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this is : AELIS WORLD

welcome to the
warped side of life.



i am AELIS

and the CELLO!

i love STCBAND!
many instruments, one sound. many sections, one family!

i love the HORNS & TRUMPETS!

i am currently in sec 4 ATOMIC!
watch out, we'll blow you away!

i was born on ohfive onetwo ninefour.
presents are always welcome(:

i am taking part in CHINGAY 2010!
look out for me!



the COOLEST place in the universe.


other stops in the universe.


the AWESOMEST people ever in the history of awesome people.



Sam Tsui!
AJ Rafael!
Gabe Bondoc!



listen up
pls do not remove the creditszx!
Designer:yik thong
Others:x o x o o
Thursday, June 26, 2008 @5:51:00 AM

omg i FINALLY got illogical back. yayayayayayayayyyyyyy. hahaha. okok. it's like the ONLY story i finished. in 25 pages can you believe? haha. anywayyyy...it's TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGG for me to type out tonight...but don't worry you'll see it soon enough. hahaha.

the ACSJ band boys are so cute la!! haha. they went to china for a band competition. then miss tan and mr wong went with them. then miss tan say that when they climb the GWOC they're like mountain goats...running up all the way. then when coming down cos the steps not even they're like 'boink boink runrunrun boink boink boink.' LOL. and miss tan was dying...=X

then when they went shopping and they bargained...like SUPER CUTE OK. they got alot alot alot of money la...but they take out all and put it away first except for like 10RMB. then they go shopping. then like example one thing 80RMB.

then they go to the auntie and say 'auntie...i'm only a small primary school kid...very young...can give me less? :D:D' then the auntie right away become 40 RMB.

PRO RIGHT? but still not happy. so they will say 'okok i check my wallet.' then come out....'auntie...i only 10 dollars...can give me please?' then give the sad sad face. then from 40RMB become like 10RMB la.

hahahaha. i wish i could do that. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

but i hope they had fun and all. and of course played well. and i DEFINITELY wish that STCBand can someday go overseas too...while i'm still there of course. which is like...one and a half more years? haha. cos sec 4 i probably won't get to go...AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. haha. but i can't wait for SYF. and at the same time i'm worried, of course. but the person who should be most worried is ling yi. cos she's the only trombonist left.

but really the trombone sec1s are...A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. especially crystal. she plays GREAT but she's shy so she play softly. which is a great pity...haha. and of course my own section juniors are great too :D really. i'm not just saying it. but still must continue to work hard. COME FOR SI PLEASE. hahahaha. anyway i've still got other work to do so i'll ttyl. see ya:D

26.6.08 9.11

Thursday, June 19, 2008 @1:28:00 AM

went ice skating today. again. quite fun...but the BIG thing is...after going for like...10 times...without falling...today...

i fell.

yeah. haha. now my ass hurts like hell. still fun though. the ice was ok today...but super smooth. good for going backwards but not for falling.

it's like...right after they resurfaced the ice me, zhenwei and yx got right back on then i was going fast then suddenly i slipped and went like...BAM. then i slid along the wall before i stopped.


yeah. i was like 'WOW did i just FALL!?????!!!!!' LOL.

anyway it was pretty great. saw BESSY too :D she still looks the same. haha. as in still looks as good. :D

and i saw junyang. yeah the smelly BO irritating guy i was fighting with the whole p6 year cos of his fat ass...and in xue er you when he stupidly came to join. thank god i quitted.

anyway. band's starting on monday...can't wait. but the only sad thing is, so is school. WHY CAN'T I BE HOME SCHOOLED OR SOMETHING? but still go for band of course. haha.

oh yeah just remembered. the class outing shd have been today. the weather is great. abit hot in the morning about 11 plus but still. like yesterday we went for one hour plus and it started POURING. then lydia suggested going to IMM so me, parveen amelia and siyi RAN out in the POURING rain to the bus stop to call a cab. then the STUPID LADY ON THE PHONE said bus stop cannot so we had to RUN all the way BACK in the POURING RAIN. really like bathing. and freezing cold.

the worst thing is my bag was open. D:

the best thing is my clothes weren't wet. :D

LOL ok. so we went to IMM walked in circles trying to find the stupid toilet and finally changed. dry warm clothes feel SO GREAT. :D

haha. but we still had fun. thanks mildred for organising it all... :D

okok i'm bored. again. going to...do...something... i don't know what. haha.

4.43 19.06.08

Wednesday, June 11, 2008 @8:16:00 AM

omg. something is wrong with my blogskin. again. i'm going to cry. the previous one i had..the black and white one something went wrong and couldn't see the words. now that i finally found one that works, the picture disappears. omg. i'm cursed or smt. HELP.

Friday, June 06, 2008 @8:49:00 AM

i watched ah long pt ltd last night when i couldn't sleep. omg it's so effing funny la. completely retarded but still funny. i was laughing the whole way. esp the ending part when the kids kidnapped all the ah long. then the old old guy kept talking dunno what lim bei bla bla bla threatening them. then the kids dump paint over his head. 3 times. LOL. super lmao. and the bit when they had to climb into a pond of poo in the forest was SUPER funny. but it's so obviously NOT poo. just at the most mud. FAKE mud. pls la, they're stars...as if they'll let them soak in POO. hahaha.

but anyway. can't wait for band outing!! :D i'm the ORANGE team. lols. but my orange tee is siian's. so it's HUGE. haha. not really...just a bit long and the sleeves are too baggy. but i'm rolling them up anyway...don't want tshirt tan. LOL.

ahhhh. i'm so boreddddd. there's no one to talk tooooooooooooooooooo. sianzzzzzz...i'm playing Zohan's spa while i think or crappy things to talk about. lols. every single client looks like a MONKEY. like really. long long hair, and HUGE MONKEY ears. and they're either sikh (the turban) or old ladies with HUGE afros. haha. the game is so crap but i'm so bored i'm playing it.

it's 12. 30 so i'm gonna sleep now. night people!

12.30 7/5/08