this is : AELIS WORLD
welcome to the warped side of life.
i am AELIS
i love the FRENCH HORN & TRUMPET and the CELLO!
i love STCBAND! many instruments, one sound. many sections, one family!
i am currently in sec 4 ATOMIC! watch out, we'll blow you away!
i was born on ohfive onetwo ninefour. presents are always welcome(:
i am taking part in CHINGAY 2010! look out for me!
Friday, July 23, 2010 @4:02:00 AM
Friday, July 16, 2010 @8:07:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks::D
@7:52:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:Loverholic, Robotronic;
I just wanted to say... . . . . . .
Friday, April 02, 2010 @4:08:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
hahaha finally i'm here in a good mood, and not to bitch about my mom again. i bet felicia just let out a sigh of relief. ahaha. anw...
okay i know it isn't really a big deal cos like they pretty much let everyone through the first round. BUT STILL. :D
okay. um. i'm trying to think of smt else that's funny or good. hahaha.
oh!! chingay appreciation dinner! hahaha. right. almost forgot. anw, it started at like 5.30 i reached at 7.30 LOL.
cos i had math tuiton 2-6 before that so at 6 i rushed down to pasir ris. standing all the way until like..bedok believe it or not. hahahaha. then after that the moment i walked out of the mrt my phone like died on me. for no reason. i was so pissed. but i was told to take a cab to downtown east taxi stand so i did but i only had 7 bucks and like there was a huge jam less than 3 mins after i left the mrt taxi stand. so the moment the meter hit 6 + i asked 'uncle can just let me off here' when i obviously had no idea where i was cos firstly i'm directions retarded and secondly i've never been to downtown east or anywhere in pasir ris. hahahaha.
so anw, i just walked straight and met a friend, and so i finally reached the dinner. hahahaha. it was so funny, i went in, and like even before i sat down a picture of me came up on the screen where they were showing all the photos taken during chingay. anw, the food was okay... oh and the circus group did like a whole lot of kpop songs like Chu and Oh and RingDingDong and i was so happy!!! lols. but i think the real highlight was finally getting to take photos with all the people i missed out during chingay. i mean, half my ladder wasnt' there, and i only got photos with like 3 of them but still. and i got photos with most of the trainers and LAJITONG. LOL.
okay inside joke go away. hahahaha. anw, i have to do my hw (on a holiday how sad is that) so i'll ttyl (:
Saturday, March 06, 2010 @2:16:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
okay...here to bitch about my mom again so it's probably gonna be vulgar. which means, felicia stop reading. hahaha.
it's like...i got 28/35 for emaths CA1 when like even gaoshan got the same mark as me and the highest was probably abigail with 30/35, which is 2 marks more than me and alot of people in the BEST class (sorry not implying anything to people from other classes) failed. and so obviously i was like damm happy right, cos it's 80%. even sam congratulated me when i told her.
so i went home, and we were having dinner + felice (siian's girlfriend) and my mom was like so have you gotten back any papers yet? so i happily said "i got 28/35 for emaths!!" and she was like, 'it's still not an A1'.
just like that. not even a "oh that's better than last time." or "that's good" right away just shoot me down. i mean, yeah i know that in O levels cos of the mark curve thing where if like everyone does damm well the mark for A1 will go up, so to secure an A1 it's like 85+ la... but still. -.-
i mean srsly. if she said "that's good, but you know it's still not enough to secure an A1 for Os right?" i would still be okay, cos it's like at least she notices that it's a good grade, and is just wanting me to secure that A1. but no, it's always 'that's not good enough.'
NOTHING I EVER FUCKING DO IS GOOD ENOUGH. i might as well fail right. since i get FUCKING 80 and it's STILL NOT ENOUGH FOR HER. so what's the difference. studying and even trying is just wasting my time what since she'll always say the same thing. and i bet even if (by some miracle) i get full marks for everything, she'll pick on smt else. like she'll say "your handwriting is horrible" or "your school standard is so lousy, full marks in your school is nothing! if you're in a good school you won't even pass okay!"
and for those of you who are saying 'you should have told her that alot of people failed and didn't do well!', yeah i tried that in like sec 2. she will say 'so? you're not all those people. and that girl got 30! means it possible for you to be even better than her!' kns bitch go burn in hell.
i mean, srsly she always makes me feel like i'm not good enough in everything i do. when i wanna buy new clothes, she's like 'for what? your face so horrible, so many pimples nice clothes also no use.' then when i srsly use like damm alot of face stuff to clear up my complexion then she complains about my split ends. -.- and obviously my grades are never good enough. when i got for band, she complains, then after that asks me why my playing is so fking lousy, why don't i go join some fking big band.
oh. that time...she suddenly (out of nowhere) heard of some Big Band thing and suddenly became obsessed with it. it's like, Big Band is kinda like a jazz/brass band kinda thing. it isn't literally a large size band, it's just like a style/genre of music. but she keeps thinking that Big Bands and normal concert/symphonic bands are soooo different. -.-
so i just randomly asked if i could take up dragonboating after Os, cos i like team sports, and also like, water sports like kayaking etc. and she was like 'why don't you go join some Big Band outside?' and obviously i was like huh. big band...? and she started rattling off about what using my strings experience (when Big Band has like, only double bass, probably?) and if not i'll waste my 4 years of cello 3 years of horn and 1 yr of trumpet blablablablablabla crapshit like she knows so much. and so i told her that like, big band has probably only double bass, and if i did join i would be playing trumpet, so my strings experience has nothing to do with it. and she totally didn't get it (obviously) and continued rattling on. -.-
so i got quite pissed cos, okay yeah i don't mind joining outside bands, it's quite fun. but i can do that in JC/poly right? the dragonboat thing would be like for 2 months maybe, for me to get some exercise after Os. and she's like 'you already made up your mind right? then forget it la why still ask me' KNS BITCH. so i was like 'you're the one who wants me to exercise more right?! isn't dragonboating exercise? zhenyu (my cousin) is in dragonboat and he's like damm fit right?!' and she said 'you just want to meet people right?! like your stupid chingay just go there to meet people.' HELLO DID YOU EVEN FUCKING HEAR ME?!!
and she kept going on about me joining outside bands. HELLO IT'S NOT THAT SIMPLE CAN. I GO JOIN SERANGOON BAND LA YOU WANT?! OR CHANGI BAND EVER BETTER RIGHT OPPOSITE SIDE OF S'PORE. AND MOST OF THOSE PEOPLE ARE LIKE ADULTS WHO PROFESSIONALLY LEARN MUSIC CAN, IT'S NOT SOME STUPID MUSIC COURSE AT THE CC OKAY. so i said, yeah i'll join band in JC/poly, and i'll have STC alumni band. her reply, "your band so lousy join back for what." fuck you to hell srsly.
and so i gave up asking and continued fuming. i mean, there's so much i wanna tell her but she never actually listens. yeah she HEARS me talking back to her, but she doesn't actually LISTEN to what i'm saying. i've tried. at the end of last year, cos she was always complaining that she doesn't know where i am. so it's like, wherever i go i'll send her a text. like after school "i just ended sch going for lunch shd be back abt 5" or after band 'just finished band shd be back at 7', or even when i went out ' i'm on the bus back now.' stuff like that. and she still complained, cos SHE NEVER READS TEXTS. -.-
i wish she would just stop being so hard on me. i mean, i get that she wants me to do well, I GET IT MOM. I'VE GOTTEN IT SINCE SEC 2. i want to fking do well too, like duh i'm the one who asked for more tuition right. -.- okay going to grandma's hse. shall continue later if she pisses me off again.
Wednesday, February 03, 2010 @6:34:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
hahaha omg haven't blogged in ages. okay. uhh.
I'M LEARNING TO YOYO. and not the retarded super yoyo kind okay. like the POFFEHSHIONAL KIND OKAYS. hahahaha. sorry weirdly high now.
and suddenly very low. my friend just told me a damm sad story that happened to him. the kind that you only hear of in those kind of mama drama chinese / korean dramas. hahahaha.
totally flunked bio test today, was so brain dead from chingay ytd. omg. mrs leong is gonna murder me. and the class will get to dissect my eyeballs, my heart.... hahahahaha. okay sorry.
what was the other thing i wanted to talk about. hmmmmmm. OH YEAH WTH cos like the chingay trainers have to pair up, so it's easier for them to move us around. and guess who i'm pairing with.
FIGGOT. (a.k.a FatIndianGuy + got) hahahaha. he's DAMM IRRITATING. everyone agrees, so i'm not being racist okay. even like the other indian dude says he's irritating. hahahaha. he always picks on other group's mistakes, when his own group isn't doing the right thing either. i mean, yeah we know that our groups aren't doing perfect, at least we don't go picking at others. mentioning it to the trainer is okay, in case the trainer didn't notice. but strutting over and scolding them is just ridiculous, esp when his own group is making the same mistake. -.- AND I HAVE TO PAIR WITH HIM. for some of the formations i'm supposed to align with him, but sometimes he's in the wrong place and i'll be told to follow him. and i'm like going, huh but he's totally in the wrong place. -.- and my group (as awesome as they are) are pretty blur and easily confused. so when we keep making these adjustments to the stupid figgot's wrong placings, they get even more confused. GAH. i'll be totally training my anger management okay. hahahahaha. wish me luck...
omg that day at chingay, there was this dude from paym who had to get a few snapshots of himself taking part in the ladder activities. i think he was some big shot guy la. but still he was a total idiot. -.- cos we were doing with our stunner on top, so it's alrd risky with experienced people, though it's pretty straightforward. so i told him, the most impt thing, PUT YOUR FOOT THERE AND DON'T MOVE IT. and guess what. when the ladder went down the other side, (like it was supposed to), he act big and tried to stop it from falling, causing the ladder to slide, WITH MY STUNNER ON TOP. i almost had a heart attack. then after that i refused to let him actually do anything, just stand around and get his stupid pictures. but after that he decided to stick around and be a pain in the ass watch us practice. and like i mentioned, my fantastic group is easily confused. so he was standing around with his retard shades, giving useless comments like, 'I SAY PUSH YOU PUSH omg like giving birth -laughs at his own joke-' and 'go go go ! bring up the ladder' when jingwen hadn't even said anything. -.- i was freaking irritated. hahahaha. really training anger management.
hais. i shall make this part really big.
Monday, January 18, 2010 @7:03:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
omg i'm so never going to complain when my mom irons the pleats on my pinafore not straight anymore, cos IT IS HARD. SRSLY. i had to iron both my pinafores on sunday, i almost burnt my hand twice. and it took me like 15 mins just to finish one. hahaha. i hope i never have to do it again. -hint hint mom-
anw, today was crazy high with CARS. hahahahaha. susu is officially boy deprived/crazy. worse than me srsly. or maybe that's cos i see like 100 plus guys every wed and sat at chingay. hehehe. (:
omggg chingay ROCKSSSSSSS. loves. srsly.
omg i keep getting sinus, like my nose is leaking non-stop. hahaha. so irritating. i have to continuously stop typing to blow my nose. gah.
homework is so bothersome to me now. i keep trying to do the bare minimum though i know i shouldn't. gah. feel so guilty.
there's physics tmrrrrr omggggggg. i'll just spend it texting people with my phone in the drawer anw. i love the physics lab, srsly. hahaha. cos like there are drawers at each seat, so i can put my phone in there and text. and if anyone walks by i can just close the drawer. (:
-hopefully no teachers see this- LOL. omg today in bio, cos we had not enough chairs so jiamin and i had to go to the next class to borrow, which was ngh's class. so i was like 'uhh mr ng, we need to borrow stools...' and he went 'well do i look like a carpenter to you?' LIKE WTH? yeah a miniature gay one. (: hahahahaha. so irritating okay. jeez.
okay okay. i should go sleep it's 11.11! hahaha. buhbyeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Monday, January 04, 2010 @3:42:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
what the fuck. seriously. all i did was MENTION that there's a POSSIBILITY that MAYBE the sec 4s will have to go to Australia with the band. and before i could mention that i was prepared not to go, she freaking shot me down. 'i'm not signing any consent form. you're not going do you understand you're not going!!' SHUT THE FUCKING HELL UP LIKE I FUCKING CARE ABOUT WHAT THE FUCK YOU SAY.
if you didn't want me to do any of this in the first place why did you let me join band?? and even then why didn't you say 'i'm not going to let you do anything at all besides be driven mad by me and studying so don't get to fucking involved in band.' band isn't like fucking orchestra. i mean i love CO too, but that was fucking primary school. and she's the fucking one asking 'why aren't you like siian, he has eagles award, colours award blah blah blah.' yeah he also has fucking narcolepsy. the reason i don't have any of those stuff, is because i'm fucking not him. and because you keep holding me back!!
why the hell do i HAVE to get ALL A1s?? because sijay didn't? because siian can't? so i'm the last chance for you to strut around going see my kid got all A1s. wtf. why don't you fucking do it yourself. from the start i never managed to get near an A for humanities, so why can you say that you 'know i CAN get A for everything' when i'm the one studying and taking the exam???
i mean, in sec 1 you pushed me, and then i really needed it, so i appreciated it and let you push me, and i did well generally. then in sec two you got a little too pushy but i just let you continue cos i knew if i told you to lay off i'd probably just slack off. and then last year you totally went overboard and kept pissing me off. and the whole issue with chingay is just fucking ridiculous.
i need to scream. eliz i really need you right now. why can't you come back yet. it's just one more day but it's killing me.
and i still can't talk to you.
2010 has gone off with a fucking miserable pathetic start. fuck the world.
Sunday, January 03, 2010 @6:36:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
tomorrow school starts. i'll be sec 4. and sam will be teaching, not me, but most probably more than one of my juniors. same classmates, including parveen. which kinda rocks, but kinda doesn't. a whole new year with CARS. more clique politics, more band politics. the new year hasn't even started and i'm already waiting for the end. at least there's chingay. i can't wait to see eliz again i've missed her so much.
1 hour and 15 mins to the first day of school. 2010 school year, here i come.
Friday, December 04, 2009 @7:36:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
okay i'm starting my birthday wishes count list :D
FIRST PERSON: ALICIA LIM WX!!! (: (haha cos i was the first person to wish her on her birthday)
SECOND PERSON: PATRICIA TEOH!!!! (: (: (my baobei junior!!! yayyyyyyyyy)
and so far...that's all. (time: 11.38pm) technically Gavin and Genesis are the first two, but they cheated. they wished me like wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy early in the day. hahahahaha. soooo. yeah. and Alicia and Pat would probably be heartbroken if i didn't put them as the first two. <3 loves.
11.39 and counting!!
3. Terence Cheong(: NEW MOON. :D
4. Felicia Lim(:
5. Goh Zhen Wei Edward(:
6. Ynn Tan(:
7. Elton Quek(:
8. Chua Zong Sheng
9. Vivian -aelis
Thursday, December 03, 2009 @9:37:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
OMJ. MY NEW LOVE IS SAM TSUI. HE IS LIKE OHMYJACKSON-LY GREAT. he's in a guy accapella group, and sings SOPRANO. how cool is that??!!!! oh and plus he's pretty cute. (:
I got a crush on a YouTube star it's a little bit much.. cuz everybody knows who you are I got a crush on a YouTube star and I won't get far but I got a crush on a YouTube star -Gabe Bondoc '(I've Got A Crush On A) Youtube Star'
hahahaha. okay okay. prioritize. 1st love: Sam Tsui 2nd love: Gabe Bondoc 3rd love: AJ Rafael. YAYYYYYYY. (: (: (: (: (:
but seriously, go check sam out, his videos are posted by his friend: KurtHugoSchneider or you can just search Sam Tsui on Youtube. GO NOW!!!! :D
loves. -aelis
Tuesday, November 24, 2009 @5:21:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
Something has changed within me Something is not the same I'm through with playing by the rules Of someone else's game Too late for second-guessing Too late to go back to sleep It's time to trust my instincts Close my eyes: and leap!
It's time to try Defying gravity I think I'll try Defying gravity Kiss me goodbye I am defying gravity And you wont bring me down!
I'm through accepting limits ''cause someone says they're so Some things I cannot change But till I try, I'll never know! Too long I've been afraid of Losing love I guess I've lost Well, if that's love It comes at much too high a cost!
I'd sooner buy Defying gravity Kiss me goodbye I'm defying gravity I think I'll try Defying gravity And you wont bring me down!
I'd sooner buy Defying gravity Kiss me goodbye I'm defying gravity I think I'll try Defying gravity And never bring me down! bring me down!
defying gravity - Glee soundtrack.
Sunday, November 22, 2009 @6:13:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
yayy. okay finally gonna post up the whole 'letter' song...hopefully it'll cheer someone up. (: enjoy!
if i wrote you a letter, would you open it? if i sent you an email, would you delete it? will it be too little too late, to resolve all this spiteful hate? if i wrote you a letter, would you read it.
you were the only one who loved me for me and was always happy to just let things be would you forever strike me off your list and just leave what we had behind like this?
i'd had my heart broken too many times before and so i tried to stop it happening again but i closed up my heart in vain, for when your heart broke mine broke too
i'm sorry for all the things i've done to you if you never forgive me i'd understand that but i really loved the time we had too and all the good times i hope you won't forget
and so i'll ask you one last thing, if i send you this letter will it end up burning, or will it make things better?
haha. okay. right. oh did i tell you yet. i'm sick. or at least i was, yesterday. me my dad, my aunts and my uncle all got sick. we think we all got the bug from my grandma who was puking and diarrhea-ing the whole day on saturday, poor thing. and we all visited her on that day. sooo. yeah. but the doctor thinks it's food related. our suspects: the kangkong and ice. hahahaha.
anw, i was working at my aunt's office on monday, and ate some horrible fish porridge for lunch, which probably set off the bug. stupid stall. still charge me 3.50. waste my money. so i threw up at like...4, and got sent back by uncle andrew. i slept until 6, sickeningly feverish. i mean, usually when you're feverish you're either burning hot or freezing cold right? i was not so hot and not so cold at the same time. which is way more torturous, i swear. then i threw up again at 6, and had dairrhea at like, 6.15. then my mom insisted on bringing me and my dad to the doc, so we went.
and i got my butt injected. i swear, it hurts. i think all the fats was like blocking the thingy from going in or smt. -.- i mean, the doc said the liquid would hurt, but it REALLY hurt. okay maybe i really do just have a low pain tolerance. anw, i'm wayyyy better now. after we went to the doc i didn't puke or have diarrhea anymore. just slept it off and had 2 more panadols. oh and banana walnut bread and 100plus.
i swear, 100 plus is the best thing to drink when you're puking or having diarrhea. cos when you're puking, even water tastes gross, which makes you puke more. but 100 plus is fine for me. (: yay.
okay. i'll have to go back to work tmr and finish up what i left over, like 2 and a half more stacks of crazy stuff to file. omg. and then on thurs i'll collect my instrument, and then...YAY. hahahaha. right.
no wait. actually it's NOT yay. cos then after i collect my instru...i have to do freaking english assessment books that my mom bought. ridiculous right??? gah. okay. fine. i'm gonna continue my csi now. (:
oh did i mention, i can't have ice, or anything that's cold. not even cold water. GAH!
Sunday, November 08, 2009 @11:24:00 PM
♥ aelispeaks:
ello! gotta new great work by Justin Kwik! hahaha. it's about sparrows(:
Two little sparrows, Sitting on a tree One was a her and the other was a he One day she got bored and flew off with ease And he just sat there, waiting patiently When she got back, he smiled with open arms; But frowned when he saw another wasn't far A largish crow, whom also large in fees, For days that went by, the Crow played and she teased While the little male sparrow sat, tortured silently Slowly the sparrow, he fell from his grace And flew away, crushed, away from her face But she didn't notice, for all she could see, Was the coy crow, demanding and shiny Soon after that, three babies she conceived; But our Crow couldn't stand being held down you see And too late, she found her epiphany; He quickly packed up and flew off with ease, Leaving one little sparrow, Sitting on a tree.
personally i think it's similar to the first one, just that this one is shorter and about sparrows. hahaha. but it's nice all the same. (: rock on, Justin.
Friday, November 06, 2009 @7:09:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
omg omg omg. i just saw this on fb, it's by one of alex's friends. it's DAMM NICE. omg. if i could write something like this....omg i don't even wanna dream of it. hahaha. okay enjoy!!
There once was a girl, and a boy This is the story of their ployT
here once was a boy, and a girl, And if one was to compare The girl, smooth like a pearl And the boy, with not much to fare. They knew each other from birth And between them, there was no mirth
As time moved on, so did the pair, Relationships no better the wear And though with new friends, the boy still did care For that tiny little spark, that flare.
As youth passed them by, And innocence's goodbyes Oh, damn how time flies Where love had a place, Angst had replaced And now the pair, Just traded stares.
Both, so troubled, and lonely Both wanted to salvage what was left But both, could only stare, so stony Angst, had committed, it's theft.
The girl, had other things, in mind Instead of solving it, she ran away She ran, for a rich suitor, to find Not knowing she'd always stay In the boy's heart and soul, Every day, in every way.
Now here, comes the despair The tragic moment where The boy founds out that she Has found herself a wed.
On the wedding day After all the guests, had gone away The boy, he chose to stay So the girl, could hear him say "You've always been special to my heart too, and I love you"
But it was too late She was wed.
Fast forward to several years later The girl, is now a creator A mother; Her mate, a celebrator But inside, her heart, serrated.
She wonders if chose the right guy Not just anyone from under the sky She wonders what's left of the boy And all that's left of their ploy For deep within the recess of her heart She knows that, they'll never part.
What did happen, to the boy? Did he find any joy? The answer is no, for right from the start He knew, that they'll never part.
Fast forward again, to later that year, And zoom in, focus on the girl Who still sometimes sheds a tear, Though shiny and smooth like a pearl, She still has her doubts and her fears, Of letting her first pair unfurl.
With doubt on her mind, She drove home, into the gloom But fate was unkind, and so was the time And in the dark, she found, her tomb.
The word of her crash Made quite big a splash On the head of the local news But no one could fathom What, as you would imagine, The pain, the boy, now knew.
At the funeral procession, With everyone dressed in black The boy arrived just in time, To see everyone going back.
As he approached the grave, To pay, his final respects Her husband, approached him and said "She wanted you to have this," Pulled out and handed a letter, As he walked away and wept.
The boy, opened it up And could tell, that this letter in bold Was handwritten by the girl herself, And it was withering, old. On it the date, it said Counted back to when they were 12 And it's cursive, black words, they read "Just know, that among everything else, You've always be special to my heart too, and, I love you"
But it was too late She was dead.
omg it's damm nice right??? okay. he's called Justin Kwik. yeah. cool name. hahaha. hope you enjoyed that. byeeee
Saturday, October 31, 2009 @7:52:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
"when you decide that you want to do well, you already have." - Mr. Wong YH, conductor of STCBand
hahaha. i think that was one of the most inspiring things that he said to us on thursday when we had band and we listened to all the jap bands.
anw. i feel so super fat and bloated now omg. just got back from a super big and fattening dinner celebrating my mom's birthday...i couldn't even finish my food for once. my bro thought i was on drugs cos 1. i asked my dad to eat my food, 2. i was actually completely full before finishing. ahahaha. so rubbish right.
anw, i'm super tired today... woke up at 9 and then 10 again, then went out to yx house for an hour or so. then after that came back, ate a late lunch and went for tuiton at 4. after tuition i went for dinner and just got back.
oh and my aunt still thinks that kaiwen is my boyfriend. like wth. -.- hahaha. he's just a friend. i think they actually WANT me to have a bf, they keep saying every single guy i mention is my bf. like so crap right. hahaha. if i do get a bf i'd pity him cos he's be scrutinized (if that's how you spell it) by my whole family.
okay okay. i'm gonna go rest now. good luck to all sec 4s taking ss and chem on monday!! jiayou!! buhbyee
Wednesday, October 28, 2009 @3:24:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
"life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." -John Lennon
hahaha. just randomly came across that and decided to put it up. went to watch love happens with my dad lols. yes, a romantic movie with my dad. he had free tickets(: and anw, love happens is a MUST WATCH SHOW. it's DAMM touching but only in like the last quarter of the show. hahahahaha but overall it's still damm good. (: love it.
i'm like getting all the songs from the movie into my ipod now lols. sooo. yeah just wanted to post randomly. hahaha byeeeeee
Friday, October 23, 2009 @10:09:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
okayyyyy. under orders from eliz, i'm posting. hahahaha i didn't wanna reaveal this song yet until...well, i did. hahaha. it's meant for someone. duh. -.- sooo. i'll just show like one part of it. i think i'm adding on to it though. soooo. yeah. it's probably gonna be called 'letter'. probably.
if i wrote you a letter, would you open it? if i sent you an email, would you delete it? will it be too little too late to resolve all this spiteful hate? if i sent you a letter, would you read it?
andddd i'm too tired. hahaha. band's starting again. yay!! (: my playing still sucks though. i really miss horn. ): but i'll keep trying. hahahaha. wish me luck!
Tuesday, September 08, 2009 @2:04:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
i'm not nearly as poetic as i need to be to express, explain or demonstrate what you mean to me you're a golden ocean on a shore of bright white sand i could feel your waves around me take me by the hand here on the sand...
i'll wait... 'til forever is through whether or not you love me i'll be lovin' you i'll wait... 'til forever is through whether or not you love me i'll be lovin' you
in a complicated world you bring simplicity cos when everybody's talkin' you're just listening i've dreamed a thousand dreams and still nothing compares to the feeling that you give me while you're standing here i don't care if it's fair...
i'll wait... 'til forever is through whether or not you love me i'll be lovin' you i'll wait... 'til forever is through whether or not you love me i'll be lovin' you i'll be loving you yeah...
-"whether or not" by Gabe Bondoc
i have sag hair. officially. faints. hahahaha. patricia teoh! this is your fault, girl. still say 'duh i know you'll look good with bangs, i'm your junior!' ahahaha. see 不听老人言,吃亏在眼前!! except that...this time the 老人 is the one 吃亏ing. hahahaha. okay retarded. no wonder i get c5 for chinese.
ahhh. my hair keeps poking my eye can! wth. -.- it looked so nice in the stupid picture. lols. i feel like one of those puppy dogs whose fur keeps hanging over their eyes... and they have to keep shaking their heads to get it out of their eyes. LOL. okay i'll shut up now. rawr. okay just wanted to post about my hair. hahaha. okay. buhbyeeee.
Sunday, August 02, 2009 @9:56:00 PM
♥ aelispeaks:
ahhhhhhhhhhhh! i'm like -wait how do you spell quarrantine?- ah. quarantine. right.
AHHHHHHHHH! I'M QUARANTINED AT HOME!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! at like the worst possible time to be quarantined. -you know...i'm pretty sure quarantine has double letters...hmm...-
anw. my stupid CA2 is like in ONE WEEK and the national day rehersal thingy is like on TUESDAY and i have band prac like TODAY and my 2.4 is on TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STUPID HINI!!!! i'm acutally completely okay, except for the fact that i can't talk. ): BUT WHO CARES I WANNA GO TO SCHOOL. -omg i never thought i'd hear(/see) myself say that- rawr. stupid hini. but anw, i'm gonna use these 3 days of STUPID quarantine to mug like mad. hopefully i'll be able to pass. the class i'm saddest about missing? bio. definitely. gahhh. bio is like the worst class to miss cos she talks SO MUCH and you have to write down like EVERYTHING or you'll miss out smt important. hahahahaha. but bio is super fun. plus my seat is like the windiest (windy-est?) so it sooo rocks. hahaha.
rawr. stupid hini. i hate talking pills okay. the stupid panadol that the doctor gave me is so super BIG that everytime i swallow it at least one gets stuck. -.- and i have to take two. -.- please la, i have a cough and sore throat, which means my throat is inflammed and swollen, which means that it's HARD to swollow HUGE pills. helloooooo? but the doc was quite nice la. hahaha. it's just the stupid pills. okay i have to go take my drugs now (heh heh) ttfn.
Sunday, July 26, 2009 @5:42:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
don't you know how much it hurts me when i see you sad but can't do anything? when i know there's something wrong but you won't tell me what?
i said it before, and i'll say it again. you're my life, my everything. please, don't keep in it.
so what if i'm further now. i'm always forever here for each and every one of you no matter how big the thing is, how impossible it may be for anyone to solve.
if i can even do a single bit to help, or even if i can't do anything, when you say everything out, at least you'll be able to pass on some of the sadness some of the hurt some of the anger on to me.
then you won't be hurting so much anymore. i don't care if it hurts me too, as long as you feel better.
when you feel hurt, i don't care if i feel twice the pain, as long as you're okay. when you cry, i go crazy inside. and for you to smile again, that's all i need. so please, talk to me. don't keep it in, whatever you do. even if you don't wanna pull me down or whatever. tell someone. your pillow, your teddy. even the wall if you have to.
i miss you all so much. i love you all okay, no matter what happens. and i'll never ever leave your sides. each and every one of you.
Monday, July 20, 2009 @7:25:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! POSTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUTUBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay the audio was kinda bad and the front part was shaky but still. OMG! and it has 6 views so far. ahahaha. okay i sound so crazy now.
anw, go to youtube, search: showstopper - [aelisoriginal] and please please please comment(: hahahahaha. so high now. and i'm about to become super brain dead cos i have SS to do!!! again!!! gah!
okay. i shall shut up now. please please please please please go listen to my song. i'm singing it at my grandparent's 70th wedding anniversary on the 2nd of august(: wish me luck!
oh and also now i'm a trumpeter. actually, i'm a french hornist who plays trumpet. hahahaha. right. okay. trumpet is like, hard yo. i miss my horn... ): oh well. but at least once i can manage trumpet then horn high notes will be like...nothing. ahahaha. and trumpet sound is quite nice. but not as nice as horn. horn is like, grand, round, warm, nice(: trumpet is...more fanfare, loud. hahahaha. but it's nice too. but SUPER TIRING OMG. and the mouthpiece is like, ridiculously heavy. one trumpet mouthpiece is like = weight of 2 horn mouthpieces. or more. hahahaha. okay correction: weight of 1 trumpet mouthpiece > weight of 2 horn mouthpieces. YEA(:
hahahaha. okay really retarded now. have to do go SS omg. it's 10.31. hehe tmr i'm bringing my recess in the harry potter popcorn 'bowl'/'cauldron' LOL. i'm gonna look so dumb omg. hahahahaha. ttfn!
p.p.s I WANT M&MS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009 @8:27:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
Showstopper / Hooked on You
[verse 1] boy, you're one of a kind you stopped me in my tracks now you're on my mind and you've got me in a wreck
[link] with a wink and a smile i was hooked on you...
[chorus 1] 'cos you're a, showstopper you're always on my mind in the car, in the shower all the time... 'cos you're a, showstopper doing what you do you're a MTV rocker and i'm all for you...
[verse 2] baby, you got my head spinning you got me in a daze ooh that flying feeling this ain't just a passing craze
[link] with a wink and a smile i was hooked on you...yeah...
[chorus 2] 'cos you're a, showstopper you take my breath away you're a perfect lover in every way 'cos you're a, showstopper you're burning up the stage not another teeny-bopper you're all the rage
-Aelis (yes, it's copyrighted. credit me please, or HANDS OFF.)
HUGE THANKS TO: AJ RAFAEL - If I Had You / (Showstopper) i love AJ, seriously. sexaye voice, totally. and of course, his songs rock. my fav ever: I Just Want You. (: thanks AJ. no ripping / copying / copyright infringement intended. just really love his songs and was inspired by it. PARVEEN GUPTA - When You're 15 love you babe, like half these lyrics are thanks to you, if not i'll still be stuck with half a chorus and one verse(: hahahaha.
Monday, July 06, 2009 @5:56:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
What day is it And in what month This clock never seemed so alive I can’t keep up And I can’t back down I’ve been losing So much time
All of the things That I want to say Just aren’t coming out right I'm tripping on words My head is spinning I don’t know where to go from here
With nothing to do Nothing to prove
-lyrics from 'you and me' by Lifehouse. i edited the line 'you got my head spinning' cos...well. i'm not talking about a person. yeah.
i feel like watching some horror movie...and freaking myself out. but there's school tmr. damm. ): i want ayg to continue forever. i loved my job, seriously. i mean, yeah it's slack 80% of the time, then during the 20% we're rushing like mad. but i still love it. i wanna do it for YOG next yr, but i bet they'll get pros from like poly or wherever who actually study IT to do it. and plus, my Os.
i reeeeeeally don't wanna go back to school. gah. but i really miss band. stupid hini. i'd rather have band 24/7 than school for 6/5. i'm tired...and my stupid idiot cousin messed up my ipod, so it keeps flashing red, which is not good. and i'm too tired to even get up to go get it so i can charge it. i'll do it later. i think i'm just really tired. yeah.
i read in a book...nothing is forever. (sorry, being random here) so it's like, if something really really good is happening, it won't last, and sometime the fun will end. and also if something really really bad is happening, it won't last either, and it's gonna work out.
i mean, like since it's already rock bottom, the only place you can go from here is up, right? everything will work out somehow. this is probably a blessing in disguise, something that you'll look back at 5 years down the road and say, 'i'm so glad that happened to me, if not i'd never be where i am now.'
okay signing off now. dying slowly, dreading school. -aelis.
Monday, May 25, 2009 @8:04:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
why is it that i can want others to be passionate about smt that i alrd am passionate about, but yet i myself cannot be passionate for something that i am not.
why is it that i can drag myself out of bed at 5am for one thing, but fling my alarm away at 7.50am for another?
why is it that i can keep asking and asking, but never really know exactly why i am doing so.
why is it that i can talk about other's bad attitudes, while i despise my own everyday.
why is it that i must have some kind of result to feel that smt has happened, when the whole idea of faith is to believe in things that will happen, instead of things that already have.
why is it that i can remember all the unimportant, meaningless things, but the things that hold the most value i always forget.
"when you judge a person, first walk a mile in their shoes."
"then when you do, you'll be a mile away, and you have their shoes."
confused and unsure.
Thursday, May 21, 2009 @7:29:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
okay i know i haven't blogged in forever. my last blog post was like...when i was studying for exams. anyway.
I GOT 65 FOR AMATHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! okay i was bored. but hey. i'm happy okay(: and i got 70 FOR ENGLISH. ahahah! i didn't even realize there was 14 letters there. okay. i rock(: but my chi like, deproved. by 2 marks...? yeah. i got 66 for CA1, but 64 for SA1. ): okay i must jiayou for chi !!!! though i'm like skipping tuition this fri... -.-
right. i probably failed phy... i got 30.5 for section B and C combined... so i need 20/30 for MCQ to get 50 and pass. which i doubt i did. ): but oh well. there's still hope. i'm praying for a miracle(:
yup, little miss hopeful, that's me. -pukes- right. okay. i'm bored, really. i just wanted to announce my marks to whoever still bothers to come to my blog. ahahaha. (:
tmr we're checking like everything else. pretty much. sooo. i hope it goes well. (: my L1R5 is screwed alrd anyway... so now the target isn't even As, it's like passing. right. hopefully another miracle will happen, like it did for amaths. hahahahaha.
okay ttfn! bye!
Sunday, May 03, 2009 @1:58:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
okay i know i should be studying but i've been doing maths the whole weekend alrd!! gah. i'm going mad.
and the most depressing thing is that...i've been doing the longman book, which isn't hard at all...and when it came to the chapter test, i got stuck at qn 1. -.-
it's not my fault they did what shit pyth thm right. jeez. it's coordinate geometry, not pyth thm. okay. math geek now. whatever.
hmm. i just felt like blogging. right. i hope j gets better soon... so alex won't be so sad anymore. it's kinda freaky, i mean like your best friend just suddenly isn't there anymore. all of a sudden you don't have anyone you can really talk to and it isn't even his fault, or yours. but you'll always keep asking 'what if i'd done this' 'why didn't i do that while i still could'
okayyy. i'm going all weird now. whatever. i'm going out for dinner. ttyl. see ya soon.
Sunday, April 26, 2009 @1:37:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
it hurts. gah. ow. ow. ow. ow. it sucks being a girl. sometimes. gah. STOP HURTING DAMMIT! okay. gah. whatever.
guys are dumb. and irritating. really. gah. they're a pain in the ass. almost as much as my bloody (no, really) uterus hurts. gah.
i need someone to kick my ass. seriously. it's like SA1 alrd... and i'm still not doing hw... still not studying AT ALL and still leaving all my books in sch. i'm so gonna fail. and my books and notes and all the shit in my file is in a mess. smts wrong with me. i'm usually a neat freak when it comes to my file. but now it's like oh whatever just stick it in. gah.
i'm dyingggggggggggg. i thought people who exercised didn't get as bad cramps. i've been cycling for the past 3 plus weeks. but this is like one of the worst ever. gah. okay for any guys reading this it's probably grossing you out. sorry. it's not my fault. you try having a freaking uterus that sheds it's stupid lining by contracting horribly painfully every single month. seriously.
okay i was thinking of smt funny earlier on but now i can't rmb what it is. damm. okay. right. i'm dying. i need to play my horn. soon. or i'll go mad. gah. okay. yeah.
ah whatever. bye.
Friday, April 17, 2009 @7:24:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
GAH!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm SO super pissed now can!!!!! gah!!!!! i HATE stupid AHLIANS!!!!!!!!!!!! if singapore were like more angmonized, AHLIANS would be DUMB BLONDES!!! simply put, (for any stupid ahlians reading this,) AHLIANS ARE THE ASIAN EQUIVALENT TO DUMB, BIMBOTIC AIRHEADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay i think if someone poured water on my head now steam would come out. it's SO freaking IRRITATING OKAY. i'll tell you the whole story.
i went for amaths class right. and i usually sit like at the back. and on my right there are 3 empty seats. usually 2 girls will sit there with an empty table between us, and i don't mind COS I NEED MY SPACE OKAY. anyway. today this STUPID AHLIAN GIRL (SAG) came in, then cos today there were alot of make-up lesson students so the class was like pretty full. then the SAG was SO FREAKING DUMB that she didn't see the HUGE EMPTY SEAT NEXT TO ME. so of course, all STUPID AHLIANS always act cool or act cute, so she leaned against the open door and stared. like at nothing. seriously, it doens't help if you actually LOOK dumb on top of BEING dumb. and then when the teacher walked in SAG was like "CHER!! NO SEAT!!" then the teacher was like there lo! and pointed. -.- and she was like 'ohhhh.' and then acted all like 'oh so paiseh -giggles-' and walked in the usual SAG way, like some drunken idiot to the seat. then cos she had a whole STACK of tuition ws, and some bagbag thing with a yellow carebear on it... AND SHE TOTALLY WHACKED MY HEAD WITH IT CAN. REDARDED EH!!!!
and this was even before lesson STARTED. it gets worse. then she THREW the stack of ws on the table, which like splayed all over the place, WITH A LOUD PIAK SOUND. like wtf la. then she sits down and does her whatever stupid ahlian stuff. then lesson time right....WA LAO EH!!! HER LEG SPASM LIKE SHIT MAN. WORSE THAN ME OKAY. she SHAKE so much until the WHOLE TABLE SHAKING and she STILL KEEP SHAKING!!!!! OMGGGGGGG. i wanted to SLAP her okay!!! then go 'oops, hand spam.' WTF LA. IT'S SO DAMM IRRITATING CAN!!!!! OMG. then okay la she want shake leg i ignore lo. then it's like she kept taking out her huge UGLY LG phone (no offence to LG but it was pretty ugly) and kept STARING at HERSELF in the dark screen. -.- jeez...get a life.
oh yeah, and the shake leg thing, in the middle of class, she was SHAKING away... and i think her slippers were like rubbing against the table leg or smt... so got that freak irritating squeaking noise. AND SHE STILL CONTINUED!!!! FOR LIKE 5 FREAKING MINUTES!!! until someone asked, what's that noise? then she stopped and everyone laughed and looked at the back. and cos i sit next to her so they looked at me too.. and YOU KNOW WHAT THAT STUPID BEOTCH DID??? SHE GLARED AT ME OKAY!!!! LIKE IT'S MY FAULT THAT HER STUPID LEG SHAKING MADE THAT STUPID NOISE?!!!!! GAH!!!!!!!!!!!
and then it's like there's this guy clique of 4...they're like the few normal looking ones in the class. and i dunno why they keep noticing me. -.- like first lesson (cos they know the teacher for like very long, and she's nice) then they were talking about something...then she was like 'which one? is it the one behind, four seats in...' then i looked to my right and was like...one...two...three...me. wth. but whatever la. i mean yeah i admit he's good looking but so not interested, please. but anyway. that guy she was talking to has this friend, he's like...more mature-ish? as in he looks older la...and it's obvious he's like the da ge da. and it's like today the two of them were like turning around and looking at me. -.- retardedness. and the STUPID AHLIAN thought they were looking at her. so DUH, she started combing her hair...and taking off her specs and putting it back on.... OMG SHE WAS LIKE ZHILIAN-ING INTO HER PHONE OKAY. omg, freak much? i'm not saying people who zhilian are freaks okay. i know alot of normal people who take pictures of themselves, they just don't give stupid ahlian faces while doing it. and it's like she kept combing her stupid rebonded hair onto me... it's so gross okay. and cos her hair is like long-ish and was half covering her face... so everytime she combed it she looked like some horror movie ghost. I'M SERIOUS.
and cos she kept checking her reflection... and obviously got carried away (-.-) so she started doing stupid ahlian zhilian facial poses and SMILING to HERSELF. like omg freaky. i thought she was possesed for a moment... cos she was like 'pouting' trying to look cute, and staring at her face, then she kinda glanced over and i saw her face and i was like OMFG POSSESED GHOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! really. i almost fell out of my chair. it's so gross okay. like pouting, and the stupid squeeze lips thing... gah. and it's like even when she was packing up she managed to whack me AGAIN with her stupid stack of ws.
i saw like..english, maths and i think science. she's REALLY dumb to need so much tuition. like wth. english tuition? "come students let's read this story...then let's do this compre..." wth. just talk english. reading helps, but then again i bet "my head hurts cos there are too many words...sobssobs whorxxxxxxx.' -pukes- gah. then when she walked out she like PURPOSELY suddenly walked faster and walked in front of me before i went down the stairs. so all the way down 4 flights of stairs i was stuck behind the SAG with her shit loud slapping. as in her slippers were slapping. it IS possible no NOT make THAT MUCH NOISE YOU KNOW YOU STUPID AHLIAN BITCH. so damm noisy okay, and cos it's enclosed, so echo...and i almost went deaf. -.- stupid bitch.
but whatever. i'm praying that she was here for make-up lesson.... if she's a new student...i'm going to take a freaking pencil...and SHOVE IT UP HER STUPID EYE OKAY. gah. SEE LA NOW SHE'S MAKING ME FREAKING VIOLENT. WHATEVER.
okay really pissed off now. night. bye.
Friday, April 10, 2009 @10:59:00 PM
♥ aelispeaks:
ytd went out with ALEXIS and LAOREN(: hahaha. laoren is really retarded okay. hahahahaha. but i'll start at the beginning.
i was SO RUDELY AWOKEN at 7.00 AM IN THE MORNING (ON A PUBLIC HOLIDAY, MIND YOU!!!!!) to go with my CRAZY family for QINGMING!!!!!! faints right?
but yeah. so went qingming... omg. so irritating okay. the first place we went.. my great great grandparents... then cos it was a...place you keep ashes. (I FORGOT OKAY.) and they were like all the way at the top. (no offence to my ancestors, i'm complaining about the ones still...um...here.) so we had to clean them right? and because i'm the youngest (and 2nd lightest after my MUM) they wanted to carry me up to clean them.
sounds easy right? NO IT'S NOT!!!! not when you're ME and have a HUGO BIGO MUCHO FREAKY FEAR OF HEIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!! which obviously my family didn't care about. and they were like 'aiya just do la...' 'what do you think you were brought along for?' -.- yeah...thanks. so i climbed up on the stairs thingy...then i was supposed to stand on my bro's shoulders. no.1: if i had, his shoulders would have like freaking BROKEN. no.2: his shoulders are like so freaking small i would have like SLIPPED and FALLEN OFF. and no. 3: THERE WAS NO FREAKING THING TO HOLD ON TO!!!!
so in the end i sat on his shoulders and just cleaned my ancestors. after that i just sat in the corner and waited. fuming and still shaking, mind you. but the rest of the day was quite okay.
my grandpa is so cute. (my dad's side) we went to visit him... then you know you have to like ask for permission to go...if they're done right? so when i asked, he was like no. so i sat there...and waited. then my cousin (blythe) tried, and she wasn't allowed either. so we kept trying right... taking turns. but it's always no and mine is always heads up... hers always tails up. hahahahaha. now the funny bit.
so we said okay we throw one each..maybe can. so we threw. and it's still no. hahahahaha. so we just sat there and accompanied him. the rest of my family was ok to go btw...except me, blythe and sean korkor(: then after a while blythe tried again and she was okay. so i tried. and i was like thinking "um ahgong...i need to go now...so um please can i go?" and i was thinking of the movie at 1.55 i was supposed to catch with laoren and alex. and he said no. so tried again, and was like "okay ahgong i don't care about alex and laoren alrd...please just give me your blessing" and he said yes. (: cute right? hahahahahaha. i have the cutest grandparents ever.
oh yeah!!! and the bus we hired to go qingming...was an ACS(J) bus. LOL. i totally cracked up when i saw. and another random funny thing.... cos we brought packet drinks right. and put them in the freezer the night before so it'll be as cold as it can be after melting in the hot sun. but when we drank the green tea...it was like ice. -.- and spent 2 hours melting the green tea. lols.
then after that went back to my grandma's (dad's mum) house, showered and went out. met laoren and alex at Forever21. i was supposed to see laoren in a SEXAYE dress... but the stupid traffic outside took so super long. -.- hahaha. but it was okay la. then we walked around being retarded... trying to look for a skirt for alex. COS SHE HAS NO SKIRTS. but didn't find one.
then i changed from jeans to shorts cos laoren and alex were wearing shorts... and they colour coordinated with GREEN and didn't tell me okay!!!! gah. but it's okay. i love my class tee hahahaha. then we went to watch FAST & FURIOUS 44444444444!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love fast cars okay. (:
hahahahaha. can tell alex and laoren didn't really enjoy it that much but okay. then we went out...and went to TOYS-R-US. and.... LAOREN GOT LOST. really okay. me and alex and laoren were just walking walking... then suddenly me and alex were like. "WHERE'S LAOREN?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" LOL. then we ran around looking and i was calling 'LAOREN!! LAOREN!!!' for like...5 mins. then alex remembered the amazing invention called.... the handphone. LOL.
so we call and call. BUT STUPID LAOREN NEVER PICK UP. so we were panicking and wanted to make announcement in toysRus. "can helen soh huimin please come to the customer service counter...your guardians alexis and silea are looking for you." LOLLLLLLL. she would have killed us okay. we were going to.. then she called alex back. awwww.
then we saw these really cute bottles.. and BOUGHT FOR THE WHOLE SECTION. i'm so broke now. and still owe laoren ten bucks. okay i'll save up i promise. hahahahaha. then alex had to go.. and laoren and me went to superdog for dinner.
omg you know when we were going down to candy empire to meet alethia (alex's sis) me and alex kept having the feeling that we were going to bump into someone we knew. laoren, as usual, was clueless. LOL. but we didn't la. and throughout dinner... laoren and me talked non-stop about... -ahem-
GUYS(: lol. yeah. can't imagine laoren talking about guys right? but she has soooooooooooooooooooo many guys chasing her lo. i'm so envious can. LOL. and she got yuan fen with a certain someone ~~~~~~~~ LOL. okay i promised i won't tell. but i'm going crazy keeping it in. lols.
she sent me all the way back just to talk la then we talk and talk and talk. damm funny la. then we both went home. and that was my good friday. hahahaha.
okay i'm done. byebye. i have just maths in like 1 and a half hours. sigh.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009 @7:19:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
okay i know this blog is so dead... but i'm so bored with nth to do so i'm just going to post. hahahaha. the horn blog is more alive(: thanks to me and alexis(: she is so lame okay. other band horns tagboard go and ask 'how you know us ah.' -.- like...abit the too forward right. hahahahaha. but that's alexis la.
i've been reading break no bones by kathy reichs. at first it was really cool. lots of dead people and bones. then now the character realizes that people are killing people to sell their organs. kinda...anticlimax. cos she (the character) found nicks on one of the bones along the spine... but it's like cos of the position of the bone, and it's only one small nick and it happened on 2/3 skeletons, it's really no idea... and it turns out to be medical students. -.- kinda no interest now... but i'm just going to finish it anyway...maybe there'll be a surprise ending. maybe.
i went cycling today. for the first time in...about a year? okay la not that bad. the last time was...end of last year? so 4 months. but that was in phuket. and it was a bike trail for...2 hours i think. before that...it's been so long i can't even remember. and now... my legs hurt. alot. my thighs mostly. i have huge thighs. and i am so fat.
after cycling when i was at home i fell going down 3 stairs. cos like usually i'll just stand at the top and take one big step down. then when i did it the lower leg just...crumpled. and i fell. so it hurts. alot. more. now. i think i'll go again tmr. i have so freaking much free time anyway. i can go to kallang and ice skate and come back. no wait i can't cos i'm not allowed to go out. -.- retarded parents. i have to be home in one hour after school lets out. please la, i talk to friends, take books, walk down, buy drink, by the time i reach bustop is like 2.30... and still got so many people that can't even get onto the bus... how to be home by 3??? they pay for my cab fare la. i'll be home as early as they want.
okay. i'm tired now. maybe cycling is good. makes me tired so i sleep earlier. okay. nightnight. sweet dreams. thanks for bothering to read.
Monday, March 02, 2009 @5:01:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
ahahahaha. okay. i know i haven't blogged in forever. sigh. nothing much to blog about.. the usual...school...band...syf...ca1... i have such a sad, non-existant life. hahahahaha. okay.
i just washed the kitchen floor. and almost fell. LOL. okay. right. yeah, it's one of my chores.
11.02 muttons to midnight! lols. sorry. it's time for... YOU COMPLAINNN. the number to call.... LOL. this is how bored i am. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hey i really typed all that okay. hahahahaha. tmr is eng and amaths. i don't really care. gah.
OMG. you know. today in geog. I WANT TO SUE THE STUPID INTERN TEACHER LA OMG. i studied SO HARD on what she taught us. and i thought i could get like maybe a B (i usually get C6. -.-) and then... qn 3. indicate on the diagram where you would find some bloody shite cliff and bloody shite slope/bank thingy. HELLO. I'VE NEVER SEEN THOSE WORDS IN MY LIFE. not together, and in my CA1 GEOG EXAM!!!! and i was like SHIT!!! omg. then i randomly guessed... cos it was like meanders... so...inner bank outer bank right? so...cliff = erosion = outer bank slope = deposition = inner bank so i tikamed.
i thought it was like another name for like waterfalls and rapids can. then they asked explain how they are formed. like wth right. so i was like...'when a river flows over alternating bands of hard and soft rock, the soft rock...' then i thought it really wasn't right. so i went back...stared at the thing. then OH. OKAY. and tikamed. 7 MARKS EH. OMG. i think i'll really get c6 again la... wth. it's not even my fault. i studied...SO FREAKING HARD OKAY. I DID THE STUPID MINDMAP 3 TIMES. 3 TIMESSSSSSSS OMG. okay. sorry. i'm done. nightnight. love you(:
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 @5:40:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
You Are "enter"

Some people might try to say you're impulsive and rash.
You like to consider yourself decisive and committed instead.
You don't have a lot of trouble making very final decisions.
You trust your instincts, and you don't waver. You just go for it!
You Are a Cat

You are very independent and reclusive. No one really understands you, and you like it that way!
You are quite clever and ingenious. You can get yourself out of any sticky situation.
You are confident and cool tempered. You know you have many advantages and resources to draw from.
No matter what life throws at you, things always seem to work out your way.
meow. (:
Your Birthday Predicts You're Fiery

Ever since you were born, you've loved taking risks.
You crave excitement and thrills. You are driven by your passion.
You may have a wild streak, but you also love learning and experiencing life.
You're multi-faceted and can't be labeled. You're sexy, smart, flexible, and stubborn.
LOL. multi-faceted. isn't that like...a tap or plumbing system. LOL.
You Are a Chimera

You are very outgoing and well connected to many people.
Incredibly devoted to your family and friends, you find purpose in nurturing others.
You are rarely alone, and you do best in the company of others.
You are incredibly expressive, and people are sometimes overwhelmed by your strong emotions.
ahahahaha. okay. right.
You Are Somewhat Mature

You definitely act like an adult sometimes, but a big part of you is still a kid at heart.
While your immature side is definitely fun, you're going to have to grow up sooner or later.
ahahaha. the picture sucks. -.-
Your Average American Name Is: Carol Elizabeth Turner

Yawn. So average.
right. this was Silea...
Your Average American Name Is: Mary Michelle Adams

Yawn. So average.
eee. this was Aelis. lols okay.
You Are Smokin' Hot

You're a terrible flirt, a sharp dresser, and a party animal.
Of course, you're totally sizzling too. And for you, being hot just comes naturally.
LOL. thanks:D i know. hahahahaha.
Your International Spy Name is Electra Goldfinger

Your Code Name: Kneecaps
You Reside in: Rio de Janeiro
Why You're a Good Spy: You're good with gadgets
LOL. KNEECAPS. RIGHT. this was Aelis.
Your International Spy Name is Anaconda Harley

Your Code Name: Volcano
You Reside in: Venice
Why You're a Good Spy: You can talk your way out of anything
LOL. okay this is better. at least volcano is hot. LOL.
omg yeah i just remembered...nicole and parveen were coming up with corny lame pick up / insult lines in maths class today.
parveen: you must be a window, cos the moment i opened up to you, you showed me the world outside. nicole: -holds up keys- out of all these keys, the only one i'm missing is the one to your heart. parveen: I would give all the organs in my body to you, but not my heart, for then it would stop beating FOR you. nicole: if i were a cloud, you'd be my silver lining.
and so on and so fourth. parveen was supposed to be doing insults, but these are her nicest lines. hahahahahahaha. okay. i have to go do maths now or i'll fail my CA1 from lack of actual listening in class. but hey, i listen like every 5 lessons, and each time i do i learn enough to pass her tests and do her hw. (though i don't actually do her hw) WHICH PROVES: you don't have to listen all the time, just learn how to tell when she's actually saying smt useful :D
OKAY. maths time. BYE(:
love you, darling(:
Sunday, February 15, 2009 @5:23:00 AM
♥ aelispeaks:
couldn't resist....
You Are An Iris

You are a unique person who seeks out novelty in life.
An inspiration seeker, you often have to change scenery to recharge.
You don't deal well with structure or rules. You need to do it your own way.
Your ideal relationships are free and flowing. No one can tie you down.
when i saw iris i was like 'as in iris the Egyptian goddes/god?' cant rmb. hahahahaha.
Your Gemstone Says You Love Helping Others

You are stable, strong, and full of life. You are an inspiring person.
People turn to you first for leadership and advice.
You are able to gently help people get to where they need to be.
And while you aren't afraid to lead when necessary, you are never heartless or bossy.
Your Love is Represented by a Orange Rose

When you're in love, you tend to be overwhelmed and consumed by desire.
You develop fascinations with people easily, and they're sometimes even borderline obsessions!
You tend to come on strong. Your love is as hot as a flame.
lols. are there like orange iris-es?
You are a Good Girlfriend

Maybe too good of a girlfriend, in fact.
You will do almost anything for your guy.
And while that makes you a great girlfriend...
In this case, it also makes you a doormat
You Are an Orange Rose

You represent desire and enthusiasm
Your vibe: Sexy yet familiar
Falling in love with you: happens instantly - it's a fast ride
LOL. ORANGE ROSE AGAIN. okay. right.
You Are High Strung and a Bit Wild

You are a energetic, warm, optimistic person. You approach everything with a lot of enthusiasm.
When you're happiest, you are outgoing and expressive . You love celebrations, and you enjoy showing off a little.
You prefer change to come slowly. You need a long transition period when your life changes.
You find solitude to be the most comforting thing in the world. Being alone with your thoughts feels very peaceful.
Your ideal day is spontaneous and surprising. You like to play things by ear, and you always end up doing something interesting.
You are nostalgic. You can't truly appreciate something until it has come and gone.
You Belong in Winter

Quiet, calm, and totally at peace...
You're happy to be at home, wrapped in a blanket, completely snowed in
Whether you're lighting a fire or having a snowball fight, you always feel best in the winter.
Your Snow Test Says You're Independent

You feel like something good will happen to you in the next few months.
You love to work, especially when work is physical. You do well in any job, as long as you're not stuck in an office.
You are an independent, individualistic person. You thrive when you're doing your own thing.
Your biggest worry in life is your family. You stay up at night thinking about them.
When it comes time to relax, you have no problem letting go. You are already pretty relaxed as is!
hahahaha. i did this before and i think i got the same result.
Your Height Says You're Optimistic

You are a confident, ambitious, and active person.
You are also very radiant. You have a sunny personality.
You are quite successful. You are a smart worker - not a hard worker.
At times, you can be vain and cocky. You have a lot to be proud of.
You are about as tall as the average French woman.
LOL WTH. i just picked my height!!!
You Could Be a Vampire... If You Had To

Like most people, the thought of being a vampire has crossed your mind. But you're not sure if you'd do it, even if you could.
Living forever doesn't sound half bad, if you could live forever with the people you love the most.
But do vampires even love? And would the vampire version of you even be you?
It's all too much to contemplate. Luckily, the chances of you ever becoming a vampire are astronomically low.
What you would like best about being a vampire: Living forever
What you would like least about being a vampire: Blood stained teeth
awww. hahahahahaha.
You Are The Hanging Man

You represent the seeking of enlightenment and spiritual clarity.
You tend to confuse others, but your oddities seem deeply satisfying.
Self sacrifice is easy for you, especially if it makes you a better person in the end.
You are the type of person who is very in touch with your soul and inner spirit.
Your fortune:
Right now is a good time for reflection and meditation.
You should stop resisting the problems in your life, and let yourself be vulnerable to them.
You may need to sacrifice something important to you to move ahead in your life.
Accept your destiny with courage, and learn to let go of what you think you need.
lols. right. hanging man. this one was Silea...
You Are The Hermit

You posses a great deal of wisdom and the ability to see people for who they are.
You are always looking ahead at the future, developing visions.
A loner, you tend to travel by yourself through life, seeking your own truth.
You don't crave material things or fancy titles. You have no baggage.
Your fortune:
It's possible that there is a unknown guiding figure in your life, ready to help you.
All you have to do is find this person and seek their advice.
It's also possible that you need to start seeking the meaning of your own life.
Either way, there's some deep thinking you need to undertake, and it needs to be done soon.
this one was Aelis...
You Are Strength

You represent both fiery energy and steadfast will.
You are innocent and naive - yet unafraid and undaunted.
Perhaps you don't have the most powerful physical strength...
But your mental powers make up for any amount of muscle.
Your fortune:
Lately, you have been a pillar of ethics and moral strength.
And while things may be difficult, your faith in yourself will come through.
You may need to conquer the animalistic nature of yourself or others, with gentle force.
Although this may seem like the darkest hour for you, victory is near.
this one is aelis. the a wasn't capital. silea and Silea gave the same result. hahahahahaha.
You Will Be a Cool Parent

You seem to naturally know a lot about parenting, and you know what kids need.
You can tell when it's time to let kids off the hook, and when it's time to lay down the law.
While your parenting is modern and hip, it's not over the top.
You know that there's nothing cool about a parent who acts like a teenager... or a drill sergeant!
Your Handwriting Says You Are Somewhat Traditional

You are sometimes a very energetic person, but you are sometimes quite lethargic. You're moody, prone to ups and downs, and you don't have a lot of endurance.
You are somewhat outgoing, but you're not a natural extrovert. You think first before you act. You tend to be independent, rational, and logical.
You are balanced and grounded. You know how to get along well with others.
You need a bit of space in your life, but you're not a recluse. You expect people to give you a small amount of privacy, and you respect their privacy as well.
You are somewhat traditional, but you are also open to change. You listen to your head and your heart.
You are a poor communicator. No one really knows exactly what you're getting at.
lols. the poor communicator thing is sad.
The Chocolate Oracle Says You're Classy

You are sophisticated, modern, and high class.
Your taste is refined, but you are not picky.
You are often the first to try something new.
You are full of life and vigor.
You have an amazing amount energy, and you keep very active.
Some people feel like you can't focus on them. You do tend to be restless
You love to be in love. You crave romance, whether you're single or not.
You feel lost when you don't feel passion... you need someone to adore.
lols. right. the picture makes me hungry. lols.
Your Heart is Feeling Hopeful

For you, love is a feeling that's been growing and blooming.
Whether you're in a relationship that's deepening or found a new love, your feelings are slowly changing.
You're remembering how amazing love feels - and discovering emotions you've never felt before.
Deep down, your heart is susceptible to: Getting a little carried away
Your current outlook on love: Optimistic and playful
Your love life will improve if you: Stop and reflect on how your love is changing
Watch out for: Falling too hard, too fast - you've got to let your sweetie catch up with you!
ahahahaha. okay. the picture isn't really nice though.
Your Hands Say That You Are Logical

You are logical, analytical, and rational. You have good verbal skills.
Idealistic and dreamy, you tend toward the impractical. You have a knack for getting yourself in sticky situations.
Consistent and reliable, you like to count on structure and routine in your life.
Your emotions tend to be nervous and potent. Your energy - both positive and negative - deeply impacts your life.
LOL. i realized...i have LONG fingers, AVERAGE palm and SHORT fingernails. lols. okay nevermind.
Your Inner Blood Type is Type A

You seem cool and collected, though a bit shy.
You are highly driven and a perfectionist, but that's a side you keep to yourself.
Creative and artistic, you are a very unique person who doesn't quite fit in.
People accept you more than you realize, seeing you as trustworthy and loyal.
You are most compatible with: A and AB
Famous Type A's: Britney Spears and Hilter
lols. i did this cos the little people looked cute. really. omg. i just saw hitler. LOL. okay.
What Your Love of Gummi Bears Says About You

You are a total goofball. You can't help but be silly most of the time.
In your opinion, life is way too short to be taken all that seriously.
You love playing pranks and telling jokes. You live to make people laugh.
You the type most likely to play with your food before you eat it.
LOL. i couldn't resist..
What Your Love of M&M's Says About You

You are energetic and full of inspiration.
You never slow down, and you're constantly leaving people and ideas behind.
You are a true visionary. You are constantly thinking about the future.
You love living, and you stay flexible. You're open to going wherever life takes you.
What Your Love of Peanut Butter Cups Says About You

You are hedonistic... sometimes to the point of being greedy.
You love to eat, and there's no chance you're sharing your candy!
While you may be greedy, it's with good reason. You have great taste.
The things you love are worth loving, and it's no wonder you crave them.
LOL. i think i like this one the best. (:
okay i'm done. it's 10.22 and i have school tmr. going to bathe, iron my uniform (yes, i actually have to do that myself) and pack my bag and sleep. i should be done by 11.30. (: night! love ya.