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this is : AELIS WORLD

welcome to the
warped side of life.



i am AELIS

and the CELLO!

i love STCBAND!
many instruments, one sound. many sections, one family!

i love the HORNS & TRUMPETS!

i am currently in sec 4 ATOMIC!
watch out, we'll blow you away!

i was born on ohfive onetwo ninefour.
presents are always welcome(:

i am taking part in CHINGAY 2010!
look out for me!



the COOLEST place in the universe.


other stops in the universe.


the AWESOMEST people ever in the history of awesome people.



Sam Tsui!
AJ Rafael!
Gabe Bondoc!



listen up
pls do not remove the creditszx!
Designer:yik thong
Others:x o x o o
Friday, January 30, 2009 @6:19:00 AM

my mood today again is...... irritated.
which is really distracting when you're trying to do stupid amaths from 8-10 pm at night.
which just makes it all the more irritating.

i hate it when people make stupid assumptions.
especially when they're about me.
especially especially when the 'people' are someone i really care about.

oh. i just saw smt really funny on bessy's blog.
"I had a little bird,
Its name was Enza,
I opened the window,
And in-flew-enza.
-American Skipping Rhyme circa 1918"
LOL. omg.
that's like when i said 'you're so mean!'
and huimin went 'no, i'm soh hui min!'
like omg.

okay. back to emo irritatedness.
i'm trying to think if i should do a direct blah.
like what i did for the last post.
but then again. the person doesn't even read my blog.
so it probably won't work.
i'm sooooooooooooooooo irritated now.
it's irritating.

i'm going to play pet society and act like the immature little kid that i am.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009 @5:28:00 AM

lols. got a really funny quote for you today.

"guys, don't trust things that bleed for 5 days without dying."
- shan and ros ad on 987

LOL. like whatever okay. this blood was extra-ly made so guy's evil spawn could be passed on to the next generation of evil spawns. be greatful you're even around thanks to us. you think we want to bleed? why don't you give it a try. -stabs-

evil spawns.

ok i know i sound like a total bitch today but i have my excuse okay. and if you don't care then get lost already.

2 things, to 2 people.

i shall do alexis first. i'm putting names because i want you to see this and know that i'm not bitching about you, i'm just saying what i think. and if you see this you can choose to accept it or ignore it. but at least you know.

i know you're tired after school and you're hungry and we just seem to be doing stupid useless things and getting scolded all the time...
but that's the band. there are bad times and good times.
CNY is like the worst time of the year for the band. really.
and i know you hate it, i hate it too.
but i try. and i know you try too.
but sometimes you have to try harder.
we're a band, one family. whatever we do, even if it is seemingly crappy useless shit, we do it together. if you don't like it then -this is gonna be harsh but it's true- then you might as well get out.
i know i complain quite alot too. and i pretty much don't have the right to tell this to you. but the way you've been acting, especially today, is really shitty.
you're going through alot, and i'm honoured that you trust me enough to tell me all your problems, so that i can help you. but like we've been told by the leaders, you shouldn't let your outside life affect your band life.
when i was sec 1, i seriously felt like band was the old good thing i had. so i enjoyed it to the fullest. band was where my family was, where i didn't have to worry about whatever happened in school or at home. then sec 2 came and so did more responsibility and 'politics' and bla bla bla and i started to not enjoy it so much.
then you guys came along. you became my new motivation to stay happy in band, as irritating as you get sometimes. don't you notice, i'm rarely black-faced in band? (i really try not to be) i look serious sometimes, when i need to be, but other times i'm laughing and smiling, no matter what happened during the day, my friend blew me off for the millionth time, i failed all my tests, whatever.
so you need to find your motivation too my dear, or you'll just get more and more miserable in band, which we all definitely don't want. it's especially hard for you, with everything that's going on, but you need to try. and when you do, you'll be alot happier, trust me.
you've also been like, commenting on what other people say, especially the leaders. like they'll say 'do this this this' and you'll be like 'oh whatever they don't even do it why do we have to.' we have to because we have to, okay? again i know it's because you're tired and cranky. i get that. but you have to control yourself. you know huimin and i have be worrying over you because of your attitude towards authority? huimin has enough on her plate with Os and SYF and SL-ing, please don't make her worry. i'm not blaming you though.
when you think something's really stupid, say it in your head, not out loud. even if it's really true or really funny. and when like we're in a rush, and the SC or conductors are trying to tell people something, don't chatter unless you absolutely have to. last time we didn't really enforce this i know, but we have to now. like when jocelyn was doing the cny songs, really. the whole band was quiet but you were chattering.
i know you love to talk, and you're really funny and cute. don't stop being that. but know when it's time to chatter and time to be serious in band okay? don't become emo all the time because it's so boring when we don't talk. do your score study, sing and fing, hum the tunes to yourself, make notes on your scores that you didn't have time to make earlier. there's always something you can do to improve yourself, you just have to do it.
and never ever ever think that you are the worst in the section or worst in the band or whatever. everyone has strong points, one of yours is your perkyness. use that to your advantage. perk people up, get them to practice with you, and you can improve, right? (:
and always know that i love you and i'm always there for you if you need me. okay? don't be sad or whatever(:

ok. that was long. but i'm glad it's off my chest. (:
next. this one is definitely shorter.
i think.

parveen babe(:
the beginning of the year you were like 'let's be completely honest with each other.'
okay, sure.
but now it's like 'we're completely honest with each other, except when it applies to my BEST FRIEND amelia, then i can't tell.'
last year you told me you couldn't have a best friend because you hadn't found anyone you could really trust. i could accept that, though i thought of you as mine.
and now you're all 'AMELIA this AMELIA that.'
yes i'm jealous okay.
i mean, the whole fiasco with you and sueann last year, didn't you see that amelia was the person inbetween pushing you two apart? and you didn't even stop to consider that before you announced her as your best friend? i know you spent alot of time with her during the hols, and got closer. i can get that. but to kill off sueann's friendship with you because of her? i mean, really.
and like the past 2 years, again, i feel like you don't even take me as anything. at recess you're like 'OH I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE AMELIA' and at MT you're like 'OH I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE LAIKA' (sorry i don't know how to spell her name.) i feel like 'hello? what am i to you?' i know we have like 99% of all our classes together, if anything you should be sick of me, but seriously. do you even realize how you made me feel?
now when i come to school i feel like i have to watch what i say and do, if not you'll just abandon me cos you're so well liked and adaptable (not being sarcastic). especially with the whole sueann thing, and everything. you've changed. you're more like amelia now, more crude and harsh, i feel.
yes i am a super geek nerd that actually wants to do well. i know. i should just hang out with the other geeks nerds and go stick our heads in books to start diffusion shouldn't i?
and today when you were like 'oh i'm in sumathi's group.' and i asked who's in it you were like 'me trisha etcetcetc'. and i'm like oh shit have i been kicked out of our 2 person clique and replaced by trisha? not that i don't like her. and you didn't even like try to get me in, you were like 'oh you can go join maria's group.'
i mean, come on. you KNOW i totally detest maria. having to endure her for english each week is bad enough. with you i could probably survive her, so i thought. and after that when i was asking around for 2 more group members sumathi asked yingmei if she wanted to join, since they had ONE slot. i mean, really. yingmei over me? what did i do.
but after that you were like cococrunch and on and on...so i really don't know what's going on. if you want me to stop sticking to you so much tell me already, instead of doing this.

ok i'm done. and freezing again. damm. night.