or something…so he grew ivy and roses up and down the wall outside her window. Unfortunately he couldn’t control it and had to hack the rest of it off. So now the right side of the house looks Medieval and the rest of the house looks perfect. Like…white, clean tidy kinda perfect. You know? Anyway, so I’m waiting here for Val to climb down. She always makes me wait for forever, then she tells me that being fashionably late is totally fine. Is that her at the window?

“Valencia, oh Valencia. Climb down the ivy! I’m not going to continue cos it’s not easy! Come ON Val!’

‘All right, all right. Here, catch!’

Catch? Catch wha – ow. Oh. Catch her bag. FINE. Oh gawd. I have no idea how she can still look so glam while climbing down ivy. IVY for crying out loud! I so hate her. But she’s my best friend so whatever.


‘Hey! You try climbing down ivy in a mini dress! Sheesh. You’re worse than my mom.’

‘Your mom doesn’t even KNOW you’re climbing down the ivy in a mini dress!’

‘Yeah…but…oh whatever! I’m down already!’

O.mi.gosh. she looks TOTALLY fab. Like this…forest faerie look? Slim, tall figure, pale skin, green streaks in her brown hair, the mini dress, and the red ivy flower in her hair. Why do I have to have such a gorgeous best friend?

“what? I know I’m beautiful. Let’s go already miss nag!’

I may hate my best friend…but with friends like her who needs enemies? LOL. And of course she chauffeurs me around in her convertible until my birthday comes along with my learners permit and promised Ferrari from daddy. Or maybe a Jag. Whichever comes up with the nicer model. But definitely a convertible. I love the wind in my hair, and it would be totally cute if both of us have convertibles. Oh well. For now…I just have to sit back, relax and enjoy the riDEEEEEEEE!!!

‘VAL! I know you’ve got a death wish since that guy broke up with you but I still wanna live ok??!! Don’t flip the car!!!’

‘hahaha. What guy? Who cares about him? and relax sue-y. we’re not gonna die till we’re old hags with millions of grandkids, ok? I’m just trying to get us there faster!’

‘number one, don’t call me sue-y. it’s gross. number two, I don’t want to be an old hag! Of all things!! And number three…WATCH THE ROAD!!!! NOT THE CUTE GUYS ON THE SIDEWALK!!!! VALLLL!!!! !*@&#^$%!%@^!!

‘yeah yeah yeah. Mom. At least my mom doesn’t shriek. She just faints! Isn’t that totally hilarious??’

HILARIOUS??????? Oh God. What have I gotten myself into?? Save me.

Finally. Stable ground. That ride was like a two year-old on a 18 year-old limit roller coaster! She usually doesn’t go so fast but I think she was just bored. I almost hurled. And she had to miss his street. Five times. Now it’s almost 9. the best guys’ll be gone by now…and Val’s even more impatient to get in. oh well. In we go then. Wow. It’s still packed. Surprisingly. Oh man. I see red.

‘Hey Sue-ann!! What are you doing here?’

That’s Archie. Typical red top, kinda geeky but in a cute way. Oh yeah. And have I mentioned his major crush on me for like…forever?

Hi Archie. I’m here too you know?’

‘Oh. Right. Sorry Val. Hi. so what are you two doing here?’

‘We were – ‘

‘ - and why can’t we be here? We’re two single girls. It’s a party with single guys. Do the math!’

Lolls. Val loves teasing Arch. He’s kinda slow on relationships.

‘um. I still don’t get it. What does you being single got to do with you coming to a party with – oh. Ohhhhh. Ok I get it.’ Haha. See what I mean?

‘Finally! Don’t stress it Arch. I’m sure someday some cute girl will fancy you. Then she’ll be able to explain everything too! Hahahaha. Ok Arch. Sorry. Oh. We gotta go. Toodles!’

Oh man. When Val says toodles and waggles her fingers like that it means she sees a hottie. Val grabs my arm and whispers ‘turn around. Now.’ With a fake smile on her face. So I do. And who do I see? Who else but Mr. Great Show-off Stuck up arsehole WuZun. ARGH! Unlike moi, Val does not see him for what he is. a.k.a mr great show off etc etc… ugh. He’s oggling at me. I did not dress up for him of all people to oggle at!

‘quit staring at me…it’s bad for my skin.’

Grrr. I push past him into the party, breaking Val’s heart when I drag her after me. Hahaha. I’m here to have a good time. Who cares about him?

‘Come on Val. Let’s go dance. You can go bump into him in school. Let’s go have fun already!’

Whooots. I love dancing man…not to say I’m great at it…but I’m average you know? Like the beat flowing through you…just feeling the music. Lolls. I sound like a band geek. But if band wasn’t so geeky I would join it actually…I mean I like music. But band is just way bad. I worked hard to be a jock in this school and I’m not going to give it all away. Never. Oh well.

Oh my god! I love this song! But it’s a pity Val’s in the loo and it’s a slow one so I don’t have a partner…oh well. Hmm hmm hmmm…hm hmm hmm hmmm….

‘Hey…er Sueann? You…uh…wanna dance?’

Who’s that? Arch? OMFGMIH. WUZUN IS ASKING ME TO DANCE?????? Okok. Calm down. Breathe. OMG ANSWER HIM HE’S STARING AT YOU YOU IDIOT. Ummmmm. Umm. Umm. Okok I think I’ll just dance with him you know…just for the heck of it.

‘Sure. Whatever.’

Oh man. He actually looks happy. Ooppps. Oh well who cares. Oh right. Val does. Hahaha. Who cares. This could actually be like good. I mean I could get the two of them together right? I am so the greatest. Lolls. Oh gosh. I’m getting evil looks from all the girls. Oh well. I – WHY DO I KEEP SAYING OH SOMETHING??? I sound like GRANDMERE. Worse than grandmere actually…oopps. I almost stepped on his foot. Ok I have to concentrate on dancing. And not stepping on his feet. Not grandmere.

Phew. I actually survived dancing with Mr stuck up. And trust me. That’s not easy when you’re trying to resist the temptation to stomp on his feet and walk away laughing…oh. Val’s back. Good. I feel like going home…I don’t feel so good. If Val found out what I just did, she’d never talk to me again.

You danced with him???? How could you??? You hate him!!! And I hate you!!! I never want to talk to you again!

oh no.

‘VAL!! Listen to me!! It isn’t what you thi – ‘

ow. She had to slam the door in my face. ARGH. I knew it was a mistake!! And it’s all that WuZun’s fault!! ARGHHHHH. I’ve gotta go after Val!

‘Val!! Listen to me! I did it for you ok??’

‘FOR ME?? YOU DANCED WITH THE GUY OF MY DREAMS FOR ME??? Don’t give me any of your crap you freaking bitch.’

‘GOD! Just shut up and listen ok? we’ve been friends like forever and you still think I’d choose him over you?? That I’d choose any guy over you?? I’d never go out with him!! I’d make you go instead! You talk to him you go out with him whatever. I’d get a new guy!! Just shut up and trust me a little would ya? I’m taking the bus back. Bye.’

Man. I can’t believe her! Jeez. The bus stop is miles away from my house. Downside of being rich I guess. Joe’d be fetching daddy home right now right? Yep. Grr. I think I’ll get a pizza for the trip home so I don’t faint halfway or anything.

‘SueAnn! Wait! I’m sorry, ok? come on. What do I have to do to make you forgive me??’

oh. Val finally caught up with me. In her car. Like come on. I know I’m on the track team but I can’t run faster than a car let alone walk faster than one. Even plus the ‘getting over the shock that she’s wrong’ bit…she should have caught up ages ago. And I’m still not going to talk to her. LALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALA. I CANNOT HEARRR YOUUUUU.

‘come on Sueann. Don’t do that thing where you imagine you sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling lalalalala I cannot hear you.’

Oh damn. How did she know?

‘come on. I’ll drive you back…don’t be like this. I’m sorry ok? jump in already. I’ll let you pig out on fast food…my treat? What do you want? Macs? Carl’s Junior? Pizza?’

sigh. Ok fine. I’ll talk to her.

‘option three. But still not enough.’

‘a ride…pizza…what else? No speeding? Fine. I swear I’ll stay below 80. come on the engine’s overheating…’

‘a ride, pizza, below 70 and follow out my plan. Agreed?’

‘argh. 70?? That’s like…walking!!’

‘then I’ll just walk home.’

‘OKOK. Fine. Jeez. get in. but at least tell me what’s the plan ok? now quick before the engine blows and we really do have to walk.’

Ah well. In I go. At least I know that the plan can’t go wrong…I’ll never fall for Wuzun. Ever. Now for pizza! Yum.

JOE’S PIZZA PIZZATRON?????!!!!! Vallllllllllll….’

‘oh come on. You said pizza. You didn’t say…Pizza Hut or a pizza restaurant or even a normal diner!!! And It’s not that bad…it’s fun!’

‘FUN??? It’s a buffet bar for pizzas. End.’

‘weelll. Yeahh….but the biggest crust is only 10 bucks. Hahaha. At least it’s edible…unlike my mom’s pizzas.’

‘your mom’s pizzas aren’t even pizzas. They’re like…the-entire-content-of-your-fridge-at-that-time - on a crust. Those have a category of their own!’

oh man. At least it’s still food. In I go.

‘So. Now that we have brain food…will you please tell me what the plan is, SueAnn?’

‘Hey it rhymes. Plan, SueAnn, Plan, Sue- ok ok fine. Don’t give me that look. Hmmm…anchovies are brain food right? You actually listen in home ec…are they? FINE Val! Stop looking at me like that. It’s freaky. Ok. basically, the plan is…I will go out with him. wait wait wait. Let me finish explaining before you start to protest. Then after a while we’ll pretend that I can’t make it..but you’ll sub for me. Or I’ll just drag you along if we don’t have an excuse. And before long, he’ll have to fall for you even if he wants to or not. Then I’ll dump him.’

‘isn’t that like kinda mean? What if he still likes you?’

‘then you’ll be there to cheer him up. DUH Val! But if he isn’t then he’ll just be happy with you and I’ll go get another guy and we’ll all live happily ever after. Aren’t I a genius?? I soo deserve more pizza.’


‘but you swear you won’t fall for him?’

‘you’re kidding, right? Me, fall for Mr stuck up act cool great show-off whatever whatever whatever whatever? You wish.’

‘no I don’t wish. Now cheers!’

gosh. Imagine us making toasts to people with pizza.

‘to our success then, Val?’


LOL that is so totally funny. The first time we went to church, she yelled out ameneth when we were supposed to say amen. She saw it in a movie.

Well. Monday morning. The first day of operation ‘lead WuZun on so he can fall for Val’. In short……um…LWZOSHCFFV. Wow. Imagine actually saying that. Lets see…ellwuhzuhohshkffffvuh. Ooookayee……

‘we need to change our plan name Val.’

‘agreed. Alwuzoshkfffvee?? LOL. You so have to learn to not voice out everything that goes through your mind Sue-y.’

‘grrr….let’s just get to homeroom already. Before mutant rabbit yells so much he sweats and turns into a human bomb. A walking talking STINKbomb that is!’

‘ugh. Yeah! Oh remember that time he was late and rabbits just let him off? I swear rabbit is totally biased. Another good reason to be with him…’

‘God Val…quit thinking of him already you’re driving me mad!’

‘oh damn. SueAnn do you love me as a friend??’

‘what?? What is it now? The last time you asked me that was when we had our term papers and you were drunk and high and wanted to go suicidal.’

‘I’ve gotta run to my locker. Come on please SueAnn?? It’ll only take five minutes!! No, two minutes!! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee?? Come on. Two minutes. Gogogogogogogooo!’

ugh!! We only have two minutes to get to class not to get to Val’s locker!!! Why do I let myself get dragged into these things?? Why does she have to go now?? Ahhhh!!! One more minute! We are so going to be late. Again. We’re like the only ones who manage to be late for homeroom! I guess the others don’t want to risk being locked in a stuffy hot room with the living stink. We, on the other hand, somehow……endure it somehow. Maybe we should call him something else like…Bombay…or Bomby? Lols. Bomay sounds to…fancy for him and Bomby sounds like Bambi which is totally cute.

And now we’re officially late for homeroom! Again. Jeez.

‘come on SA, we’re gonna be late!’

‘actually we are late. And all thanks to who??’

‘FINE. Just run already!!’

Room 10..12…14…16…18…20…22!! oops. He’s staring right at the door. Ouch…his stare burns. I swear. Like…radioactive or something.

‘Tardy. Again.’

Ooh. Brrrrr. Iceman. I swear he could act as Prof. Snape in all the HP movies but I think he’d be too smelly….

‘Ah…Mr Burrows…we can explain…right SueAnn??’

WE CAN??!!! Please don’t tell me she’s gonna come up with some crackpot story………

‘Um. Well. You see we…ah…heard of this shortcut that we could take to get to class and as we…um…we were almost late we tried it. But…ah…the…um…shortcut turned out to be a…ah…longcut?’

OHMYGOD. A LONGCUT?????????? VALLLLL!!!!!!!!!

‘All right then girls. Why don’t you show me this…longcut after class? In detention.’


‘Don’t but me! DETENTION!’



OMG. WuZun?? What’s he doing??

‘SueAnn can’t go for detention.’

‘And why not Mr…mr…Wu?’

omg how lame everyone knows WuZun doesn’t have a surname…WuZun is his name. Period.

‘The inter-school competition starts today, sir. As captian of the track team, I admit we need SueAnn there to win. Miss Bellaford already gave me the authority to do so. You may take it up with her if you like. Also, Valencia has her national gymnastics competition today…am I correct, Valencia? If you have any problems with that I’m sure Miss Buffy will be pleased to discuss it with you.’

Omigosh. He just totally played Rabbit! Everyone knows he has this major crush on Miss Buffy…well she is hot you can’t blame him. And Miss Bellaford is always running all over the school…it’s impossible to find her…even for the teachers. And the best part? We are so off the hook. And the better bestest best part? HE DEFENDED VAL TOO! My plan’s already working. He’s so sweet…Rabbit could have thrown him in detention too! Awww…

‘well. I…i…ahh. All right then. No detention.’


But. You’d better not be late again…competition or no competition.’

Well duh. Even if I have to drag her by the hair I’m not going to let Val make me late for homeroom again.

‘yes Mr Burrows.’

Ugh. We sounded soo sweet and innocent. Gross. Anyway. To our seats before he finds another reason to yell at us.

‘hey. thanks back there…’

‘what? Oh. Yeah…it was nothing. Really for you of course.’

Wow. Total swoon. He is so sweet.

‘ugh. Per-lease. But really. Thanks. It was sweet of you. Um…just wondering…do you really have permission from Miss Bellaford?’

'no. are you kidding? Lolls. But who cares right?’

ohh. His eyes are so nice…I could get lost in them….OW. what’s this? A note? From…Val?

OI. Quit oggling at my guy! He’s mine. MINE MINE MINE ALL MINE. YOU HEAR??

Gosh. She has control issues…I wasn’t oggling at him… I was just…admiring his eyes. Yeah. Gosh. I almost wish I wasn’t doing this for Val…but I am. And I have to stick to it. I can’t betray her…but it isn’t fair to me either…I’ll just have to tell her I can’t do it. And she’ll be sad…but I’ll just buy her fav snacks, let her go mad in the car and she’ll be fine. I’ll tell her after class. What’s going on? A new student?

‘Attention please!! Attention! Everyone, this is John. John…ah…Sanders. He’s going to be a new student here at Cullum High. His ancestors were a very interesting mix of…gypsy and Egyptian. Yes. They called themselves…Gyptians. I believe. Um. You can just sit with the sailing club…there’s a place there isn’t there? Yes yes. Next to SueAnn. So. John. Why don’t you tell us a bit about yourself?’

oh cool. He’s gonna be sitting right next to me! He’s kinda cute actually…

‘I be…ah. I’m John…and um…ah…I en’t used to um…really coming to school much…cos…um…my family keeps moving…like all around the world and all…ya’ll know? Well I’m uh…I can’t wait to get to know ya’ll.’

well. that was about half way to where've i've gotten with totally illogical (a.k.a illogical 2) lols. i'm too lazy to type the whole thing out. so this is just about half of where've i've gotten to. yeah i realize i just said that.

oh yeah. remember i said the bird whistling thing during miss tan's concert was the piano? well. it wasn't. LOL. sam told me...it was some whistle. but honestly it looked like the piano was playing it...also cos there was already a grand piano. lols. she told me and was like 'how embarrassing is that?' like i don't already know. -.-

oh yeah. today jade and yvonne came for band. they're horn seniors...sam and xuan ya's seniors actually. lols. still counted. and can you believe what yvonne said?? she said i look like miss tan. MISS TAN. like so omg la. i so do not. lols. no offense miss tan.but yeah.

i had onigui for lunch! lols. or however you spell it. haha. the jap rice ball. haha. onigiwi. that's what it sounds like. hahahaha.

oh yeah. did i tell you? I'M A GENIUS. =))))))

lols. the maths lesson right...i totally solved the thing. there was this magic ball that guessed some number. the formula was think of a 2 digit number...then minus the sum of the two digits from the original number. then the crystal ball would give you the symbol that represented the number you ended up with. its not that tricky really. we went around and around in circles before we got it. we being me and parv. lols. amirah and sankari helped a bit. lols. main brains? MOI. :D lols.

oh well i'm gonna sleep now. there's band tmr. yay. hahahahaha. omg you know last night i couldn't sleep...but i kept thinking of the fascinating drums rhythm...i'm going mad. lols. night!

genii-ly yours,

Sunday, November 18, 2007 @5:02:00 AM

for those of you who read my previous post and got worried (like parveen) relax. lols. no i wasn't being over emotional and exaggerating everything. it was true. and i was freaking out. but...we talked. and it worked out. and now......i'm the happiest girl in the world. LOL. just joking. but really. i am happy. and pretty much everything's going great.

except for the fact that we have to wear trackpants for 3 days straight for the band exchange! i mean i don't care about the guys there. duh. but seriously. trackpants are just...ew. totally ultimately...EW. they're...poofy. and they make us look...poofy too. which is...as i said...ew. i mean like have you seen the uniform groups marching in their trackpants? its like soo ew. lols. no offense to the uniform groups ppl. it's just the trackpants. and it's hot too. and slippery. like...if i rest my horn on my lap it could just slip off. wayy dangerous. i mean why can't we wear jeans? just ensure that it's not the grunge type...and there's no obsessive decorations or anything. even just normal pants...brown maybe. if they want us to look...uniform. or blue. school colors. but oh well. it's up to the school. at least we're not wearing it with our IJ blue. that would be like...ugh. lols. seriously. ok i shall stop talking crap.

oh yeah. last night i went to see miss tan perform with a wind band...totally cool. and there was cello. and one of the songs they used a keyboard to like have birds twittering. at first we didn't know where it was coming from and i was thinking maybe some guy can like imitate it really well or smt. then i noticed the guy playing the keyboard then like when he played it the bird sounds were the same pattern. i didn't even know you could do stuff like that. lols. the last two songs were like...way nice. magical. lols. but phoebe and zhi wei fell asleep. i don't know how they could. lols. one of the songs was by Jacob De Haan. who also composed Concerto D'amore. which is way nice. but i preferred Concerto. when i saw his name on the program sheet thing i was like...that sounds familiar. i wanted to ask sam but she went in. lols.

oh yeah. and miss tan was given this teddy bear bouquet and she dropped it like 3 times. so funny. lols. and i noticed that when she was playing (she plays clarinet btw) she kept looking down at her clarinet. but in band she's always telling the clarinetists to not looks down. lols. she contradicts herself... oh well. now i'm bored. lols. byee.

ihavenoideawhattosayingly yours,

Thursday, November 15, 2007 @3:17:00 AM

if you knew a guy...but you knew he was a flirt and stole before (he admitted it to you himself)...but you really honestly swear to God like him...would you choose to still like him or would you just give up on him? because right now i really don't know. i mean i've waited so long for him...

i've know him like...2 years? 1 and a half at least. i knew him when my friend was with him...but after a while they broke up. and i got to know him as a friend. but he never told me anything of his bad side. and i got to liking him a lot. then we were together for like a month or 2...and i swear it was like the best months of my life. ever. then suddenly we break up. but i don't give up. i still stick to him. and still feel for him.

and still love him.

but then my friends start to warn me about him. even his ex. even this guy i barely know is warning me against him. and now. now i don't even know what to do. what to think. i mean...everything was going fine. then suddenly everythings going wrong. how can i trust him anymore?

a guy who flirts, who steals, who lied? how am i supposed to know? who am i supposed to trust? why can't i just be happy with the one guy i really loved? what? is it something wrong with me? that i get guys who either don't like me at all, or i don't even know what he's like or something? whatever?

honestly. can someone just tell me? what's wrong with me?