this is : AELIS WORLD
welcome to the warped side of life.
i am AELIS
i love the FRENCH HORN & TRUMPET and the CELLO!
i love STCBAND! many instruments, one sound. many sections, one family!
i am currently in sec 4 ATOMIC! watch out, we'll blow you away!
i was born on ohfive onetwo ninefour. presents are always welcome(:
i am taking part in CHINGAY 2010! look out for me!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 @5:40:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
You Are "enter"

Some people might try to say you're impulsive and rash.
You like to consider yourself decisive and committed instead.
You don't have a lot of trouble making very final decisions.
You trust your instincts, and you don't waver. You just go for it!
You Are a Cat

You are very independent and reclusive. No one really understands you, and you like it that way!
You are quite clever and ingenious. You can get yourself out of any sticky situation.
You are confident and cool tempered. You know you have many advantages and resources to draw from.
No matter what life throws at you, things always seem to work out your way.
meow. (:
Your Birthday Predicts You're Fiery

Ever since you were born, you've loved taking risks.
You crave excitement and thrills. You are driven by your passion.
You may have a wild streak, but you also love learning and experiencing life.
You're multi-faceted and can't be labeled. You're sexy, smart, flexible, and stubborn.
LOL. multi-faceted. isn't that like...a tap or plumbing system. LOL.
You Are a Chimera

You are very outgoing and well connected to many people.
Incredibly devoted to your family and friends, you find purpose in nurturing others.
You are rarely alone, and you do best in the company of others.
You are incredibly expressive, and people are sometimes overwhelmed by your strong emotions.
ahahahaha. okay. right.
You Are Somewhat Mature

You definitely act like an adult sometimes, but a big part of you is still a kid at heart.
While your immature side is definitely fun, you're going to have to grow up sooner or later.
ahahaha. the picture sucks. -.-
Your Average American Name Is: Carol Elizabeth Turner

Yawn. So average.
right. this was Silea...
Your Average American Name Is: Mary Michelle Adams

Yawn. So average.
eee. this was Aelis. lols okay.
You Are Smokin' Hot

You're a terrible flirt, a sharp dresser, and a party animal.
Of course, you're totally sizzling too. And for you, being hot just comes naturally.
LOL. thanks:D i know. hahahahaha.
Your International Spy Name is Electra Goldfinger

Your Code Name: Kneecaps
You Reside in: Rio de Janeiro
Why You're a Good Spy: You're good with gadgets
LOL. KNEECAPS. RIGHT. this was Aelis.
Your International Spy Name is Anaconda Harley

Your Code Name: Volcano
You Reside in: Venice
Why You're a Good Spy: You can talk your way out of anything
LOL. okay this is better. at least volcano is hot. LOL.
omg yeah i just remembered...nicole and parveen were coming up with corny lame pick up / insult lines in maths class today.
parveen: you must be a window, cos the moment i opened up to you, you showed me the world outside. nicole: -holds up keys- out of all these keys, the only one i'm missing is the one to your heart. parveen: I would give all the organs in my body to you, but not my heart, for then it would stop beating FOR you. nicole: if i were a cloud, you'd be my silver lining.
and so on and so fourth. parveen was supposed to be doing insults, but these are her nicest lines. hahahahahahaha. okay. i have to go do maths now or i'll fail my CA1 from lack of actual listening in class. but hey, i listen like every 5 lessons, and each time i do i learn enough to pass her tests and do her hw. (though i don't actually do her hw) WHICH PROVES: you don't have to listen all the time, just learn how to tell when she's actually saying smt useful :D
OKAY. maths time. BYE(:
love you, darling(:
Sunday, February 15, 2009 @5:23:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
couldn't resist....
You Are An Iris

You are a unique person who seeks out novelty in life.
An inspiration seeker, you often have to change scenery to recharge.
You don't deal well with structure or rules. You need to do it your own way.
Your ideal relationships are free and flowing. No one can tie you down.
when i saw iris i was like 'as in iris the Egyptian goddes/god?' cant rmb. hahahahaha.
Your Gemstone Says You Love Helping Others

You are stable, strong, and full of life. You are an inspiring person.
People turn to you first for leadership and advice.
You are able to gently help people get to where they need to be.
And while you aren't afraid to lead when necessary, you are never heartless or bossy.
Your Love is Represented by a Orange Rose

When you're in love, you tend to be overwhelmed and consumed by desire.
You develop fascinations with people easily, and they're sometimes even borderline obsessions!
You tend to come on strong. Your love is as hot as a flame.
lols. are there like orange iris-es?
You are a Good Girlfriend

Maybe too good of a girlfriend, in fact.
You will do almost anything for your guy.
And while that makes you a great girlfriend...
In this case, it also makes you a doormat
You Are an Orange Rose

You represent desire and enthusiasm
Your vibe: Sexy yet familiar
Falling in love with you: happens instantly - it's a fast ride
LOL. ORANGE ROSE AGAIN. okay. right.
You Are High Strung and a Bit Wild

You are a energetic, warm, optimistic person. You approach everything with a lot of enthusiasm.
When you're happiest, you are outgoing and expressive . You love celebrations, and you enjoy showing off a little.
You prefer change to come slowly. You need a long transition period when your life changes.
You find solitude to be the most comforting thing in the world. Being alone with your thoughts feels very peaceful.
Your ideal day is spontaneous and surprising. You like to play things by ear, and you always end up doing something interesting.
You are nostalgic. You can't truly appreciate something until it has come and gone.
You Belong in Winter

Quiet, calm, and totally at peace...
You're happy to be at home, wrapped in a blanket, completely snowed in
Whether you're lighting a fire or having a snowball fight, you always feel best in the winter.
Your Snow Test Says You're Independent

You feel like something good will happen to you in the next few months.
You love to work, especially when work is physical. You do well in any job, as long as you're not stuck in an office.
You are an independent, individualistic person. You thrive when you're doing your own thing.
Your biggest worry in life is your family. You stay up at night thinking about them.
When it comes time to relax, you have no problem letting go. You are already pretty relaxed as is!
hahahaha. i did this before and i think i got the same result.
Your Height Says You're Optimistic

You are a confident, ambitious, and active person.
You are also very radiant. You have a sunny personality.
You are quite successful. You are a smart worker - not a hard worker.
At times, you can be vain and cocky. You have a lot to be proud of.
You are about as tall as the average French woman.
LOL WTH. i just picked my height!!!
You Could Be a Vampire... If You Had To

Like most people, the thought of being a vampire has crossed your mind. But you're not sure if you'd do it, even if you could.
Living forever doesn't sound half bad, if you could live forever with the people you love the most.
But do vampires even love? And would the vampire version of you even be you?
It's all too much to contemplate. Luckily, the chances of you ever becoming a vampire are astronomically low.
What you would like best about being a vampire: Living forever
What you would like least about being a vampire: Blood stained teeth
awww. hahahahahaha.
You Are The Hanging Man

You represent the seeking of enlightenment and spiritual clarity.
You tend to confuse others, but your oddities seem deeply satisfying.
Self sacrifice is easy for you, especially if it makes you a better person in the end.
You are the type of person who is very in touch with your soul and inner spirit.
Your fortune:
Right now is a good time for reflection and meditation.
You should stop resisting the problems in your life, and let yourself be vulnerable to them.
You may need to sacrifice something important to you to move ahead in your life.
Accept your destiny with courage, and learn to let go of what you think you need.
lols. right. hanging man. this one was Silea...
You Are The Hermit

You posses a great deal of wisdom and the ability to see people for who they are.
You are always looking ahead at the future, developing visions.
A loner, you tend to travel by yourself through life, seeking your own truth.
You don't crave material things or fancy titles. You have no baggage.
Your fortune:
It's possible that there is a unknown guiding figure in your life, ready to help you.
All you have to do is find this person and seek their advice.
It's also possible that you need to start seeking the meaning of your own life.
Either way, there's some deep thinking you need to undertake, and it needs to be done soon.
this one was Aelis...
You Are Strength

You represent both fiery energy and steadfast will.
You are innocent and naive - yet unafraid and undaunted.
Perhaps you don't have the most powerful physical strength...
But your mental powers make up for any amount of muscle.
Your fortune:
Lately, you have been a pillar of ethics and moral strength.
And while things may be difficult, your faith in yourself will come through.
You may need to conquer the animalistic nature of yourself or others, with gentle force.
Although this may seem like the darkest hour for you, victory is near.
this one is aelis. the a wasn't capital. silea and Silea gave the same result. hahahahahaha.
You Will Be a Cool Parent

You seem to naturally know a lot about parenting, and you know what kids need.
You can tell when it's time to let kids off the hook, and when it's time to lay down the law.
While your parenting is modern and hip, it's not over the top.
You know that there's nothing cool about a parent who acts like a teenager... or a drill sergeant!
Your Handwriting Says You Are Somewhat Traditional

You are sometimes a very energetic person, but you are sometimes quite lethargic. You're moody, prone to ups and downs, and you don't have a lot of endurance.
You are somewhat outgoing, but you're not a natural extrovert. You think first before you act. You tend to be independent, rational, and logical.
You are balanced and grounded. You know how to get along well with others.
You need a bit of space in your life, but you're not a recluse. You expect people to give you a small amount of privacy, and you respect their privacy as well.
You are somewhat traditional, but you are also open to change. You listen to your head and your heart.
You are a poor communicator. No one really knows exactly what you're getting at.
lols. the poor communicator thing is sad.
The Chocolate Oracle Says You're Classy

You are sophisticated, modern, and high class.
Your taste is refined, but you are not picky.
You are often the first to try something new.
You are full of life and vigor.
You have an amazing amount energy, and you keep very active.
Some people feel like you can't focus on them. You do tend to be restless
You love to be in love. You crave romance, whether you're single or not.
You feel lost when you don't feel passion... you need someone to adore.
lols. right. the picture makes me hungry. lols.
Your Heart is Feeling Hopeful

For you, love is a feeling that's been growing and blooming.
Whether you're in a relationship that's deepening or found a new love, your feelings are slowly changing.
You're remembering how amazing love feels - and discovering emotions you've never felt before.
Deep down, your heart is susceptible to: Getting a little carried away
Your current outlook on love: Optimistic and playful
Your love life will improve if you: Stop and reflect on how your love is changing
Watch out for: Falling too hard, too fast - you've got to let your sweetie catch up with you!
ahahahaha. okay. the picture isn't really nice though.
Your Hands Say That You Are Logical

You are logical, analytical, and rational. You have good verbal skills.
Idealistic and dreamy, you tend toward the impractical. You have a knack for getting yourself in sticky situations.
Consistent and reliable, you like to count on structure and routine in your life.
Your emotions tend to be nervous and potent. Your energy - both positive and negative - deeply impacts your life.
LOL. i realized...i have LONG fingers, AVERAGE palm and SHORT fingernails. lols. okay nevermind.
Your Inner Blood Type is Type A

You seem cool and collected, though a bit shy.
You are highly driven and a perfectionist, but that's a side you keep to yourself.
Creative and artistic, you are a very unique person who doesn't quite fit in.
People accept you more than you realize, seeing you as trustworthy and loyal.
You are most compatible with: A and AB
Famous Type A's: Britney Spears and Hilter
lols. i did this cos the little people looked cute. really. omg. i just saw hitler. LOL. okay.
What Your Love of Gummi Bears Says About You

You are a total goofball. You can't help but be silly most of the time.
In your opinion, life is way too short to be taken all that seriously.
You love playing pranks and telling jokes. You live to make people laugh.
You the type most likely to play with your food before you eat it.
LOL. i couldn't resist..
What Your Love of M&M's Says About You

You are energetic and full of inspiration.
You never slow down, and you're constantly leaving people and ideas behind.
You are a true visionary. You are constantly thinking about the future.
You love living, and you stay flexible. You're open to going wherever life takes you.
What Your Love of Peanut Butter Cups Says About You

You are hedonistic... sometimes to the point of being greedy.
You love to eat, and there's no chance you're sharing your candy!
While you may be greedy, it's with good reason. You have great taste.
The things you love are worth loving, and it's no wonder you crave them.
LOL. i think i like this one the best. (:
okay i'm done. it's 10.22 and i have school tmr. going to bathe, iron my uniform (yes, i actually have to do that myself) and pack my bag and sleep. i should be done by 11.30. (: night! love ya.
Sunday, February 08, 2009 @1:24:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
Your Energy Level is Moderate

For you, life is all about balance. You keep active, but you rest a lot too.
You have enough vigor to get everything done... with a little left over for some fun.
You find that you have plenty of energy, as long as you give yourself time to recharge.
But if you don't take care of yourself, you notice that your energy levels really plummet.
that's...sad. LOL.
You Are Mac and Cheese

When you are stressed out, you seek safety above everything else.
And nothing is more nourishing than a big warm plate of carbs.
Taking risks takes a toll on you, and you prefer your comfort food to be old fashioned.
You're the type of person who could eat the same meal every night, especially when life is hard.
LOL. I'M SO FATtening.
You Are Very Warm

You are kind, caring, and empathetic. A lot of warm energy radiates from you.
And it's not an act - you truly like people. You get a charge from people being around you.
You are are easy going and very socially adaptable. You're willing to overlook peoples'quirks.
You enjoy meeting people from all walks of life and helping them if you can. Giving makes you feel good.
omg. cool hair manzzzzz.
You Were an Outgoing Kid

When you were a kid, you had no problem expressing yourself.
There's a good chance you started talking early - and never stopped!
You had a lot of friends, and unlike most kids, you weren't shy around adults.
You were well adjusted and confident. You enjoyed speaking up and participating.
well. i've certaintly changed.
You Are a Whiteboard

You are a dreamer, a visionary, and a straight up idea person. You are very creative.
Even if the things you think up are a bit wacky, they often are brilliant.
You are an adept problem solver. You are always tossing around dozens of ideas.
You would make a good artist, designer, or architect. You do best when work feels like play.
yayyyyyyyyyyyy. go whiteboards!
going to try qt for the first time now. ttyl! i'll continue later.
Friday, February 06, 2009 @7:47:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
What is your True Fear? Your Result: Disappointment You are a fun-loving, energetic, and cheerful person. You love adrenaline rushes, and going out at night. You constantly have to be having a great time to feel completely happy. Your biggest fear is not having anything to do, or having a huge disappointment/let down in your life. You hate being sad, and if something in your life suddenly went wrong it would be extremely hard for you to deal with. Just remember that everyone has to deal with hard times. Stay strong, and pretty soon your fun, party life will get right back the way it used to be. | Being Alone | | Losing Someone | | Looked down on | | Commitment | | Where Your life is Going | | Death | | What is your True Fear? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
hahahahaha this is almost as good as blogthings... and more accurate too! okay i've got band at 745 tmr morning... now it'll 11.48. NIGHT.
Thursday, February 05, 2009 @5:40:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
gah. i'm sick. and i hate to be sick. it's stupid and irritating and IT KILLS MY BRAIN CELLS SO I CAN'T EVEN DO STUPID SS. omg.
and...i think there's an epidemic going around stc. like alot of people are going around sniffing or with sore throats... more than usual. and it's like all those sick ones have runny noses and choughs. which just sounds like the normal flu. i know. but me and huimin have like the exact same symptoms... though mine seems like the later stage. REALLY. i'm so not crapping you okay.
gah. but none of us have fevers... i know cos we just had temp. taking ytd. which means it isn't an infection. or smt like that. gah. i need to go watch House again. my medical know-it is gone. okay i'm going to try to sleep now. YES I KNOW IT'S ONLY 9.50 SHUT UP I'M TIRED OKAY.
my brother is stupid. he on com, on radio, and walk out of the room. -.- DOESN'T HE KNOW THERE'S A STUPID RECESSION GOING ON LIKE WTH AND GLOBAL WARMING DUNNO HOW TO ON WHEN YOU'RE ACTUALLY IN THE ROOM AH STUPID IDIOT. okay i'm done. night. -sniffssssssssssssss-
Wednesday, February 04, 2009 @4:47:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
"stupid girl, i should have known, i should have known... that i'm not a princess, this ain't a fairytale, i'm not the one you sweep off her feet, lead her up the stairwell... this ain't Hollywood, this is a small town, i was a dreamer before you went and let me down. now it's too late for you and your white horse... to come around." -Taylor Swift (White Horse)
okay i really should be doing hw right now... but i really wanted to blog. though i don't have anything to blog about. -.-
my lips are really sore. not from playing though...weirdly. i didn't even do anything, and they woke up sore. no, i didn't spend the night snogging my pillow in my dreams. -.-
gah. i'm so -.- (sian diao, not lame) today. like i'm so touchy...everything makes me irritated. and to alex and huimin i'm sorry. ):
i didn't mean to be all -act big- and snap at you guys... i know you tried. i'm sorry. just that like really, your no. 11 was horrible. though we haven't played it in a million years. and the syf pieces... it's sooooooooooooooooo close already! like...feb now, and syf is in like, april? it seems far, but january just flew by already! with all the sec 1s coming in, and CA1 and everything... it'll be even harder to keep up in band. so we have to do our best now, and perfect everything now. xian zai!!!
okay. sorry. i can be a total perfectionist sometimes, and yet a total mess and not care about it. split personality. okay. i'm going to do chem now so i can go stupid maths. and chinese. -snores- bye.(: